I can’t remember ever anticipating an album with such a nervous bracing for a potential disappointing letdown, as I have with this seventh iteration of Tobias Sammet’s metal/rock opera shenanigan machine. Over the years there’s been a slow erosion to my confidence level in Sammet’s output —- from the wavering quality of the past few Edguy albums from merely okay to mediocre and back to okay again, to the stunning realization that I simply didn’t enjoy most of the last Avantasia album The Mystery of Time. Once his biggest fanboy this side of the Atlantic, I’ve had to start qualifying reviews and random conversations with friends with statements such as “Well, he always delivers a few gems each album”, or the old standard, “Give it time, it’ll probably grow on you (and me)”. But if I’m honest with myself and all of you, I’ve long thought that 2001’s Mandrake was the last time Sammet released a flawless, front to back masterpiece. Its such a long time ago that we tend to forget that it was hot on the heels of his Avantasia debut, The Metal Opera Part I, an album that upon its release was widely recognized as a monumental work in power metal history and an emblematic marker that we were then experiencing the subgenre’s golden era. For those of us in the late 90’s who were aware of this golden era as it was happening, we viewed Sammet as one of a few central figures in a larger, multi-band fueled wave of classic power metal releases —- he had already ripped off masterpieces in 1999’s Theater of Salvation and 1998’s Vain Glory Opera, and in the wake of Mandrake, he seemed nigh unstoppable.
Yet suddenly Sammet missed out on perfection for the first time in years with 2002’s The Metal Opera II, which though much loved by most of us, admittedly felt inferior as a sequel. On the Edguy track, 2004’s Hellfire Club was a thrilling, inventive, yet schismatic album with a few songs that fell short (we tend to overpraise this album because of how aggressive it was, but it also had the distinction of introducing hard rock elements into the band’s sound, something a segment of fans would later lament). Post Hellfire Club, things got complicated: Subsequent Edguy releases began to infuse Sammet’s childhood roots of 80s pop-metal, AOR, and arena rock —- thus pushing out most of the traditional power metal elements the band’s earlier records were based on. When Sammet announced in late 2006 that he was resurrecting the Avantasia project, I think many of us thought that it’d be his power metal outlet, even if we weren’t getting The Metal Opera “Part III”. This isn’t intended to be a history lesson, but indulge me for a bit: Sammet unleashed a trio of Avantasia albums over the following years that were far more in line stylistically with the AOR/hard rock/pop-rock explorations he was continuing in Edguy, and power metal was limited to usage as a flavoring throughout most of The Scarecrow Trilogy. While a very vocal segment of his fanbase cried foul and openly yearned for the power metal glory days of the turn of the millennium, I found myself alongside a host of others who didn’t mind Sammet’s stylistic choices and found much to love about both Edguy and Avantasia releases during this period.
Yet even with that said, all those releases had their share of flaws (even the aforementioned Scarecrow Trilogy, which I loved), and I began to develop a theory or three on just why that was the case. First, I suspect that Sammet’s exploration into expanding his songwriting palette via stylistic change was a process that was bound to inevitably produce some filler. I have no reasonable explanation as to why crafting hard rock/AOR styled songs would be trickier than penning classicist power metal as it seemed to be for Sammet —- maybe that’s just the way he was wired. The point is that the actual process yielded positive, mediocre, and negative results, proof that he was still finding his footing while the missteps were being documented on the records. Just go back and listen to how utterly schizophrenic Edguy albums such as Rocket Ride, Tinnitus Sanctus and The Age of the Joker were. Secondly, I think that he was potentially spreading himself too thin on the songwriting front —- consider that from 2008-2013, he ushered out four Avantasia albums with two Edguy albums sandwiched in between. Thirdly, I think in that aforementioned span of years, Sammet was having trouble finding a way to separate the now musically identical Avantasia and Edguy, an array of guest vocalists being the only element separating the two projects. It made me question why he felt a need to keep Edguy around at all, considering the lopsided ratio of albums being released by both bands.
The surprising artistic success of Space Police and its showing of strength on the songwriting front was a great sign for Sammet having reestablished a connection to Edguy. It wasn’t a perfect album by any means, but it had an identity that was in sharp contrast to Avantasia, and it seemed to be a statement of what Edguy is now a vehicle for —- fun, sometimes silly hard rock / traditional heavy metal that only rarely takes itself seriously. Its guesswork as to when he came to this realization, but I suspect that subtitling The Mystery of Time as “A Rock Opera” and not a “Metal Opera” was a quiet nod to anyone paying attention that there was no going back to the power metal days (also he has now released more albums in his hard rock/AOR/trad metal style than he has of classicist power metal). I say all that to set the stage for Ghostlights, an album that I’ve been considering ever since its announcement as a potential crossroads for Sammet —- the question being, does his success in compartmentalizing his projects carry over from Edguy to Avantasia and translate into masterful songwriting once again or was Space Police the last few drops from a well of inspiration that’s potentially run dry? I’m so relieved and happy to report that the bucket was plunged down the well and came up overflowing, and not only that, but in Ghostlights, Sammet has created his first front to finish classic since Mandrake.
This is an album brimming with confidence, full of vibrantly diverse songs with their own individual personalities, and loaded with shimmering, transcendent melodies and addictive hooks. It starts from the onset, with the Eurovision German preliminaries contending (!) lead single “Mystery of Blood Red Rose”, a Jim Steinman-esque vehicle meant for Meatloaf to actually guest on but as his management railroaded those plans, Sammet lays down lead vocals and delivers a worthy performance. As a pop-laden song it sees Sammet stretching his comfort zone a bit, weaving in Bat Out of Hell styled piano pastiche instead of relying on the semi Bon Jovi-ian vibe that so often laces his singles of this type. Sure they’ve used piano before, even on another Meatloaf-y number in “The Story Ain’t Over” in 2007, but here its delivered in runs of wild, loose glissando. It works well as an intro piece, setting a playful and fun tone for the album. Its on the epic thunderstorm of the following song “Let the Storm Descend Upon You” where we get our first guest vocalist spots with the returning Ronnie Atkins (Pretty Maids), the surprising Robert Mason (Warrant/ex-Lynch Mob) and of course the King of Kings himself, Jorn Lande. Mason is an inspired left field choice, and Atkins sounds far more comfortable here than he ever did on The Mystery of Time’s “Invoke the Machine”, and of course Jorn just makes everything better. This is the monstrous epic of the album, clocking in at over twelve minutes… and it took me awhile to realize that, perhaps the best compliment I can offer towards Sammet’s songwriting on this particular cut. Its so effortlessly packed with adrenaline-kicked riffs, smartly-paced lead vocal runs, and a diving-swinging-swooping theater of the dramatic —- its classic Avantasia.

Speaking of guest vocalists, this is the area from where most of my skepticism towards this album came before hearing it, and its ultimately its most positive x-factor. One of my major criticisms of The Mystery of Time was just how mismatched the guest vocalists sounded with the songs given to them —- and I understand the argument that Sammet has to walk a fine line in balancing giving a guest singer a song that sounds too much like the band they’re known for, at the risk of losing the identity of Avantasia. I tend to reject that argument however for two reasons: The first being that its only all too natural for a listener acquainted with that guest singer’s primary band to hear shades of said band bleeding into their Avantasia role, especially considering they’ve been brought on board for their known voice after all. The bigger reason is that Sammet has proven himself to be capable of writing in such a distinctive voice that his songwriting tendencies are powerful enough to balance out even the strongest guest vocalists. On Ghostlights, Sammet has righted the ship in all respects, and my initial balking at seeing the names Dee Snider and Geoff Tate seems judgmental and foolish now (I believe I audibly scoffed at them on a past MSRcast episode). Snider is nigh unrecognizable to me, but that’s likely because I haven’t kept up with him musically over the years. He sounds terrific on “The Haunting”, with a leathery yet theatrical delivery on a slow burner of a song that recalls Alice Cooper’s guest spot on “The Toy Master” off The Scarecrow.
My surprise at Snider’s excellent performance was nothing compared to the alarm I felt at truly enjoying the much maligned Tate on “Seduction of Decay”, considering my initial bellyaching. I checked out a few interviews with Sammet in promotion for this album, he’s stated that the song came together first which then spurred the idea of bringing in Tate. Its a gutsy choice but you have to hand it to Sammet, it really does work, with this being Tate’s overall best vocal performance since some of his work on Queensryche’s Tribe album. And I’m a little proud of myself for setting aside all preconceived notions and feelings I had about him overall and allowing myself to be receptive to this song. Tate sounds particularly rejuvenated vocally here, perhaps due more to the higher quality of vocal melodies that Sammet has him working with, ones that make the best use of Tate’s distinctive phrasing. He even unleashes a bit of that forgotten upper register in a surprising show of force —- more proof that Tate needs a high caliber songwriter to get the best out of him (such as his former bandmate Chris DeGarmo). If Tate is the most vivid surprise among guest vocalists, then Herbie Langhans is the dark horse that snuck in under the radar. We’ve known that Langhans has some serious vocal power from his two albums in Sinbreed (and those of you who remember Seventh Avenue), but what he turns in here on “Draconian Love” is more akin to a subdued, smoother Ville Laihiala ala Sentenced. Its one of my favorite songs on the album, having a darkly romantic, almost gothic feel that’s a perfect foil for such a tremendously catchy chorus. Sammet starts off the refrain with his questioning shout “Where are you now, where are you now / Leaving me down here, lost in the waves”, and its delivery is perfectly satisfying, an unrolled welcome mat for Langhans to finish “You shed draconian love, you shed draconian love”. Its a case study in the art of successfully employing repetition and alliterative sequencing, the sort of thing Lady Gaga built her early hits upon (in other words, this is a ridiculously catchy song).
Likewise just as successful a song-to-vocalist pairing exists in Marco Hietala’s (Nightwish) “Master of the Pendulum”, where we’re treated to an aggressive, uptempo metallic bruiser. Hietala is another inspired choice, not the first guy you’d think of when pondering guests on a future Avantasia album either. He delivers one of my favorite moments on the album during the lines, “I lead the horse to the water and I make it drink / I‘m here to force precision just on everything”, which is about an accurate a characterization of his force of personality vocal delivery as I can imagine. Robert Mason crops up again on “Babylon Vampyres”, this time leaning more on his rock n’ roll delivery, a combination that matches well with Sammet’s lead vocal, and talk about catchy, that chorus has not quit my head for the better part of a week. He’s also given a small but crucial part on the album closer / five-singer barrage in the delightfully sentimental “Wake Up to the Moon”, where he sings alongside a plethora of the album’s cast. Atkins has another role on “Unchain the Light”, where he gets to showcase his more rustic vocal texture, perhaps because he’s set in sharp contrast to the legend himself Michael Kiske. Its a satisfying song, with a unique sound palette that elevates it from being just another “rocker” and into something altogether more thoughtful and resonant. And I’ve long awaited the return of Sharon Den Adel to the Avantasia lineup, and she’s here in fine form on “Isle of Evermore”, not quite the dramatic, sharply angled power ballad that was “Farewell” from the first Metal Opera, but a beautiful song nonetheless —- one that’s written more in the style of her modern Within Temptation singing voice as opposed to her Mother Earth-era pop-classical approach. Its well placed in the tracklisting, a mid-album breather that is built around delicate keys, atmospherics and a subtly haunting refrain.
I don’t normally write song by song album reviews, but Ghostlights is a veritable treat bag of Halloween ear candy, lacking skippable tracks or anything bothersome. I’ll repeat that last part again —- nothing bothered me (me!)! And saving the best stuff for last, we have a trio of titanic tracks, not coincidentally involving Michael Kiske, Jorn Lande, and the immortal Bob Catley. First up is the truly remarkable “Ghostlights”, Kiske’s greatest singular Avantasia moment right alongside “Wastelands” from The Wicked Symphony, one of those speedy, Helloween-soaked gems that Sammet molds perfectly. Kiske is the kind of singer who needs a airport runaway length of rhythmic timing for his particular delivery, especially when you’re trying to get the most power metal styled delivery out of him. He’s not a rapid fire singer, instead allowing the music to outpace him while he steadily extends syllables and enunciation in his trademark smooth half singing half belting. He soars here, and Sammet and Jorn work around him smartly, ceding the spotlight to him and only coming in as counterpoints and fills. My favorite moment here actually involves Sammet on lead as the counterpoint to Kiske in the chorus, singing “thunder and rain and the wind in my face”, a line that is syncopated so perfectly, it brings a smile to my face every time I mentally (or audibly) sing along. Its a gem of a song, a joyous blast of power metal nostalgia that could’ve easily been on the Metal Operas. With that in mind, I marvel at Sammet’s personal success in bringing his hero, the once anti-metal Kiske, back to singing music like this and apparently enjoying it more than he ever has (to such a degree that it prompted the Kai Hansen reunion).
Jorn gets his star turn on the majestic, simply stunning “Lucifer”, a piano ballad turned power ballad that might be both he and Sammet’s finest moment working together. There’s a wonderful moment where Sammet and Jorn join voices together during the first iteration of the refrain, and its just spine-tingling in its effect. Dramatic in its confident, sturdy, string-laden build up, stirring in its lyrical beauty, this is a masterpiece and the first of two early bookmarks for potential songs of the year. And somehow, fittingly, its Mr. Bob Catley who guests on the album’s best song “A Restless Heart and Obsidian Skies”, a flawless diamond that’s in the conversation for the greatest Avantasia song of all time. Bold praise I know, but here’s the thing folks —- this song is the epitome of why you and I and everyone else listens to Avantasia. Its why we keep coming back album after album with an eagerness that we reserve for precious few other artists, because of the possibility of magical moments like this. Catley of course was the co-lead vocalist on “The Story Ain’t Over”, perhaps the greatest song to be released as a b-side in power metal history and one that the band ended up turning into a bit of a live favorite during their 2008 festival tour. Sammet just seems to be keyed into what kind of song Catley would sound spectacular on, one that features earnest vocals and heartbreaking lyrics that demonstrate a palpable sense of yearning. On “…Obsidian Skies”, he and Catley join in on a surging, insistent, wide-eyed chorus with a simply beautiful lyric, “Dark is the night, scarlet the moon / Sacred the light in the haze reflecting within / Blazing the trail… Be still my restless heart / Obsidian’s the sky / Inward you look as you halt / Be still restless heart / I’m on my way”. I could go on and on about this song but I’m sure I’ll be talking about it more later in the year on the best songs list, its simply magical.
I experienced something while listening to this album the other night as I drove around Houston under an uncommonly clear night sky. It stemmed from feelings of utter happiness at being able to appreciate what really did feel like…at the risk of overstating it, a gift —- an album that actually thrilled me beyond mere aesthetic appeal and typical reviewer think-speak of judging an album’s artistic merit. It took me a second to realize that I was being hit with blasts of nostalgia —- that the music I was hearing was taking me there. But nostalgia is a tricky thing, something that tends to come at us in notes of bittersweet (or at least for me), reminders of not only the passage of time but of no way to return. Yet the nostalgia Ghostlights was conjuring up was a little different, in fact, it was making me remember the feelings I’d have when I was a kid and I worried about nothing and loved everything. I have these memories of specific days from my childhood, scattered across those blurry years, where everything would go right and I’d feel genuinely happy or thrilled about the sequence of events. I don’t get many of those days anymore as an adult, and I suspect many of you feel the same. It was in the middle of “…Obsidian Skies” when I realized that I was into every second of this album, that everything about it was hitting me right in that sweet spot of everything I love about music in general. I can’t speak for anyone else, but this is an album I’m already treasuring for bringing me back to that mental headspace, and I’m grateful to Tobias Sammet for that. Its been a relief to write about Ghostlights without any qualifiers whatsoever —- I’ll say this plainly, this is a masterpiece for the ages.
February 4, 2016
Wow what a review ! Have tickets for the upcoming London gig (three hour set, no support) but haven’t listened to the album properly so far, due to a couple of reasons. One being the new Megadeth cd. The second Armophis’s Under the Red Cloud. An album I ignorantly ignored until I saw your recent top ten list. A worthy choice indeed. Even Dream Theaters latest is still cello-wrapped, normally unheard of but it will just have to wait.
Regarding your top ten lists. I had the Nightwish album in there because of “The Greatest Show” not in spite of. And Amberian Dawn, I have really tried but its not happening. The rest, an excellent list but I would have replaced Year of The Goat with Symphony X, Wasp or practically anyone lol! Keep up the stellar work and thanks as always for sharing.
February 4, 2016
Thanks for the compliment! Glad you’re enjoying the Amorphis —- and yeah, I’m just now getting out from under 2015 and have only in the past two weeks begun to listen to 2016 music — including the new Megadeth and Dream Theater, but I’m starting tonight on those two!
February 5, 2016
With regard to the list, I tried the Dracula thing and while I get the concept of an Alice Cooper-eque rock carnival, the whole thing just seemed to me as an unexciting occasionally cringeworthy mid-paced piece of AOR. Doesn’t hold a candle to the album reviewed above.
February 5, 2016
I guess it depends on your AOR tolerance level and perhaps even love for things like Meatloaf and Jim Steinman’s songwriting. I love Celine Dion’s “Its All Coming Back to Me” for example, so Dracula isn’t too big of a leap. I didn’t really even think about Alice Cooper as a reference point in regarding the album.
February 5, 2016
Ahh, the nostalgia. This album actually takes me back to the time when I first started listening to power metal. I remeber a particular school trip in my middle school days, when on the coach I swapped my tape with SoAD or Pantera or some shit with a buddy for a worn tape of Blind Guardian’s Nightfall in Middle Earth. So I was sitting there with my walkman earphones on, totally oblivious to my surroundings and the obligatory middle school drama and politics, in complete awe, as song after song of utter excellence poured into my ears. After whatever we were doing at the destination was sorted I couldn’t wait to get back on the bus to listen it all over again.
And this album, here in 2016, makes me feel just a little like that again. Tobi with Sascha and Miro & Co. really outdone themselves this time, as this could be the best album since those days of Metal Operas and Mandrakes. Track after track of great songwriting and that specific Avatasian bittersweet air, which hints at a great wide world of endless possibilities and experiences.
It’s not quite spotless, the Sisters of Mercy pastiche Draconian Love unfortunately makes me cringe a bit (sorry mr Langhans!) and the Sharon Del Adel ballad is neither here nor there, a far cry from her previous showing on ‘Farewell’, which, amusingly, remains their #1 track on the Spotify chart. Also I feel there is a bit of a lull on tracks 3-4. But the rest is top notch, especially the sky-high contributions of Michael Kiske on the incredible title track and Unchain the Light. True that this project did seem to rekindle Michi’s love for metal, he also rocks out with Tobias on the awesome live bonus versions of Avantasia and Reach out For the Light. And yes, even Geoff Tate’s part is excellent; on a side note, I’d advise not to banish him from memory just yet. His eyeliner and recent attempts to distance himself from metal may be embarrasing, but I heard from an aquaintance who attended a concert of his version of Queensryche that in a live setting Geoff delivers the goods of the Mindcrime/Empire variety and his vocal technique is spotless.
‘Mystery of the Blood Red Rose’ deserves a special award for the most awkward line delivered in the most awesome manner ever (‘A sweet tempation and a pure red rose… While the hour don’t wait for a blink to craaaaam the past’) and I think really has a shot at Eurovision. LtSDUY rivals The Piper Never Dies from Hellfire Club as the best epic song in Tobi’s career. ‘Babylion Vampires’, ‘Master of the Pendulum’… there’s really almost too much good stuff here to list. Some dreaded shades of AOR-schmaor still persist here and there, but ‘Ghostlights’ is pretty much epic Euro speed metal reborn. I’ve been listening to it non-stop since it came out, still haven’t gotten enough, and I’m definitely picking up a digipack version next time I’m out in town (a rare thing in this wireless age!).
February 5, 2016
You didn’t enjoy “Draconian Love”?! Ahhhh its one of the compulsively addictive songs on the album, heck, on any Avantasia album!
“Some dreaded shades of AOR-schmaor still persist here and there,”
Yeah I don’t think you’re going to get away from that with Tobias. I don’t mind it, I grew up listening to AOR rock and 80s pop metal (*really would be fun to write about that stuff sometime) so I’m okay with everything not being 100% power metal. Its been interesting to monitor the overall power metal scene over the past seven to ten years and see this infusion of AOR/hard rock into power metal happen. Look at bands like Silent Force, their last album was pretty much all hard rock. I’ve been wondering when there’d be an opposite, classicist reaction in the mainstream of power metal (it still exists in the fringes if you look hard enough).
February 5, 2016
“Babylon Vampyres” and “Master of the Pendulum” are two of the best songs that Tobi’s written in years. Can’t wait to see them live in NYC.
On a totally separate note, thank you for showcasing Witchbound’s “Sands of Time” as one of your songs of the year. Loved it, bought most of the album after hearing it. 🙂
February 5, 2016
Oh awesome! Glad I’m not the only one who enjoyed Witchbound in some way. I really think that was a special album, also loved that tune “Mandrake’s Fire”, it has a real propulsive attack thing going. Great lyrics too.
February 10, 2016
I’ve been waiting to see when you would post about Ghostlights. I am glad to see you have done so so soon after it was released.
I agree with much of what you said. I enjoyed most of the past Avantasia efforts, although I thought Mystery of Time was rather disjointed and didn’t do it for me. I definitely did not like the songs and performers as much as previous albums and it quickly got put on the ‘Do Not Listen’ list for me.
I have strongly disliked the last few Edguy albums, and combining that dislike with my dislike of Mystery of Time I was very worried when Ghostlights was announced. I’ve been very critical in the past of Sammet’s work and thought the well of creativity had run dry. On this very site I have listed some of the things I did not like. So with Ghostlights I didn’t care initially as I had given up. I would say at one point I would be a contender for biggest fan of Sammet’s work but when it started to not be something I liked it seemingly went very bad very quick for me.
When I heard the first single I told my wife “it looks like Tobi laid another egg with this one” as I was not impressed with ‘Mystery of a Blood Red Rose’.
But, when I finally got ahold of the album and listened to it, I was floored. ‘Mystery…’ has grown on me and I actually like it now. But the rest of the album is damn near perfect for me and I had to take back many negatives I felt about this album and my criticisms of the well having run dry.
This is the finest work Tobi has done in YEARS, and not a moment too soon. I played it for my wife and she was very impressed and was getting into it. She still thinks Tobi’s vocals are a bit rough in spots but when I remind her he’s not a young performer any more and has some miles on that voice she is a bit more understanding.
The creativity, the freshness, and the sheer brilliance of Ghostlights has already made it my album of the year – and I had the bar set low on this one, and Sammet blew my mind with it. Great guest performers, songs that they work well with, and one of the highlights, the return of Jorn Lande, who kills it on this album. I hope this marks a trend towards renewed creative and enjoyable work from Tobi – this is what I have been waiting for, for a long time.
There are so many ‘popular’ bands out there that aren’t even fit to hold Sammet’s jock strap.
February 11, 2016
You nailed it with the terms creativity and freshness, there’s something about all these songs that makes them interesting, unique and vibrant in their own right. I’m still stunned by how much I’m enjoying it, normally after listening to an album over and over and over again for review purposes I tend to quit it for awhile afterwards to give myself a break. I keep coming back to Ghostlights though, its becoming an addiction!
February 12, 2016
I can completely understand coming back to it time and time again and it still is so enjoyable!
One of the things I didn’t like about Mystery of Time was the lack of cohesiveness to me, it just felt like a mishmash of songs with no flow or anything like I expected, nor were the songs that great. Ghostlights feels so matured in content and sound, it is a night and day difference.
In the past on an Edguy post you had(I think it was about the space police album), I had said I was a member of Edguy I’d be very resentful about the content Sammet writes for Edguy while saving what I consider to be such obviously better material for Avantasia and Ghostlights really presents that front and center. If I was the other Edguy members I’d probably be kind of annoyed that we get to play crap and then Tobi goes and writes this great stuff for Avantasia. I haven’t forgotten that Felix gets to play drums on this album so it would be so interesting to know what material he prefers these days, or what he thinks is better. At this point, Edguy is just a joke to me, and it pains me to say that.
February 25, 2016
I started the listening to this album without reading a single thing about it before (a thing I like to do sometimes) and the title-track “Ghostlights” just blew away my mind. Kiske was just perfect the entire track, the refrain sticks to the head like bubblegum and sounds much like the magnus opus album “Keeper of the Seven Keys pt.II”
I great album by Avantasia and the first one of they that I really loved.
July 25, 2016
I came across this review (or rather an essay) a bit late, researching something for my Avantasia feature article. I couldn’t resist complimenting on how well written and thorough this article is. Kudos. Needless to say I completely agree with everything, probably his strongest release since their resurrection. I’m sad to see that some people have lost their faith so much that I simply can’t convince them to give this album a second spin. I was a little underwhelmed with “Isle of Evermore”, but it’s an enjoyable track compared to say “What Kind of Love” that I’m so often tempted to skip. The rest of the album is simply flawless, an instant classic in this one. “Let The Storm…” is even more majestic live.
Anyway, I hope you’ve had the chance to see them live this year and keep up the good work. I’ll be dropping by this blog more often 😉