Timing can be a tricky thing. I had been thinking a lot about Kamelot recently, and the reality of their future without their now ex-vocalist, the mighty Roy Khan. I had to admit, as a fan of the band I’ve harbored worries —- the loss of a vocalist is a shakeup that few bands can endure with continued creative and commercial success and this is amplified in the case of the vocalist being very distinctive. So I had begun to write a piece on my doubts, and the reasons for them and had planned on it being published just before Kamelot announced their new vocalist. Of course, on the day I planned to publish, Kamelot lifted the curtains on the identity of Khan’s long speculated upon replacement: namely Seventh Wonder’s own Tommy Karevik. Well, I’m proud to say that I called it (among others certainly), Karevik had long been one of the candidates on most fans shortlists, he was certainly my favored choice and its not exactly a surprise that he’s been given the position. It makes sense, he seems to fit in with the band vocally, and he did fill in for Khan on select shows in 2010 to proven success. I feel a touch more confident with the band going forward with Karevik, in that they’ll be able to release something that is not a jarring stylistic departure due to a new vocalist being radically different (i.e. Blaze Bailey and The X Factor). My confidence is restrained however, by my speculation of the larger possibility that Kamelot’s future will be defined not by what they have gained, but by what they have lost.

Roy Khan’s emotive and expressive vocals are by this point well-known to most of the metal community at large. His smooth delivery, subtle accent, and near perfect inflection and timbre were one of Kamelot’s defining attributes during his tenure with the band. He wielded attributes rarely found in power metal vocalists: richness, texture, depth, and a touch of melancholy. Soon after being introduced to the band through their sixth album Epica, it became apparent to me that there was more to Kamelot than just a great voice; there was intelligent and articulate songwriting at the heart of their music. In this I saw the continuing evolution of a stylistic legacy that the once mighty Queensryche had long ago abandoned. Khan and band founder/guitarist Thomas Youngblood were to me the second coming of the untouchable Geoff Tate/Chris DeGarmo songwriting team that had penned so much of the classic music that I loved in the ‘Ryche. The jump in songwriting quality from Kamelot’s first two albums with original vocalist Mark Vanderbilt (as well as the first Khan vocal-helmed album Siége Perilous), to Khan’s songwriting debut in the masterful The Fourth Legacy was simply immeasurable. Soon after hearing more Khan-Youngblood classic albums such as Karma, and Epica sequel The Black Halo, the deficiencies of many other bands in the genre grew to disproportionate sizes in my eyes. Many of the power metal bands I was listening to in earnest prior to discovering Kamelot now seemed dramatically inferior in comparison; their lyrics trite, subject matter shallow, and musically lacking. I was finding it harder and harder to enjoy many of them to the degree that I once did. In my initiations with Kamelot’s discography, I discovered that Khan’s role as a songwriter and lyricist was a huge factor in the quantum leap that Kamelot took from being a Crimson Glory-soundalike to a truly remarkable, original, and fresh force in modern power metal.
Khan’s songwriting legacy within Kamelot is deep and full of nuance. By becoming Kamelot’s lyricist he brought to the songs a poet’s gift, the ability for the band’s songs to shine beyond the music. As for his newly found songwriting partner Thomas Youngblood, he pushed the guitarist to rethink and expand his vision of Kamelot’s sound, right down to fundamentals such as tempos and song structure. His talent for creating vocal melodies and imagining the surrounding harmony arrangements with all their intricacies and subtleties melded with Youngblood’s natural talent for cranking out melodic yet powerful and tastefully restrained riffage, and as a result pushed the guitarist’s budding creativity. Conversely, as seen on The Fourth Legacy album, Youngblood had a more straight ahead metal oriented songwriting approach than that of Tore Østby (Khan’s former Conception band mate and primary songwriter), and this urged Khan to get inventive in terms of how he’d develop and place vocal melodies, as well as adapt the phrasing of his smoother than most delivery to faster, heavier, more aggressively oriented metal. These results were often beautifully intricate, such as in the spectacular “Nights of Arabia” and “The Shadow of Uther”, where the verses and chorus feature alternating vocal tempos and styles to supreme dramatic effect. A further nod to creative expansion was introduced within the band’s repertoire in the form of spare, haunting, acoustic ballads. There Khan’s ability to carry a song’s melody on his vocal chords alone was put on full glorious display, as in “The Sailorman’s Hymn” and “Glory”, both moments where Khan’s lyrical storytelling abilities were allowed to blossom while Youngblood proved that he was as capable of delicate, spacious, finger-plucking as he was flashy, furious soloing. The two band mates meshed together on that album and challenged and improved each other, and it was only the beginning of a jaw dropping body of collaborative work.
I keep mentioning Khan’s superlative abilities as a lyricist, and in truth the quality of lyrics don’t seem to be something that most metal fans fixate upon in general for reasons that are easy enough to understand. Most average metal bands get by on rather clunky, clumsy, and often lazy lyrics that work in a utilitarian way at best, while the appreciation of the music itself takes center stage. With Kamelot, Khan’s crystal clear vocals placed up front in the mix naturally put the spotlight upon his lyrics and he connected to listeners with his innate ability to tell stories, create interesting narrative perspectives, and offer elegant poetic verse and inventive phrasing. I’m not the only one who noticed, on the Amazon.com page for the Epica album the prolific reviewer LordChimp wrote: “Khan — in addition to being a prime singer is an outstanding lyricist, full of evocative colors and depth and beautiful diction”. Well put, and he’s not the only one who’s noticed: Kamelot fans have been vocal about their appreciation not only for Khan’s poetic voice, but for his ability to craft detailed concept albums with intricately woven stories, and imaginative narrative perspectives —- and never having it sound forced, or crammed in just for the sake of fitting it all in somehow.
They’re referring to moments such as in the ballad “Wander”, where Khan paints a memory of a meeting between the concept album’s tragic protagonists in a setting that is depicted by simple, evocative phrases: “I recall one summers night / Within the month of June / Flowers in mahogany hair / And smell of earth in bloom”. The disconsolate narrator reflects upon the bittersweet agony of this memory in the gently soaring chorus, “Silently we wander / Into this void of consequence / My shade will always haunt her / But she will be my guiding light”. Those last two poignant lines, juxtaposition the path of the two protagonists lives in a starkly elegant manner, and serve as foreshadowing within the greater context of Epica’s Faustian storyline. In the album’s watershed song “Lost and Damned”, Khan twists and bends the verse lyrics to fit over accordion, piano and strings played in loose waltz-like rhythms only to dramatically plunge headlong into one of the band’s most bracing, urgent choruses. The lyrics deliver an appreciable musing on the workings of fate without having to clonk us on the head and actually use the terms fate, or destiny: “Don’t ask why / Don’t be sad / Sometimes we all must alter paths we planned / Only try — Understand / I want to save you / From the Lost and Damned”. Against the Faustian backdrop of the Epica storyline, this song is not only a pivotal moment of action for the album’s protagonist, Ariel, but a brilliantly executed set piece within the story. It is literally Ariel standing in front of the object of his affection, as she weeps, speaking the lyrics out to her, and we know this simply due to Khan deftly penning “Helena don’t you cry / Believe me; I do this for you / Heed my decision now / I will be gone tomorrow noon”. I could sit here listing countless other examples of similar literary devices and dramatic technique found within Khan’s lyrics across his entire spectrum of work with the band, but it’d take forever and this isn’t meant to be a literature lecture —- just one fan’s passion about what the guy brought to metal.
When Steph Perry of Rocknotes interviewed Khan back in 2009, she mentioned to him “In the song “Temples Of Gold”, there’s the lyric “little did we know that they were life itself, the days passing by”. That’s just pure poetry. You don’t even need a song behind it“. Khan responded,
“The lyrics have always been really important to me. There’s so many bands that, I don’t know how they feel about it themselves of course but there’s a lot of bands that I feel don’t put enough into the lyrics. They focus on the music and song and everything’s great but the lyrics seem to be lacking something. There’s other bands that have brilliant lyrics too and much better lyrics for that matter. In our genre I feel there’s a lot of lyrics that definitely could have been more worked on let’s put it that way. I guess it’s just that I like to play with words, I like to say things in ways that make people stop and think. It’s very important to me. I really like writing lyrics. It doesn’t always take that long though, even though people may think that [laughs].“
His comments regarding his dedication to his craft speak volumes, and he is diplomatic about his perceptions of the lyrics found in other bands’ work, particularly within similar genres —- perhaps too diplomatic. He schooled them all, and ruined Stratovarius for me (sorry Kotipelto!). I consider Khan’s role in Kamelot as vitally important, he was half of the driving force that helped to shape the sound, style, and vision of the band’s work. Their last two albums, Ghost Opera and Poetry for the Poisoned, while not on the same peerless level as their conceptual predecessors, were still packed with memorable songs of sweeping drama, and Khan’s trademark ear for vocal melody and unforgettable lyrics. He never dropped the ball in that regard; where it counted for artistry’s sake, in the studio and forever documented on record.

Unfortunately he seemed to struggle with the toll a punishing live schedule was taking on his vocal chords as well as the effects of age (older songs had been noticeably tuned down live to compensate for his diminishing range), and performances had been slightly spotty in his last few years on the road. He seemed to be making a resurgence in the spring/summer of 2010, where his documented live appearances sounded fresh and revitalized, but soon after the hammer was dropped: Khan went on hiatus, citing burnout and exhaustion, and a little over six months later his statement confirming his resignation was officially released. By this point, the stunning shock had worn off and it didn’t come as a surprise, just a profoundly depressing acceptance. There was a curious footnote to that statement,
“I am eternally thankful for everything you and KAMELOT have given me and equally sorry that it has to end here. The good news is; God was there after all…” – Roy Khan
Many of Kamelot’s songs dealt thematically with universal themes such as love, death, hope, despair, and faith —- in particular the loss and search for faith. Its been interesting as a fan to go back through the albums, and see that particular theme crop up over and over, in a way that I had not noticed before. No one will ever accuse Kamelot of being a religious band, certainly not a Christian band, but it does seem that Khan was quietly embedding a great deal of his personal struggles into his lyrics, even on up to his final album with them, as seen in “Once Upon a Time”: “I won’t stay to stand in line / Or wait for God to shine all over me / I wait for the storm”. His former band mate Youngblood was unable to adequately explain his former singer’s religious awakening, but did credit it with leading the singer down his path to leaving Kamelot. In a recent Q&A by the guitarist on the band’s Facebook page, he unloaded a stunner about Khan’s present activities: “Before making the final choice on the new singer, we did correspond via email. I know he’s in good health, working in Norway. When he quit Kamelot he also chose to quit the music business and seems to be very happy.” Never say never, but that sounds to me like the end of a music career, and while I suppose I’m glad the guy is apparently happy, I find it tragic in the sense that he still has a world of talent that will potentially remain untapped. I was at least hoping for a Conception reunion, a solo album, a guest appearance, anything! Sadly, its a quiet end to a deafening career.

Some Kamelot fans grew nervous (and some irate) that Fabio Leone, the band’s choice as a long term touring fill-in could even be considered as Khan’s replacement, and while I admired the guy’s effort when I caught the band live, I quietly agreed with them. Enter Tommy Karevik. I’ve been listening to The Great Escape by Karevik’s previous (and apparently still current) band Seventh Wonder. It and its immediate predecessor Mercy Falls have been striking a chord with me that I’ve been unable to get from them in the past. I’m not sure why, maybe its my subconscious projecting its hopes about a Karevik-fronted Kamelot that’s doing it… regardless, I’m enjoying them, though not loving them. Karevik was apparently chosen on the grounds that he is also a primary songwriter for Seventh Wonder, and a lyricist as well. While I can see some skill in his lyric writing in these songs, its a far cry from the sheer quality that Kamelot fans are used to, or at least this one anyway. He has a pretty good voice, and as I mentioned before, his takes on Kamelot songs when filling in for Khan live were strong. Its unfair to compare him to Roy but to be frank about it, he has huge shoes to fill. A great, passionate new album that showcases his writing abilities in a way that pushes Kamelot forward is the only way to step out of Khan’s immense shadow. I hope he and the guys pull it off, I don’t want my admiration for the band to diminish, and as for Roy Khan himself, I hope he makes a return to music, in any form. If he doesn’t, I’m glad I got to see him live, and glad that he stuck around long enough to build what can rightly be called a legacy.
June 25, 2012
Spot on, and agree on all accounts. Khan gift as a vocalist and as a songwriter made Kamelot what it is today, and it was his presence and talents that made me such a huge fan. I didn’t like the Fabio Lione/Kamelot mix (I like Fabio when he’s with Rhapsody of Fire, but I didn’t think he worked well with kamelot’s sound) but Karevik definitely does. The imagery and emotion evoked throughout the entire of Mercy Falls puts me in mind of some of the songs on The Black Halo, and I think Karevik has the pipes and the stones to step into Khan’s shoes.
Will he be able to become ‘the new Khan’? Hell no. Khan blazed a trail too damn bright for anyone to ever take his place. But I think Karevik’s talents, proven as both a vocalist and as a songwriter in Mercy Falls, will bring Kamelot into a brilliant new direction while respecing the legacy left by Khan
June 25, 2012
Thats really the key, your last sentence that is — they have to really steer things into a fresh direction in order to make this transition work. I know Youngblood has been talking about a return to the Epica style, and a part of me feels that going into your new album actively trying to return to a particular era of the band’s work is a mistake. I want to be proven wrong, but here’s to hoping that he’s allowing Karevik to contribute to the songwriting process in terms of lyrics and melodies, because as much as I think Youngblood is a great guitarist, he wasn’t a great songwriter on his own.
June 25, 2012
Oliver Palotai is a part of the writing process for the new album. If you know his other band Sons Of Seaons you will know what a brilliant songeriter he is – same goes for lyrics. 🙂
June 25, 2012
Its been hard, apart from the one song he co-wrote on the most recent record (Dissection I think) to decipher just what exactly Oliver is bringing to the table songwriting wise. I know Sascha Paeth had more credits than him on the Poetry record, not sure what that says really. Don’t know much about the Palotai contributions on Ghost Opera, any insight on what he did there?
June 26, 2012
Well, he just wrote Thespian Drama and Dissection so far, which are only instrumentals. So if you want to take a look at his skills… you have to check out Sons Of Seasons. The new album will be the first time he works closely together with Thomas on all songs. 🙂
June 25, 2012
Brilliant post! It’s great to share an appreciation for lyrics and melody. And thanks for the shout out.
June 25, 2012
Thanks! And you guys do good stuff over there, I think you guys are the only people who ever asked Roy interesting questions about lyrics and songwriting, I remembered the interview in the back of my mind when I was thinking of writing this.
June 25, 2012
Reblogged this on The Eyes of a Metalhead.
June 26, 2012
WOW… what a GREAT article! I’m impressed with the writer’s grasp of just how much Roy brought to the table with Kamelot and why so many of us were so “devastated” when he retired from the band, and the music biz in general. I too felt that Kamelot were almost a reincarnation of Queensryche during their heyday. When I discovered Kamelot in 2004 (after hearing The Black Halo for the first time) I was simply astounded and hadn’t been that moved by a band since ‘Ryche’s Mindcrime came out 16 years earlier (the closest for me during that drought had been Dream Theater’s “Images and Words”). I’ve been in a “power metal funk” ever since Roy withdrew from the tour in 2010 (I had tix for the Denver show). Though I am slowly “healing”, the hole in my musical heart has never been filled since and I hold LITTLE hope that I will be any time soon. Like QR post-Empires, Kamelot’s last few albums haven’t had the impact on me that Halo, Epica and Karma (title track is my favorite Kamelot song). So like many others who knew how bright Roy’s star shined… I drift aimlessly in the cold, empty interstellar darkness. Bumping into occasional debris that shows slight promise of emitting life-giving warmth and light… but always fails to achieve the brilliance of a star that shone so bright. 🙁
I’ll forever hold-out hope that Roy will once again grace us with his musical brilliance in whatever form he so chooses. For to never share his gift again would be a waste indeed. Nevertheless, I will always respect his [NO doubt] excruciating decision to leave the business and completely understand how a deep and thoughtful soul such as his would find existence in the circus that is the music biz to be a soul-sucking, dark hole that would be hard to endure indefinitely.
P.S. As a long-time musician, I don’t throw my adoration around to just any musician/band who’s managed to stumble onto commercial success in some orgy of shallow hero-worship. My passionate musical soul is difficult to woo, but once you can manage that… I’ll be your most fervent disciple, singing your praises to all who will listen. But you’ve got to continue to deliver or eventually the fervor gives way to resigned lamentations of what has been lost (versus eternal, mindless speak-no-evil loyalty).
June 27, 2012
I didn’t get too detailed with my initial feelings upon Roy’s departure within the article but yeah, I was completely gutted. My feelings on the last two Roy albums, Ghost and Poetry, are still that they have a few great moments amidst a lot of good ones, and I’ve enjoyed the hell out of them but they are certainly not Epica/The Black Halo quality. Those two albums, and really together with their predecessors The Fourth Legacy through Karma were a string of just knock out punches – every one a classic record to me.
As far as accepting a new version of Kamelot, I feel better about doing so now that I’ve written this article, kind of like getting a load off my shoulders in that for awhile now I’ve simply felt like I HAD to explain to anyone and everyone just why Khan’s work was so monumental. Its not the loss of a singer, its the loss of so much more.
Appreciate your reading it, thanks for the kind words!
June 26, 2012
Your feelings summarizes how I feel to the point where if I were to write my feelings the same time you wrote yours you’d probably accuse me of plagiarism lol.
I feel bad for Tommy. Not so much for joining Kamelot because he seems to be the perfect fit it’s because he’s going to have so much weight on his shoulders in order to be a proper replacement for Khan. As you stated he has big shoes to fill much like Annette had to when replacing Tarja in Nightwish. She still gets flack for not being like Tarja but she does bring in something new to the band which makes Nightwish still more interesting so I’m hoping Tommy does the same thing but time will tell.
June 27, 2012
One can only hope that Roy’s time in the band will have helped define the standards by which their songwriting should always aspire to, so the pressure’s on for not only Tommy to contribute and deliver on a songwriting AND vocal level, but the real pressure is gonna be on Thomas Youngblood – has his time working with Roy rubbed off enough to make him a better songwriting partner for Karevik, or was Roy’s role in shaping vocal melodies (which were usually the primary melodies within the song anyway, Kamelot was largely driven by the vocals and guitars took a backseat — most of the time) too much a part of what made their songs so excellent.
And yeah I can only dream of it being a Nightwish situation, I for one think the addition of a less operatic voice opened up the musicality of the band in inspired new ways. Their songwriting has become far more interesting and fresh on the past two albums with Annette, particularly Imaginaerum. Its not a one for one comparison, but perhaps Karevik’s presence in the band will freshen up the Kamelot sound which had started to get a little murky on the last record — ie relying on typical, trademark sounds unlike the fresh approach that we saw on the Epica album (such as accordions and piano on “Lost and Damned”!, djembe and strings on “On the Coldest Winter Night”, etc). And if they touch anywhere near the brilliance of Imaginaerum on their new record I’ll be satisfied.
June 27, 2012
It would be great if Roy could still write for them. His words of poetry are so beautiful. Speaking of singers, Queensrych’s Geof Tate has left after 30 yrs. It was not a pleasant split. The ryche will never be the same
July 6, 2012
Yes but Geoff Tate seems to have been responsible for the atrocities that have been coming out of the QR camp for the last few years (ie the Cabaret tour, Dedicated to Chaos)… I’m not too torn up about him getting the boot. Especially if all the rumors are true.
There is a court deposition that will happen in the next few weeks to determine (I believe) whether or not Queensryche can move forward with the name without Tate, once the results of that deposition are known I might consider writing out my thoughts about the whole scenario in greater detail.
Incidentally, have you seen the clips of Queensryche with Todd LaTorre (the Rising West shows in Seattle). Whats your opinion of those? I thought he was pretty damn good.
August 19, 2012
Excellent appreciation of Khan’s impact. Personally, I feel Khan was Kamelot, and the best Kamelot can/will do from here forward is to mimic and produce a water-downed version of what Khan built before he tired.
August 19, 2012
I hope not — there are a few ways of looking at it. One being that although pre-Roy Khan songwriting Kamelot was drastically inferior to the greatness established on The Fourth Legacy onwards, perhaps some of Khan’s abilities rubbed off on Youngblood. Second, the addition of Oliver Palotai to the band as a composer/songwriter might help to compensate for the lack of Roy. And most importantly, Karevik’s proven gift at creating rather interesting and memorable vocal melodies/harmonies as seen in Seventh Wonder will impact Kamelot songwriting wise in a fresh and excellent way.
What troubles me right now is that I’ve been looking at the timeline of when Youngblood and Palotai were songwriting for the new album, as well as recording it, and it was long before they landed on Karevik as the vocalist. So he basically has had little input on what were already established songs. Maybe I’ll be proven wrong on this, I hope to hell that I am. I really want them to impress the hell out of me.
August 22, 2012
This was quite a piece you wrote and pretty interesting and spot on. I think what I will miss as much as the singing was his personality on stage and how he would act out all the songs. He wasn’t just a powerful and rather good looking singer, he performed on stage and acted just as well, over the top, dramatic, humorous and just as much fun to watch as he was to listen to. He really put his soul into every word on stage, a total package truly.
August 22, 2012
Thanks! I suppose I never really though of his performances as particularly theatrical, but remembering things from when I saw him live and on the live DVD makes me realize that you’re right. One thing I hope that Tommy Karevik drops soon is the often documented (on youtube) tendency to attempt to hype up the crowd too much. He needs to realize that while yes its a metal show, Kamelot fans really want to be allowed to immerse themselves in the music and get swept up — so if the crowd isn’t being so obviously responsive, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not into it.
August 23, 2012
That was the only thing that kept ringing in my head when reading your article, “what about his behavior on stage? No mention of that…”
Definitely agree about Tommy interrupting the songs too much to egg the crowd. We do want to get into the song but interrupting your flow just to tell us to “come on” really breaks the mood sometimes. Other than that, I can’t say I can complain with Karevik I’m really happy to see him in the band. Sometimes, on the really low notes I hear Roy in Karevik.
September 1, 2012
Thank you for this great article! I could have cried while reading these lines. Roy is the best singer and songwriter in this world so it will be hard to fill his shoes. But maybe Tommy shouldn’t fill his shoes, certainly he can’t, but leave new footsteps. I have no doubts that Kamelot will continue to make great music.
September 1, 2012
I hope so too, I wish the band would hurry up and release a few more details about Tommy’s input in Silverthorn. Really think that guy has a unique way with vocal melody development, kind of like Khan had (albeit drastically differing ways of writing). Will definitely be the most anticipated album of this year, can’t think of another I’m more nervous about.
September 12, 2012
Absolutely loved the article, it expresses all I believe and think about Khan and Kamelot! For me, Khan is the most complete, beautiful and creative package you’ll ever get. So, also absolutely agree it would be a huge mistake for Karevik to try and mimic him… not possible at all!! I too believe, he’s got talent and together with Youngblood as well as remaining band members, he should find its own path and fill his own shoes, which may be very good, if they don’t attempt to recreate Khan without having Khan… Will always hope that Khan finds it in him to somehow and in a way that will make him happy, come back to share with us his immense talent, brilliance and most beautiful, magical voice and poetry…
September 13, 2012
Thanks ana! And yeah as for Khan, we can only hope. I wonder what kind of non-music related work he’s getting up to in Norway?
September 20, 2012
I just recently discovered Kamelot after covering their 2nd sold out Atlanta show supporting Nightwish. This was a really great article and I’ll be sharing it with my readers as well! Really well done!
September 20, 2012
Thanks ! I’ll be seeing them soon in Austin, Texas in a few weeks here, can’t wait!
September 21, 2012
Just saw Kamelot with Nightwish in Atlanta and I have to say that Tommy is an excellent fit.I don’t know if it was on purpose,but he did an excellent job of channeling Royon some of the more prominent songs.I personally think he will do a fine job. Cant wait for Silverthorne.
September 21, 2012
Yeah I can’t wait either – and mainly for this apparently spectacular ballad thats supposed to be on it (yeah yeah I know — its all about the metal right?!). Youngblood is on record saying its one of their finest, and given how mindbendingly incredible Karevik has been on the ballads on those Seventh Wonder records… I have extremely high hopes put it this way. Glad you enjoyed the Atlanta show…Oct 10th can’t come soon enough!
October 25, 2012
An excellent analysys. Having just heard Silverthorn, I agree that Karevik is an excellent replacement (yes, word intended) for Khan. In addition to dying his hair black and dressing all goth, he’s also capable of imitating Roy’s voice, and actually sounds better because of his greater range. The melodies are quite nice and, sometimes enchanting, BUT.. the lyrics are, to me at least, a significant departure from what I had come to expect of Kamelot. Clearly, Roy was the creative mind behind the Shakespearean storytelling on the previous albums, and they don’t have anyone who can fill his shoes. The lyrics on Silverthorn are not bad, per se, they just don’t have the magic like those examples you cited.
October 25, 2012
Ahh an interesting criticism… I’ve only been listening for a couple days and haven’t yet really examined the lyrics on a super close level but that will be my task on my next play through.
October 31, 2012
[…] suck big time when it comes to writing lyrics. Not that they realise it, much of the time. I think this description of Roy Khan's lyrics pretty much nails it: I keep mentioning Khan’s "superlative […]
November 4, 2012
Just listened to Silverthorn for the first time and couldn’t believe just how ‘Roy like’ Tommy sounds. This is not an Epica or Black Halo but on first listening a great offering. There are some excellent melodies and as is my habit on first listenings I followed the lyrics closely. While they are not of the same Roy Khan mould they were right upo there with some great ‘storytelling’. Your peice is a very respctful insight into who and what Roy Khan is and what he bought to Kamelot. I was gutted when, as expected, he left the band, but, I also think they have made a very wise choice on Tommy Karevik and am excited about the future of Kamelot.
I am probably a lot older the average Kamelot fan having been brought up on the likes of Deep Purple and co, but, let me say this, Kamelot are amongst the very best rock bands around and I for one hope they will be around for a very long time to come.
November 5, 2012
Yeah, it was a good start for a first album, and hopefully they’ll be able to work together for a longer period of time when writing the next record, in order to really put it over the top as a great album.
I find that metal is a genre where age doesn’t matter — unlike rock even. Metal fans are a special breed and its not the type of music you just pass into as part of a phase. I like when I go to metal shows and I see far older metal heads there than I am. Metal is for life and its enjoyment is without regard for age.
November 12, 2012
Yea, I definitely hope he sticks around for sometime, enough time to meld completely into all that is Kamelot. Unlike the latest shake up at Nightwish. Outside of Queensryche, Kamelot is probably one of the best storytelling metal bands out there. I know it’s apples to oranges in comparison, but a fair one. I just hope Kamelot never ever ever caves to the main stream and stays forever whole in there song writing and musicianship.
Silverthorn was a B+/A-. Halo being the benchmark in my opinion. I got my copy last week and have probably listened to it 20 times by now, picking it apart. Above average, but there’s room for improvement. The king is gone, long live the replacement.
November 12, 2012
I agree, I like Tommy, I saw them last month, I am quite sold on Mr karevik. He will fit in Kamelot just fine. Give them a couple of years, let Tommy become seasoned Kamelot style, and with the talents that Tommy already has,I think Kamelot has a long future, at the top. Yes, Roy really set a high mark, which translates his thoughts n feelings were poured into those songs. He is on another journey or adventure, and he will always be missed but, we were blessed to know his talents. KAMELOT IS FOREVER!!!
November 12, 2012
Great article! I never knew Kamelot before Kahn, He is the voice of the group in my opinion. I did listen to the new stuff with Tommy, it’s good, but does not move me like the last album did. There has to be more then religion driving Kahn away from music. As you had stated before, the religious overtones to “Poetry for the poisoned” are hard to miss. If you add in the fact of religion, its doctrines dictate that you use the talents the higher power has given. There is no doubt to the level of talent he has and for him to not utilize it, is a shame. I like many, just hope that him and Youngblood work together once again. It is the musical chemistry between them that created the body of work, I as a musician can only aspire to. Lets hope.
November 12, 2012
Thanks for reading, and about Roy, I’d take a solo album at this point, anything to be able to get another dose of lyrics and vocals from the guy. Poetry wasn’t as great a record as the classics sure, but even on that album Roy was still delivering the goods in those departments. The lyrics to House on a Hill are so fantastic, “…I’ll always wait — wait as in all of eternity”. Such clever phrasing and word play. Ahhhh!
November 13, 2012
The real defining moment for me with Tommy will be when he sings The Haunting with Simone. If he can pull that off, I’ll be completely sold.
November 13, 2012
MAN, I HOPE NOT!!! Simone’s voice can only belong to Roy’s. Tommy has his own female singing partner, that would be Elize Ryd. Ive heard Tommy n Simone, trust me doesnt sound good at all!!!!
November 13, 2012
I’ll agree with Jillian on this one, but only because I’m not the biggest fan of Simone live at all. Maybe my mind will change seeing Epica a week from now (going to the show for Insomnium really).
November 13, 2012
Point taken, but I’ve never seen Epica live so I can only base it off the album and video. They seemed to have one of those “duet” connections. If you know what I mean.
November 12, 2012
I really feel like Khan left because he didn’t like what the industry was turning him into. Before he left, the music became almost Satanic and evil. In the video rule the world, you see many references to NWO and the Illuminati… I feel that he would not sell his soul and refused become a slave.
November 12, 2012
Interesting take on it, not sure that I would point to the band’s later albums as being Satanic and evil, especially since Epica and The Black Halo dealt almost exclusively with a Faustian storyline – which is essentially about a man who searches for knowledge (or what have you) and eventually makes a deal with a devil, Mephistopheles-ish.
November 12, 2012
I hear where you are coming from, though I think that “satanic” is a bit strong(btw… I’ve been religious my entire life) . But definitely the later albums got darker and I think that Roy and Thomas were going opposite directions. I do like the new album with Tommy and think that he sounds VERY Kahn-like (and I am glad about that). The new one reminds me a lot of Ghost Opera. I do like it, but it doesn’t rank up there with Halo, Epica, and Karma for me).
Regardless, from the day I first heard Kamelot (first album I bought was The Black Halo) I could tell that Roy was searching for something and I knew when he first started having issues touring for Poetry that he was going to be moving-on with his journey. So though I was devastated when he officially left Kamelot… I understood. Just like every one of us, Roy has his own journey to go through in this life and I don’t fault him for leaving when he knew it was time. I wish him all the best in his next phase and hope that he’s able to find a good place that allows us to enjoy more of his talent. But if not, it’s his life to live and I still wish him the best.
November 12, 2012
As a Christian I don’t agree that any album regardless of what album from Kamelot is being satanic. If it were I would no listen to it at all. Kamelot is my favorite band and there is no way on God’s green earth I would ever make a band that sung about satan my favorite so my take even though the latter albums have a dark feel to them they are far from being evil or satanic.
November 12, 2012
llluminati control man, the signs are there!
November 20, 2012
Wow…I can’t belive that finaly I found someone who thinks (and feels) exactly the same way about Kamelot, their lyrics and Roy’s place in the whole story. For me lyrics play most important role in the song (and that’s where no one agrees with me), and what Kamlot (or should I say Roy) made with Epica and The Black Hallo were pure poetry, with refined touch of philosophy and those albums really left a mark in my life. Tommy is good singer, their new album is not bad, but…..it seems to me that with Khan’s leaving, the essence of Kamelot and that perfect bound of lyrics and music -that magic- has disappeared.
November 26, 2012
Out of curiosity, have you found any lyrics on Silverthorn that you feel come close to the Khan level?
November 27, 2012
The lyrics on Silverthorn are ok, average at best for Kamelot. They almost seem regurgitated from previous albums. The music is ok. It will never be as deep as Karma or Black halo. i think what Roys lyrics had was a bit of conflict n anger which resided within him. I do however like the solos of both Youngblood n Oliver.I think Casey is not putting out the heavy fast hitting like hes done before, hes a little laxed. I am truly waiting for the next album. Silverthorn was something that was put togther for the fans to not forget Kamelot, just to carry us over til the next one. the next one I beleive will be better, for they will have had time to gel and get to know where they are all going.
Kamelot had to regress back to there adolesence to begin anew.
November 28, 2012
Not a bad way of looking at it, yeah I agree that their next album will be a far better indicator of what they can really do together.
November 27, 2012
After this whole week spent on listening Silverthorn, trying to find pece of old Kamelot and to give Tommv a chance, lots of different thougts passsed through my mind. Quality of album and beauty of lyrics has rased a bit in my eyes, but it is kind of a nother level, another universe than Roy’s Kamelot. Song for Jolee is one that maybe could be placed somewhere between old songs (if it was said Helena insted Jolee, perhaps I could place it in Black Hallo). Maybe Tommy reaches that great hight on his own way someday, maybe I’m still unable to admit that someone else can be that good because of that strong connection I felt with Roy’s lirics and voice…maybe it’s just ”the game of lose” (tommy’s verse, oh the irony)
November 28, 2012
I really love Tommy’s lyrical approach in Seventh Wonder, he tells interesting stories and has unique ways of delivering them through choice of diction (like Roy did in Kamelot hah), but Tommy with Kamelot it seems that some of the songs were written in such a way that he had to really force lyrical ideas to make them work. In other words, a song like Sacrimony seems like it could have been better had it benefited from a longer gestation period in the writing process, the verses needed work and there needed to be an actual bridge before the chorus. Its clunky in its present form.
But Song for Jolee and Solitude really give me hope for future albums, because they contain quite a few lyrical gems. Great songs both.
November 29, 2012
I just red your post Kamelot – Silverthorn: Is It the Start or End of an Era? and I just have to say that it’s great. I’m fascinated to find someone who thinks on so, so similar way… I usualu don’t leave comments, but this time I had to, cause this texts realy left an impression and made me happy.
November 30, 2012
November 27, 2012
I think exactly the same. I don’t like the lyrics on Silverthorn that much whereas the ones Roy wrote touched me in a very strong way.
I saw the live two weeks ago. Tommy had a beautiful voice, integrated the audience and the hole band seemed to have nothing but fun on stage. and their performance was great, but still prefered the “older” songs. But I still prefered the “older” songs Roy wrote.
It will be hard for Tommy to replace Roy, because his legacy is so big, but we should give him a chance.
November 28, 2012
Yeah Tommy is unreal live, really really excellent.
December 10, 2012
I completely agree with you on everything here. I love Silverthorn, but I always go back to the old stuff after spinning Silverthorn.I like most of the songs, but Prodigal Son, I zone out for some reason as if I never heard the song.
December 13, 2012
hello great article, but to be honest i like much more Fabio voice and stage presence than Tommy, because he was not trying to be Roy like Tommy. But after all Tommy made good job on shows and album but.. All kamelot albums from fourth legacy to poetry are magical i love them all. New album is very good but i dont feel magic, which i feel when im listenning to the previous albums;/
December 19, 2012
Fantastic article, I enjoyed reading the whole thing. Khan was and is my favorite singer, so losing him was devastating to me. (I even had tickets to see him live – for the first time! – in his first stop on the ill-fated NA tour in 2010.)
I feel like Silverthorn was a decent attempt, but left me wanting in much the same way as Poetry for the Poisoned. Apart from Sacrimony – that song is about on Black Halo level – the rest were somewhat muddled and unfocused. I’ve never thought to myself “well, this sounds all the same!” on a Kamelot album before, but I’d say I came pretty close with Silverthorn. Nevertheless, I’d say it’s slightly better than Poetry… but still a long shot away from The Fourth Legacy, Karma and of course, Epica and The Black Halo.
January 28, 2013
Your article was spot on, great job! Roy Khan’s departure from the music business, heck from art itself, is a dramatic loss. During his prime, he was unreachable as a singer. His lyrics very often had this sense of melancholy, pain and yearning, beautifully disguised in haunting melodies that will probably never leave my memory. Among my favorite work from this breathtaking musician is the beginning to ‘Poetry For The Poisoned’:
There was a time when I was young / A boy with bold ambitions / There was a time when I could tell the crooked from the wicked one / There was a song that someone sung / A hint of recognition / There was a time I knew you well enough to know you won’t be gone […] / There was a time I had respect / A name of reputation / There was a time when I could watch myself without being disgraced
I can just relate so well to those lines, and also they fit almost perfectly with one of my all-time favorite fictional characters. There is just so much that Roy has brought to the table and probably so much more in his soul, that is now forever left unspoken. It’s really a tragedy. ‘Silverthorn’ was, on its own, a good album. But ‘good’ is so far beneath what I am used to when I think of Kamelot, that the record felt like a huge letdown for me. None of the songs are any bad, but at the same time, there are no real highlights, as there still were for Poetry and Ghost Opera. ‘Veritas’ probably had the biggest impact on me.
That being said, I like the album. Karevik sounds pretty good. I just wish it would have been more. But judging from how important Roy was to the sound and character of the band, it was probably foolish of me to hope for it, at least this soon after his farewell. I do see potential, though. There can be something great from this new setup that we now have. Some magazine, I don’t recall which one it was, said that ‘Silverthorn’ may be the ‘Fourth Legacy’ to a new ‘Karma’. I personally would rather talk about a ‘Siége Perilous’ to a new ‘Fourth Legacy’, but essentially, I have the same hopes. Kamelot can have a great future if they play their cards right and use their potential to the fullest. I am sure about that. But what I really wonder is if there will ever be anybody else who can sing the ‘Elizabeth’ trilogy with even half the passion, originality and vocal perfection Roy Khan did it with on ‘One Cold Winter’s Night’. I fear there will not.
February 18, 2013
I won’t write a very long comment because I’m probably not enough skilled in english (I’m french), but I really would like to.
That was a very great article. That was a pleasure to read it. I want to tell you that you almost make me cry. The saddest thing in my opinion, is that I have the feeling that we will never have another sign of life of Khan. I discovered Kamelot too late, to tell you all he was already gone when I first listened a Kamelot’s song. Even if I’m french and not that familiar with english that you are, his lyrics really touched me deep in my heart. And his voice, I’ve never heard such a true emotional voice before. Sometimes I’d like to contact him and tell him how he’s inspiring me. And as you said, that’s is a mess that all this talent will (probably) never be exploited anymore.
I’ll be glad if we can have more news about what he’s doing now, and maybe have a way to contact him or “follow” him on any social network. I have the feeling that the way he cut the bridges was too harsh.
Of course I understand why he stopped (some fans can’t understand how the music business can be exhausting, especially when you’re a “star” full of talent) and I wish him all the best in his life.
PS : Did I say I won’t write a long comment ? I hope there’s not too much english mistakes.
March 18, 2013
I know that for me, Kamelot has been the greatest band in the world ever since I heard Nights of Arabia. I was blessed enough to see Roy live at The Pearl Room in Mokena, Illinois with Edguy opening up for them. When Roy came out and grabbed my hand during Descent of The Arch Angel I cried. It was the greatest moment of my life as he has always been my personal hero. Tommy is a fantastic vocalist, and I believe that he will and has respected Roy’s legacy with Silverthorn as well as the songs that he sings with Kamelot that Roy and Thomas wrote together. When I saw Kamelot open up for Nightwish last October with Tommy fronting the band I will say that while it wasn’t the experience that Roy gave to me, that it was still a brilliant performance none-the-less. Kamelot is still my favorite band, and my loyalty and admiration remains. Thank you SO MUCH for honoring Roy. He deserves to be revered and honored for all time due to what he gave to us with both Conception, and Kamelot. I hope that he finds some measure of peace and serenity.
March 18, 2013
Thanks for reading and the compliments! Glad you enjoyed it.
March 25, 2013
http://mossfrikirke.no/?page_id=134 ((((
March 25, 2013
Wow, pretty interesting information. Thanks for that link… does sort of confirm the rumors regarding the degree to which he became religious.
August 8, 2013
Maybe this interesting too
August 8, 2013
Wow… stunning really… can hardly recognize him. Thanks for the link.
Argh, maybe it sucks to say this but I’m really bummed now. There’s pretty much no coming back from that.
August 10, 2013
I have to say it saddens me to have a great and talented man like Roy Khan falling for religion. Throughout his career with Kamelot and with Conception to an extent, you could always feel that Roy was a man with inner struggles. He was amazing at expressing those struggles in his lyrics, but now I feel like he has succumbed and lost the fight. As an opposer of theism and similar superstition, this just saddens me greatly. What happened to the man who once wrote verses like: There is a God in each societey / So right is wrong where wrong is right / No-one could be sure / Still we are certain that what we know is truth / The only Truth / We’re building our temples taller? Looks like instead of building on his critique of religion, he fell for it. The comfort his religion offers was probably too apealing after all. He couldn’t break the chains, and now his talent is wasted, singing songs praising Jesus …
I just don’t know what to say. I am deeply saddened.
August 10, 2013
From the first time I heard him, it was clear that Roy was searching for something beyond himself, something beyond that which is plainly manifested in the most base aspects of this life. What a refreshing attitude to see in a front man for a metal band! Roy didn’t “succumb” to anything. He broke out of the chains that would have had him end-up just another black-leather-wearing rock & roll cliche, singing about the darker side of life. There are plenty of those still around for you to enjoy. Or was it Roy’s spirituality after-all that you were drawn-to and that made him so special?
August 10, 2013
Whether or not I have singers to enjoy is beside the point. What I’m saying is that it’s sad that Roy found religion for himself. He was questioning the theism at one point, voiced that in his lyrics, and now instead of continuing on that road and seeing the world with clear eyes, he is deluding himself with superstition just for comfort and a sense of belonging. I despise religion and to see one of my favorite musicians fall for it hurts me.
August 10, 2013
You CLEARLY missed Roy’s obvious quest for spirituality throughout his career with Kamelot. I saw it from day one. He found exactly what he was looking for and felt he needed in his life. If it gives him joy and satisfaction, and doesn’t adversely affect others (he’s under NO obligation to live life as a puppet of his fans)… then what’s the problem? Your condescension and arrogance regarding Roy’s own personal quest/journey in this life is quite telling. Get back to me when you’ve contributed as much wonderful and inspirational art to this world as Roy has. :/
August 10, 2013
Suppose it hurts Roy to know that you don’t agree with his choice? Be happy with the path that he has chosen. Who knows, if he has found his happy place, he may return one day to grace us once more with that voice and poetry that we all came to love.
August 10, 2013
I have not missed Roys “quest”. I actually mentioned it myself before you did. And The fact that he quit the music business is a totally different topic. I’m fine with that. Let the man have his rest. Like you said he’s no puppet of his fans. Please stop reading stuff into my comments that’s not actually there.
The problem is that after his long search, he found nothing. He thinks he’s found what he was looking for, a purpose, something bigger than himself, but all he has found is delusion, empty content, a god that does not exist. He failed on his personal mission, without even realizing it. He has always been a spiritual man, but spirituality does not have to lead to religion. It did in Roy’s case, and that saddens me.
Again, whether or not he quit music is of irrelevance in this conversation. I’m fine with his decision, but I’m disappointed in the result of his personal quest. If you’re going to reply with another post ignorant of what I’m saying, I won’t reply again.
August 10, 2013
Typical response from a clueless atheist. Instead of spewing off at the mouth with your bullsh!t why not just be happy that Roy has found piece in his life.
Oh that’s right you can’t because your deluded mind won’t let you (rolls eyes)!
August 10, 2013
Please don’t put other atheist’s in the same box! Most of us respect others beliefs and oppinions!
August 10, 2013
I’ve dealt with atheists that are respectable to Christians before but zgoten’s response is the usual ilk that I hear from typical atheists of his kind. Some like him are so closed minded that no matter what anyone says to them it just goes into one ear and out the other.
And they like to attack anyone’s beliefs that don’t align with theirs. Same old tired BS.
August 10, 2013
Well there are those who are fanatic that way too 😉
August 10, 2013
I am not putting anyone in any box. Please stop putting words into my mouth. But I personally can’t be happy for Roy, if religion is the ultimate result of his inner struggle. I respect that he believes what he does, but I’m not happy with it. Why is everyone so offended by that?
August 10, 2013
I know I’m sidestepping the discussion here, but is that upload of “Happy Day” being sung by Roy in his Norwegian Church actually uploaded by Roy himself? Did anyone else catch that? Surprising for a guy who doesn’t have a Facebook or Twitter.
August 10, 2013
A norwegian man in the same church recorded it and put it out on youtube.
And yes, no doubt it is Roy.
August 12, 2013
It wasn’t much of a discussion anyway. People just attacked me for voicing my opinion. And then they even go so far as to claim I’m to ignorant one.
August 18, 2013
@Roy Khan Fanatic
Are you saying that the picture was taken in the same church as Happy Day was recorded? Because that’s not true, Happy Day and Raise Me Up was recorded in Moss and the picture was taken in Lørenskog. Btw, if Happy Day is still in Youtube, you’ve got to ask the uploader to delete it, Roy wasn’t really happy when he knew about the Happy Day and You Raise Me Up upload.
August 18, 2013
Maybe I’m off base here, but asking someone to take down a YouTube video on this particular site doesn’t seem like it’ll get results. If Khan was unhappy with it he could always contact YouTube. And it seems far more likely it was someone who attended the recording session/church session that actually uploaded it in the first place.
August 18, 2013
Happy Day was recorded by the guitarist who played with Roy on Happy Day. Roy got mad because it was on Youtube. By the time it was on Youtube some guy downloaded it and reuploaded it again when the previous one got deleted.
August 18, 2013
Out of curiosity I wonder how you came by that info — not doubting you at all but I’d guess you’re friends with Roy?
August 18, 2013
And it seems that Happy Day is deleted again.
August 19, 2013
The guitarist send the video to a guy on Youtube to upload to his channel, I got in touch with that guy and he told me. Thats how I also now that Roy got mad about the vi and wanted it to be removed. I wis I was friends with Roy lol
May 27, 2013
I did not discover Kamelot until after Tommy had already come aboard. It would seem I’ve missed out on one of the great talents, and that I have some “back cataglogue-digging” to do. I like Tommy and I think he’ll do well. I appreciate what you wrote and I certainly wish Roy all the best in whatever he wishes to do. In the meantime, I will go and enjoy all that he has already given us. Thanks again!
May 27, 2013
I did not discover Kamelot until Tommy was already aboard. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Roy, and I now know that I’ve missed out on one of the great talents. So it would seem that I have some back catalogue-digging to do. I will do it and enjoy what I’ve missed out on. It is unfortunate that Roy has chosen to leave the business, but I’m sure he has very good reasons for doing so. I wish him nothing but the best of everything and I hope he finds what it is that he’s searching for. And in the meantime, I will go back and enjoy what he’s already given us. Thanks for everything!
August 8, 2013
Reblogged this on Tales of A Dark, Disturbed, Perverted yet Beautiful Mind and commented:
A mind of my own I found when reading this! Nice post I highly recommend it!
August 8, 2013
I entered Kamelot barely when he had joined the band so I have truly only thank Khan for those lyrics he gave us. I understand perfectly the reason he left the business and I believe he left at a good time leaving his mark as one of the legends of metal. The new Kamelot to be sincere I am liking it both writing and in case of sound he seems to be keeping that Kameltish sound, if you will.
In the case of your article I find it very similar way of thinking I do! I liked it and hope to hear more from ya! Loved the article and hope to read more from ya! Liked it and keep it up! By the way loved the way you end it: leaving a legacy! Well done!
August 10, 2013
Thanks for reading! Keep coming back!
August 8, 2013
Thanx a million for the fantastic way to tell Roy’s legacy. Every word you wrote is correct.
But! There is and always will be a big BUT! Tommy looked up to Roy, tried to be like him, but he fails. Tommy lack what Roy had, that was essential, a heart, the way Roy gave all his soul, heart and the rest of himself to us, his fans. I’ll also be honest to say, I have never enjoyed Tommy in Seventh Wonder or what he has shown in Kamelot. Tommy is no way ever going to make the connection to my heart and soul as Roy did. Very few are able to what Roy was able to. Every singer can spit out a song, very few gives them self. Honestly, I can’t even manage to listen to more than a half song where Tommy is the singer, it literally gives me a headache. He is a good singer, but he’ll never ever be magic. For me Kamelot has lost it’s magic, it’s heart. I hope Kamelot will start a new way and stop copying Roy’s way, esp since Tommy in no way is able to fill Roy’s shoes.
Rumors has it… That Roy is working on music again… Tho I’m not sure what kind of music and frankly I don’t care, as long as it gives me the opportunity to hear him sing again.
August 10, 2013
Out of curiosity where’d you hear that he was doing music again? I know there’s the church singing that he’s doing… there’s that photographic proof of that, but if he’s in a recording project that will be news to me.
I have nothing against Roy’s spirituality or his embrace of Christianity, but having said that, I’m hoping it would not be a worship album.
August 10, 2013
The rumors are going around in the metal/rock enviroment here in Norway.
August 10, 2013
Huh… well this is going to be interesting… thanks for the info tip!
August 11, 2013
Could not agree more. I’ve defended Roy’s decision to walk away from the music biz and embrace religion and will continue to do so. But like everyone else here, I harbor my own wishes that he’ll return to music again. And like you, I’m not really interested in hearing him doing worship music. There’s already a ton of that stuff out there that doesn’t interest me, so I doubt that him singing it would. Nevertheless… it’s his decision regarding what he wants to do so I’ll just cross my fingers and hope that he finds his way back to the kind of music that speaks to me. Part of what made Roy so special to me was his ability to write and sing about spiritual and higher issues, without being completely “preachy”. He had a way, like precious few writers, of elevating the discourse in his lyrics… without alienating listeners who don’t respond to Stryper-esque lyrics. Smart, talented musicians can inject their ideals and beliefs into their music in such a way as to not turn-off listeners who are in a different place. And in fact, the best ones can even influence the listeners to a degree to be more open to the things that the artist feels are important.
August 12, 2013
Well said 🙂
August 16, 2013
It’s very good to hear a rumor like that! Please, if you know anything else, tell us!
September 3, 2013
Amen! I have watching him closely for years and he is so incredibly talented, and this just confirms it for me. I am so happy that Jesus has touched his life and changed him forever. The love of Christ is not hard to find… but you have to realize the odds he was against. I am sure he wanted to come out and share his new found faith – not to brag but just out of joy, to proclaim the Lord. He just knew it would be bad for Kamelot, so he probably said he was sick instead. He would have been attacked by sharks left and right, but just as Saul a murderer of Christians found Jesus and became Paul, and changed for the side of truth – he went through Hell on earth himself. What a wonderful transformation for Roy! You can hear the love for Christ in his voice! Who knows how the Lord spoke to him, but I am sure glad that he was aware of the fans following and how he was becoming an idol – and how the industry was pushing more and more down on them to succumb into darkness. I am so thankful that he had the spirit of discernment there to guide him; that is a true gift. Thank God!
September 4, 2013
I’m not entirely sure I agree with your take here, but then I’m not a particularly religious person myself…. having said that I don’t hold anything against Roy for the choices he made. Its his faith, his life and he did what he had to.
I won’t lie though, there is a part of me that hopes he reads the article I wrote and does remember why he was so revered. Hopefully he doesn’t forget stuff like that.
September 4, 2013
I was raised religious and even though I haven’t been particularly so for many years, I admire Roy for having the courage to make such a huge change in his life and that admiration and understanding is why I’ve been so accepting of his choice to leave Kamelot. I felt pretty lost for the first year or so, but have grown to be okay with it. As I’ve mentioned a time or two in this thread already, I could sense from day-one of my introduction to Kamelot (2004) that Roy was looking for something spiritual, so it wasn’t entirely a surprise to me when he found it. The band (Thomas) had been headed in a direction that he was uncomfortable with and frankly, I hadn’t be thrilled with their darker sound/vibe after Ghost Opera either. There are plenty of heavy, dark bands out there… I always liked Kamelot because they were more uplifting to me. “Karma” has been my favorite Kamelot tune for years. I especially love the “One Cold Winter’s Night” version where Roy introduces it by saying, “always remember… all you do in life… comes back to you”. That’s awesome and will stick with me for the rest of my life. God bless Roy and I hope he finds everything he’s looking for. And if that journey brings him back to us as a public figure in another great rock band… then all the better. If not… then I’ll still cherish what he gave us for the rest of my days.
September 4, 2013
Unfortunately, I think that he will. What with the removal of the You Tube spot and all. I think he wants to completely separate that part of is life from the new one he has found. Fans and all. If he wants to go all J.D. Salinger on us, that’s his choice and I respect it.
November 19, 2013
Thanks for this great article! (Yesterday I had opportunity to watch Kamelot with new singer Tommy K. – and while Fabio L. definitiely did not work for me, this one does fairly good.)
I’m specifically glad You also seem to enjoy the depth of the lyrics. These lyrics did a good deal in making me find an interest in symphonic metal some years ago, after I had mostly quit listening to music during my own dark and difficult times.
Also thanks for making clear that indeed Roy Khan was writing the lyrics. I was reading thru all the fineprint, but could only find that Khan+Youngblood together take credit as songwriters. (Nevertheless, in the fineprint of the PftP CD one finds one or two subtle hints that give an idea of what actually might have happened to Roy.)
So. if Roy Khan wrote all the lyrics, then that whole story is the reflection of a deep and serious personal quest – a search for the meaning and sense of life, so to say, and a search that would not stop before the dark and dangerous realms.
But, usually people recluse and go into solitude beforehand, in order to untertake such a spiritual quest – and for good reasons so. Trying to combine that with the busy live of touring and showbiz is indeed very likely to get one into overload and illness. But, life itself is honest in its own way: if we do not take the time to contemplate enough in proper time, life creates circomstances that force us to do it afterwards. (Me speaking from experience, having had my own “dark night of the soul”.)
So, I think thats just what happened to Roy: he ventured into the dark (that is obvious from many of the lyrics), and did so not as a typical metalhead just showing off how cool and satanistic one can be, but as a truly honest seeker with an open heart and an open soul –
and that is something not easily being done, and it can well take a couple of years of contemplation to get thru with it.
So, let us all just wish him that he enjoys his house on a hill in oblivion.
November 19, 2013
Thanks for reading! Glad you got to see the band with Tommy. As for Khan’s lyrics foreshadowing his departure I certainly think that’s true in parts from the Ghost Opera album and of course Poetry for the Poisoned. There were songs in older albums where he seemed to ruminate on the topic of faith and faithlessness, heck they sort of delved into it as a topic on their concept records.
Its just another part of the tapestry that made Kamelot’s work rise above the rest of the power metal spectrum —- there was real artistry at work there with real, substantive issues being addressed through the lyrics and subsequently, the music.
November 27, 2013
I jiust saw Kamelot with Tommy in Trieste on Thursday. They sound amazing on stage and look reinvigorated, as well. For what it’s worth, Tommy might not have Roy’s stage presence or his acting ability, nor passion/emotion, but he makes it up with sheer energy, an amazing vocal range, as well as the ability to maintain a clean and powerful vibrato even at the upper levels of his range. Additionally, he’s really good with the audience. The audience wasn’t very numerous (the hall is rather medium sized so around 7-800 tops), but they treated the audience as if we were in the thousands. One can really tell that they are working very hard to make the experience memorable and that they seem to cherish all their fans equally. One of the openers cancelled so both Kamelot and ReVamp player longer.
One benefit of Tommy’s involvement is that he can sing longer as his voice is more resistant to damage than Roy’s seems to have been so he can keep on “yelling” beautifully for 2 hours straight. I was a bit worried at first (its the end of the tour, after all) since he did skip a few high notes in the opening songs and kept going back stage during short breaks (+ he drank a lot), but once he did Center of the Universe at the top of his lungs with perfect control I knew he would not disappoint. I have to say I’m very, very pleased with Kamelot’s choice for new singer and I do hope Tommy + Kamelot will continue to evolve and grow.
That said, as I said once right after Silverthorn was published, I will miss Roy’s lyrics. He is a deeply emotional soul and that translates into his writing. In retrospect (of course, its easy to be a general after the battle) he seems to have telegraphed his eventual departure a long time ago. I think what resonates the most with me is his use of seasons to correspond with periods in a person’s life.
Memento mori:
When your time has come
You know you’ll be lonely once again
And the final winter comes to us all
When you close your eyes
Mementos of summer retrieves your mind
Like a drizzled afternoon cleans the air
When the winter blows
You’re glad you remember you really tried
His songs about winter approaching are, I think, his own introspection about the passage of time in human life. Karma, Human stain, Poetry for the poisoned all speak of the end, of reminiscence and I’m no longer surprised that he found solace in religion.
I do believe he is, like all people really, deeply concerned about mortality. Being so emotional, he simply could not hide it as well as most people.
Furthermore, he announced his withdrawal from the scene long ago in a short, but deeply touching song:
One other year has left my life
One year bygone so soon
These were the days I sacrificed
These days were lived for you
Some came with winter in white
Some days were blown away
Some came with sultry summer nights
Some with October rain
Oh, how I long for utter silence
But who am I to know
When rain will turn to snow?
If life brings another day
Again, at the very end… “when rain will turn to snow” or in other words, “when my career ends”.
A very poetic and fitting ending for such a poet.
November 28, 2013
Great post, interesting observation on his metaphors. What separated Khan (and subsequently, Kamelot) from their power metal peers was how he’d make every word count. For example, Tobias Sammet from Edguy/ Avantasia as a lyricist has a tendency to lean heavily on certain words and phrases like “belfry” and “babylon” to such an alarming degree that I’ve long surmised he’s using them as a crutch, where he’s attributed a definition to them and liberally sprinkles them in whenever it calls for it. How many times can you reference Babylon in a lyric writing career without it becoming caricature-esque? Don’t get me wrong I love Sammet and his work but its just another example of how hard it is to find quality lyricists within metal.
November 29, 2013
Roys choice of words are poetic. The words are not every day speak but they definitely get the point across from a different angle. The Metaphors are for you to look deep within yourself to give them your own definition. Kamelot has always allowed me to dream and feel emotions that fit into my particluar life at any given time, no matter what is happening.
Watching and listening to Roy sing those words made me believe that he believed in them as well. As mentioned before, he made every word count and did not waste a syllable. Its easy to see and one might agree that his own personal battles gave him strengths in writing. Im not sure what he might write about now, but maybe it wouldnt be as dark. The man is a genius in his writing skills. Maybe one day he will return to music, maybe not the same music, or just become a writer of books & poems. A man like that cant stay silent for long, just may not have the entertainment industry involved. Khan’swords are forever on paper and burned into memory. I thank him for the beauty and wonder that hes given the world.
November 29, 2013
Well said. If it makes you feel any better about his leaving, I’m told that he’s aware of this article via friends of his and possibly his wife. I have no reason to doubt the source of that rumor so maybe there’s a chance he might see your comments in the future.
November 30, 2013
It’s great that this discussion has carried on for a year and a half. Amazing that one person could have such an impact on his fans. I was late to the world of Kamelot. I started listening the year Black Halo came out. I quickly bought the whole library. I can understand why people are/were so passionate. The only other person I think that would have the same impact if he left the scene would be Tuomas Holopainen. There may be others, but those 2 rank at the top for me.
December 6, 2013
The man was and is incredible and truly has a special gift as a vocalist and lyricist. I very sadly did not even know of Roy Khan and Kamelot until a few months after he left the band. I was very dismayed but was happy to buy all the albums with the Kamelot I fell in love with. I do refuse to listen to the album with tommy and I don’t doubt he’s good but it’s not the same Kamelot anymore. I do wish them all the greatest success and that Roy has found what he was searching for. God bless them all.
December 7, 2013
I’d at least give the Karevik record a shot, its got a few really stellar songs on it, and with his skills at creating fantastic vocal melodies/arrangements in Seventh Wonder any future Kamelot releases with him should yield some worthwhile results.
December 7, 2013
It is rare when someone you know only through their creative work is able to truely touch you. That Roy Khan was able to do that for many people is evidenced by how deeply so many still feel loss even several years after his departure from Kamelot and by their need to share that feeling both here and on other forums and websites across the Internet. Watching the live video clips on youtube or elsewhere, the passion in his performances and the lyrics that give voice to thoughts and feelings so close to those within are still enough to bring tears to my eyes and I know I am not alone in that.
Roy Khan had a true gift and a rare talent and though I miss him greatly I sincerely wish him the best and am thankful that I got the chance to experiance his music.
As I write this some of the lyrics from EdenEcho are running through my mind:
First you said that you would never leave me
Merry were my days
Then you told me life is never easy
And left without a trace
Remember my name
And paint the darkness with your light
We’ll sing you a song for all broken hearted
Like edenechos in my head
January 15, 2014
I remember reading this article a few months after the news was official, that Roy had left for good. I always admired and loved Roy’s voice and your analysis of his writing qualities added even more to the admiration I have for this man. Great article really. It makes it all the more sadder that he probably won’t ever be back in the music scene.
Now, almost 2 years later it’s still sad really, And while I respect his choice I don’t understand it. Music was his profession, believes are something personal, those can coexist I think. Not to mention the fact that he touched so many people with his music and voice, that must count for something, and for him.
Tommy tries but he doesn’t convince me. He’s an ok singer but to me he’s nowhere near Roy.
January 15, 2014
Thanks for the nice words, I hear you on being bummed about Roy. He is still singing in some capacity, in his church where he apparently works in Norway. As for Tommy, I say we give him an album or two more to really come to a determination. Roy wasn’t great until The Fourth Legacy, he didn’t participate as a full songwriter on Siege Perilous (unless someone knows otherwise), and Tommy didn’t get to participate as a full songwriter/lyricist on the new album except for Song For Jolee, which was a really fantastic ballad. I’m looking forward to the next record.
January 16, 2014
” Music was his profession, believes are something personal, those can coexist I think. ”
They can if one wishes it, but beliefs trump profession otherwise. If you’re no longer enthusiastic about the job you do – and that’s what Kamelot was for him, a way to pay for mortgage, as it is for 99% of professional bands out there – why would you continue to do it, especially if it takes you far away from home for long periods of time.
Youngblood said once in an interview that he didn’t understand why Roy was flying back to Norway whenever he could during a tour. If they had a 4-5 day pause between gigs he’d hop on a plane and go to see his family. Obviously that was a sign that he was having a hard time being away from them and was doing the gigs because he HAD to, not because he WANTED to.
My guess is that, once he realized he could earn an honest wage in Norway he no longer HAD to perform in the band to make a living and the passion was obviously not there for a while before he quit – hence the dark and depressing themes on Poetry.
January 16, 2014
Being a devoted Christian (assuming that’s the religion he chose, not sure) and being in a metal band doesn’t exclude each other I’d say. And that’s the one thing I don’t understand.
I can understand he wants to spend more time with his family, but that has nothing to do with religion.
Perhaps he was seeking a more meaningful life and being in a metal band didn’t fill that void he was perhaps experiencing. Although being in a position where you can entertain a lot of people through your talent would seem like a meaningful existence. That’s subjective of course.
January 18, 2014
This is definitely a wonderful article as it really takes a more analytical approach to what Khan brought to the music world and all of us, his fans.
Like everyone else here, I was saddened when he left Kamelot. But as time continues to march on I find my sadness changing. Initially it was the shock of him leaving, and knowing I had missed a couple of chances to see him perform and wishing I could go back and attend those performances. Now, it is turning into an understanding of how unfair it would be for me to want him to continue to do anything that he doesn’t want to do anymore, no matter what it is. I love Khan’s voice, lyrics, and all around performance. But, I respect him far more as a person for having the courage to say that he’d had enough and wanted to get off the ride that was Kamelot. Sure, I would rather see him doing what I love to see him do, but what terrible things does it say about me to selfishly want him to continue performing just because I enjoy his performance?
If like a comment above has indicated that Roy is aware of this article and some day sees the comments, I hope Roy sees that while we all love what he brought to us with his gifts, most all of us want him to live the life he wants and needs, whatever that may be. If you read this Roy, God bless you for having the courage to do what you have done and follow your heart.
January 19, 2014
Thanks for reading! I suppose the real postscript to this entire article + comments is that its really hard to find someone who lives up to the Roy Khan standard when it comes to lyric writing in metal. There are some contenders emerging it seems, but no one taking the crown away. Thats what I’m going to keep searching for.
January 19, 2014
I’ve been listening to Silverthorn a bit here and there, and I feel torn. I have no dislike of Tommy Karevik. He is obviously a talented musician and to deny that would be incredibly unfair to him. I am sure he is a very decent human being as well as a talented musician. But when I listen to the songs of Silverthorn I just do not come away impressed by the sound of the songs(the actual songs not just his vocals, or just the lyrics, or any other single part of what makes a song a song). I do not find that I care for him as the singer for Kamelot…it is tough to truly verbalize. Again, it is nothing at all meant to be a negative directed at Tommy on any personal level. I surely hope the next album is better when he’s been in the band for a bit and perhaps has the chance to influence the songwriting more than what he was able to do with Silverthorn due to the writing time frame and and when he joined the band.
I still prefer the Khan performances, the bottom line is his lyrics and performance really struck me at my core and when you would see him perform you could tell he truly left everything he had on that stage.
January 30, 2014
I have listened to Silverthorn and Roy did leave his mark.
However it makes you think how much were just his own of the religious aspects.
He is not in the band anymore yet you will still find God in the music. Or maybe it is just my own interpretation and I like to find Him there.
There is one particular song from the Silverthorn album that helped me through a difficult time. Thank you each band member in Kamelot for his contribution to this amazing song.
Let me say I found God’s grace in the song and it was amazing. I know they are not a religious band and I am not one for listening to gospel at all.
But it is nice to get inspired by the music. Such as Demon Hunter, not a gospel band but it reminds you what is important and where to keep your focus.
Roy is amazing and Tommy is doing a very good job. Kamelot did not lose the essence, the music is still pretty epic. (except for the song, “Song for Jolee” it is a bid boybandish, please stay away from that, it sounds like something the Back Street Boys would sing.. yuk)
February 4, 2014
oustanding article…thank you from seattle.
February 4, 2014
Thanks! Congrats to your city for the Seahawks championship!
February 5, 2014
Joining to the praising chorus here. Discovered Kamelot a bit too late, when they released Ghost Opera, and then went back to Epica and The Black Halo. I was amazed on how Khan could do TWO back to back conceptual albums on the Goethe’s Fausto story and both were amazingly written and singed. My lord, that was unbelievable. I could see them live in Barcelona, and although the sound was poor and he wasn’t that good on his voice, it made an unforgettable experience.
For me it was a hell of tragic loose. Respect for the man, although I’m firmly behind my non religious beliefs. I hope he find what he is looking for. On the other side, if he decides to record a mexican album, or some Nepali music, I’ll jump in the wagon just to hear that voice again.
One last thinking. I don’t know if he reads this post, the discussion, whatever. But I’d like him to explain me what he has found, what’s the magic of religion. I mean, with all the respect I can show, but with all the curiosity I have for these things, I’d love to hear, see and breath the air that made him make such a move. Not going out of the music industry (that’s something that has no mistery to me) but to become a kind of monk.
Anyway. Great reading.
February 5, 2014
Reading this part of Elizabeth, was Khan thinking that his lyrics were misleading people and he could be punished because of that?
What if there’s a god and hell and heaven
Fire is the torment I must face
Dying by the souls I have forsaken
No one is gonna catch my fall from grace
February 6, 2014
Hmm… interesting to read into all these lyrics of his with hindsight in mind. I think a lot of the Epica and Black Halo albums contain lyrics that could be relating to both Ariel and Roy as well.
February 17, 2014
Honestly, it is disappointing only in the fact that i am personally religion less and when you connect with a band and feel their music as i do when i listen to Roy, you feel as though the lyrics are just that, beautiful literature, poetic story telling that is so mind blowing. And it is upsetting because you CAN have that beauty, and at the same time not be religious. The lyrics are beautiful, and can be interpreted in many ways, which in itself is a talent to have so many fans be able to be touched by lyrics because they aren’t bias to any belief. But also, since what it does seem is that he found religion, and since I’m not even one ounce of religious i can’t help but feel as if i kind of lost a best friend haha. LOVE is my religion, and i guess what I’m saying is, it’s just kind of a bummer to think that it could be possible that if i were to meet Roy Khan in person he may not be the person i had expected because regardless to what religious people might want to think, because of their blind faith they tend to judge those who do not share the same faith. But i’m just typing all of my jumbled thoughts, none of this really matters. Roy Khan is by far one of the best vocalist i have ever heard, and Kamelot will always be my favorite band, i also love Silverthorn, and will continue to listen to every CD here on out. Overall, none of us REALLY know what goes on in that poetic mastermind except for what he has given us through his music, so i won’t try to analyze it any harder;) Great article, especially means something if i read through the whole thing man!
February 17, 2014
Thanks for the kind words Neveen! You bring up an interesting topic for debate in terms of what we as listeners tend to project/expect from the artists we admire. In Roy’s case, I tend to keep a very outside looking in perspective, meaning that I can look back on his lyrics in the Kamelot catalog as being almost a document of his personal artistic history or journey towards his ultimate revelation. It was clear that doubt and struggle were a part of his identity even in the early days of Kamelot around the Fourth Legacy album. I tend to think that he was one of the more adamant proponents of utilizing the Faustian themes for Epica/The Black Halo simply because it seemed to work so well as an allegory for his own turmoil.
What would really be interesting is if someone could get an interview with him now, and really get a decent pre-musician Roy Khan biographical account on the record. I’d like to know what his relationship with religion was earlier in life. Did he feel pressure to join the Lutheran church at an early age by his parents or relatives or peers? Those kind of details would really help to greater understand the path he later took.
March 26, 2014
Here’s a few links I stumbled upon today about Roy’s post-Kamelot era. The visual transformation from his stage persona is astounding:
And an invite to a Christmas concert in 2013
Glad he’s happy.
March 26, 2014
The Norwegian website article was a new one for me, but I actually posted in that anybodylistening forum thread awhile back, you’ll see my reply on page 2. I didn’t know you visited that forum!
March 26, 2014
Actually, I saw your post, but figured there a bunch of people subscribed to this thread that might want to see the photo.
Oh, and I browse far too many forums when I have too much time on my hands…. like in the office between lectures 🙂
March 27, 2014
I’m the one that started the thread just in case anyone is wondering 🙂
March 27, 2014
This thread is beginning to look more and more like a metal fanatics cult… soon we’ll start talking OP levels 😀
March 27, 2014
I think that the fact that this thread is still going after all this time is testament to what a great singer and writer Roy is. I miss him still. The Black Halo is one of the best records ever made as far as I’m concerned. In any genre, and I listen to a lot of music. Big credits to Roy there.
Although Epica and Karma are very nice as well. And the Fourth Legacy, everything where he’s been on really.
The Black Halo stands out for me though. It got me into Kamelot and it’s just marvellous.
Roy Kahn has the ability to let you feel the lyrics, not only hear them. You go through the emotions he tries to convey.
You can feel the despair, the loneliness, but also the rejoicing, and not just hear it.
I can’t actually think of another vocalist that is that intense.
March 30, 2014
I already wrote something along these lines in my previous posts, but I wanted to add a comment made the other day by my girlfriend (she’s not a fan of Kamelot, but since I am she tolerates my ravings about the band from time to time, bless he 🙂 regarding Roy’s departure.
Applying female common sense logic to the issue she simply said: “Don’t you think his wife, after hearing his doubts and concerns about his voice and touring may have simply said: ‘Look, you’ve had 20 years of being a kid in a band. You’re not making a million dollars per gig. Don’t you think its high time you grow up, get a job and stay with your family?”
Just to be clear: she didn’t imply that “his wife made him quit music” (no woman would accuse another woman of “straightening out her man” – that’s a a guy prerogative hehe), merely that she applied the sometimes brutal but honest principle of pragmatism to the whole situation.
Having myself been faced with a similar outburst of pragmatism, which helped me grow up (a little bit), I can’t help but agree with her. After all, that’s what a loving wife/girlfriend is for 🙂
March 30, 2014
Oh I have no doubt that might have played a part — he and his wife had just had a child before the Ghost Opera record after all, however after he left the band he got a gig as a caretaker in a church, which is a fine and respectable job, but most likely does not yield big paychecks (I’d bet he made more touring with Kamelot in that regard).
He could’ve quit the band and continued in a non-touring capacity as a singer, doing work as a session musician, vocal teacher, ads/radio/commercial vocal work —– so why didn’t he? I think its clear that it was his faith pulling him along more than anything else. He’s definitely not in the church caretaker business for a pay increase…. remember he even stuck with the band through one more record after the Ghost Opera record —- he really was struggling internally in those last few years in the band.
April 2, 2014
As a Spiritual Christian (I believe in most of Jesus and the Bible’s teachings – I believe God is in all things) I have analyzed some of Kamelot’s lyrics and I strongly feel they are NOT Satanic, in fact, I think they are Christians and they don’t know it. If you want to know what a REAL satanist band is, look at Dimmu Borgir. Kamelot is talking about missing love, being let down by God – people that have ANY love in their heart ARE OF GOD, they just don’t know it. This is what people don’t get. We are so focused on RELIGION instead of a direct connection with God that it’s drawing us apart. Kamelot is Godly, because they have love in their heart – they just don’t know it yet 🙂 One day, they will see. Hell, look at the song “The Haunting”
April 3, 2014
The Kamelot songs and albums during Roy Khan’s tenure in the band with the exception of Siege Perilous all featured his lyric writing. Therefore its natural given what Roy has come to in his life to be able to look back on his lyrics in the band as evidence of a struggle with faith. And it was clear that he struggled with it. He was the main rallying effort within the band for them to do concept albums on the Faust saga, and its apparent given the literature why he would have been drawn to that material. It would be great if he’d give some type of interview with a Kamelot fan site where these questions can be now asked of him.
However, that being said —- I don’t think its correct to assert that the entire band are Christian or practicing Christians. If they are thats fine as well, but they’ve certainly made an effort to stay a secular outfit on all fronts (for which the very idea of them being “satanic” just because of some dabbling in black metal with the vocalist of Dimmu Borgir is just as absurd). Khan’s lyrics cannot speak for the rest of the four guys in the band.
Edit: Also if you think Dimmu Borgir is satanic, I’m humored to think on what your reaction would be to a Watain concert, or a Behemoth video. Dimmu Borgir is as satanic as Ronald McDonald, its largely a put on, a bit of something they often call “show-biz”.
April 3, 2014
no no, if I said they were Christian I worded it wrong. When I refer to “christian” I refer to …I guess.. a positive polarity. A “good” person at heart. I have no idea what the band is about, hell, it might even be his lyrics (I’m no major Kamelot fan,so I have no idea). I’ll have to check out Watain 😛 I’m strangely attracted to evil things, though I tend to consider myself mostly “good” – I fucking LOVE evil, I am not qualified to make any statements on Dimmu, Kamelot, Roy or anybody else. but what I’m trying to convey is that I think he is a good person.
April 3, 2014
Ahhh I gotcha, miscommunication between us.
April 3, 2014
nah probably my fault. i’m trying to comment on shit i know nothing about 😛 I’m like that sometimes. either way, kamelot rocks, and so does dimmu ^_^
April 4, 2014
Unlike King Diamond who actually says he’s a follower of Anton LaVey’s Satanic Bible. But I digress. Shagrath strikes me as an Alice Cooper type.
April 25, 2014
Hi MetalPigeon, I have been following this discussion and the rest of your blog for a while. Keep up the good work!
You keep wondering about the role of religion in Roy’s life prior to his burnout. Based on what I found, Roy was not a stranger to religion:
in this interview he states that some of his family is very Christian and some extremely non-Christian. I have been wondering if his mother’s side is religious, considering that he grew up in a small village where his maternal grandparents also live(d?). I believe, statistically speaking, small-town people are more likely to be religious than big city people.
http://www.metal-impact.com/index.php?name=Interviews&req=showcontent&id=209 (use google translate if you don’t know French)
Another thing I would like to point out is that Roy’s wife works (or at some point worked)
for a Christian-owned insurance company. I am not going to pretend that I know exactly what this means… I suppose it’s possible for non-Christians to work for such a company.
Finally, Khan’s daughter Stella was baptised in a church – possibly before his burnout but I cannot be certain. Again not sure what this means but I find it interesting. It’s possible his wife/other family wanted her baptised and he didn’t care one way or the other – at the time. It’s also possible it was done as a tradition and not because of religion.
Using google translate, I can see that Stella Kjaernes Khantatat appears under ‘baptisms’.
You can see that it’s for 2010.
April 25, 2014
That’s new info to me, particular the interview —- hadn’t seen that one before. Interesting to learn these background details, amazing that for a band that came of age in the digital era, Khan has been rather successful in keeping the large majority of his private life exactly that. But hey we’re fans and curiosity is a part of it.
April 25, 2014
I got a package from a local FedEx driver today that looked EXACTLY like a young Roy, with long hair. He got away before I could ask him if he played in a band. Dang… there goes my shot at forming a Kamelot tribute band! Though I don’t exactly look anything like Thomas (more like Roy’s current look). What would our name have been? Hmmm… Kameltoe maybe? 😀
April 25, 2014
Hahah, that reminds me of a moment I had when I overheard a guy arguing with his buddy over what the post-concert road playlist would consist of. His buddy suggested Kamelot, to which he replied “Uh….Kamel-not”.
April 25, 2014
Kamel-not! That’s even better!!! Do I have to pay you royalties if I can track this guy down and he has enough vocal talent for me to carry out my “evil” plan for world-dominance in a Kamelot tribute band? 😀
April 25, 2014
Haha no I’ll let that one go as fair use!
April 25, 2014
BTW… he’ll have to cut that hair down though. I’m partial to the “One Cold Winter’s Night” Roy look. This guy had more of a John Petrucci thing going-on with Roy’s face in there.
April 25, 2014
LOL… I just remembered that in honor of my favorite Kamelot song being Karma… I’m going to have to call this band “Karmalot”. 😀
February 4, 2015
Reblogged this on Lyrical Musings and commented:
Great post regarding song lyrics as a form of writing. Roy Khan (ex-Conception, ex-Kamelot) always interwove poetic stories with music.
February 5, 2015
Very cool Kathleen! Let’s keep the flame alive regarding Roy’s brilliance until he once again graces us with his presence on a public stage! 🙂
February 5, 2015
Thanks, JW! Yes, fingers crossed.
April 10, 2015
What a fantastic article you wrote about Roy, it says it all….thank you so much!
September 12, 2016
This article has been dormant for a while as there hasn’t been anything really new to update all around it seems.
However, something interesting has come to my attention. Most of us tend to be fans of Roy and have gotten little bits and pieces of what he’s been up to since he retired from Kamelot. But, it seems like something in his life is changing…but who knows what it will lead to.
If you go to http://mossfrikirke.no/roy-satt-dype-spor/ and use Google translate, it seems Roy is leaving his position at his church. There is some sort of mention that he will pick up the mantle of being a musician again, but it doesn’t detail in what capacity.
At https://www.facebook.com/mossfrikirke/ there is a comment from someone that when translated says “Good luck, ROY. Keep on singing!”, so perhaps Roy may have something musically oriented in the works. It will be interesting to see what happens.
September 13, 2016
Awesome news SR!!! I wondered if with the passage of time, Roy would find his way back to the world stage. Let’s hope that this is it. Hopefully he and his family are well, and hopefully he still has his vocal chops. That last point had been questioned after he left Kamelot.
September 13, 2016
Which I think was appearantly obvious on his last two outings with Kamelot. He just didn’t seem to have the range anymore. Hopefully his time away has allowed for the healing.
September 13, 2016
I hope if Roy does perform again that he sticks to more of his true natural range to avoid issues such as degradation of his voice. He has given his voice a good rest so hopefully we will know more soon.
September 14, 2016
Wow, thanks for the tip! Very interesting indeed! Come back Roy!
October 14, 2016
I always come back to this article when I’m in a ‘missing Khan’ kinda mood. Everything you’ve written is exactly how I have felt about all of this since Roy left. Tommy has turned out to be a rather amazing replacement, and Kamelot came out of the Roy-split strong with Silverthorn, and Haven was excellent too. My only sticking point is the lyrics now, and I miss Khan’s tone at times. Lyrically, Kamelot sit at an 8/10 for me now, 9/10 sometimes. But it’s still not Roy’s 10/10’s or 11/10’s, he truly was one of a kind.
October 17, 2016
Thanks, yeah this seems to be the article that doesn’t die. Hopefully if the rumors above in the comment section are true, we haven’t heard the last of Roy. I went back and listened to Haven recently, and if its indicative of what the band can accomplish with Tommy, I think the next album will be tremendous. There are a few lyrical highlights there that I do think are almost at Khan level. His gift I think was in his ability to work out the best narrative angle in addition to his diction choice —- he knew how to frame songs with lyrics that allowed your imagination to fill in the rest of the details (ie “Lost and Damned”).
July 26, 2017
Lovely post. I think Tommy has done a great job over the last years, but yes… still we all want to hear more about Roy
December 30, 2017
I appreciate the honor you have given Khan in your post as well as leaving Tommy room to grow with the band. I’m afraid I became a Kamelot fan in 2012 after Khan left, but the first song of theirs I heard was Wander and though I’m truly not part of the metal community I listen to a vast range of musical genres and I instantly fell in love and bought all of their albums with Khan. I respect Tommy’s talent as a musician for he is truly quite good though I do believe they took a step down in their song writing after Khan left they still manage to maintain a higher level of musical ability than most bands. I wish Khan the best and as a Christian myself I’m glad to support his choice in life. I regret only ever having the privilege of seeing him live. My best wishes and prayers go with Khan, Tommy, Youngblood, and the whole band.
January 3, 2018
Hi Remington! Thanks for reading and the nice comment! And who knows, with any luck maybe we’ll get to see Roy pull the comeback of ages in some form or fashion.
January 3, 2018
We all wish.
February 5, 2022
I love how the last comment here was 3-4 months before Roy returned with Conception. I’ve been reading this thread all morning thinking “Wow, if only they knew what was coming!” Lol wishing everyone in this thread, especially those who have the capacity to respect spiritual/religious beliefs, an amazing day 🤍🤍🤍
June 23, 2022
Yeah, I feel like this excellent article needs an update or a footnote now that Roy Khan’s legacy continues! I just discovered recently that Conception was back and I immediately bought their new album and have been listening to it on repeat since then, with my favourite songs changing the more I listen. Anyone who was discouraged by Roy’s turn to religion may be comforted to hear “Of Raven and Pigs”, which was a bit startling on first listen but is my current favourite. I also have really enjoyed hearing Roy doing guest appearances with Seven Spires, Star One and especially World of Damage – Breathe (Little Angel) which Khan wrote lyrics for too.
June 26, 2022
Yeah I might have to add an addendum or something like that, because you’re right he’s back and doing quite a bit. I’m really happy about that, especially that guest spot on the Seven Spires album really hitting the sweet spot. Adrienne Cowan cites Kamelot as a major influence and she really wrote with that version of Roy in mind on “This God is Dead”. I wish I was more enthusiastic about the recent Conception album that he put out, but it just didn’t quite hit the mark for me. Kinda hoping he does something on the side where he can really go for that Kamelot-ian classic sound again.
August 22, 2023
Coming to this party a little late, but this line struck me: “Kamelot’s future will be defined not by what they have gained, but by what they have lost.”
I also became a fan of Kamelot after Khan’s departure (I found out about them mid-2010s). Eventually I worked through their back catalogue and became a Khan fan.
Regarding Kamelot itself, the band is going in a mainstream/pop-oriented direction. Google a 2018 interview with Tommy Karevik, in which he states he no longer has interest in power metal and is more interested in pop and “modern” music (“modern” = mainstream, one assumes, a rather stupid choice of words, but one also designed to disguise the mainstream-ifcation of a band that was once otherwise).
I love Silverthorn and Haven, but Haven was missing something. Then came The Shadow Theory and its mix of inspired songs and forgettable pop tracks. It was then that I knew that Kamelot had indeed lost something by signing on Karevik: the deep, complex, poetic soul that Khan brought to it. Karevik, with Youngblood’s blessing, is accelerating the band’s midlife-crisis-powered degeneration into a bland mainstream outfit. The Awakening is proof of this. I’m proud to say I never spent a dime on it or its tour.
Unfortunately, Conception’s music doesn’t do anything for me, but I’m glad Khan’s work lives on nonetheless.
The musical rot of Kamelot is disappointing, but there are other great bands out there. Nothing gold can stay.
June 12, 2024
Hi, guys. Have been following this thread for a whole decade now. It was here where I came whenever I felt the need to share this bitter feeling of Khan’s departure and temporary retirement. It’s been quite a journey.
Just wanted to share something: last Sunday I was finally able to make my biggest musical dream come true. I took a six hour bus ride from Rio de Janeiro to watch Conception live in São Paulo. There he was, and what a groundbreaking performance! No doubt be left: Khan still sings like an angel. I’ve seen Fabio Lione multiple times with Angra, André Matos, James Labrie, Tommy Karevik… all of them great singers, but none of them can hold a candle to him.
I was the first person to enter the venue, so I got to spend the whole gig face to face with him. The best part: KHAN WAS SO HAPPY. The connection between him (the whole band, to be fair) and the crowd was crazy. Unfortunately I had to leave early to get my bus back home and lost the last two songs, but the feeling that whatever was hurting this man is now gone satisfied me completely.
He is everything that all of us fans have been repeating this whole time. There is no exaggeration. Singing Feather Moves along with him is definitely one of the highlights of my life up to now.
P.S.: As I had to get into Conception to enjoy the concert, I suggest you guys to insist. They got a bunch of killer songs!