Restless and Wild: 2025’s First Quarter Blitz

I have to admit to being slightly taken aback by just how strong the start to this year has been metal-wise. This is because normally, release calendars get off to a slow, lurching start in the first few wintry months of any year, and only really get frenetic around the springtime, which allows us lazier listeners to dilly dally for awhile in the wake of the post year-end best-of list publishing where we listen to a ton of old stuff or nothing at all. I consider myself lucky in that knowing a bunch of friends who are even more intense about their metal listening than I am yields a handful of best of lists worth delving into, which I’ve been doing diligently through most of these first few weeks. And to that point, normally the first article of the year is a mea culpa talking about all the stuff I’ve missed the year prior, but you know what — I can’t afford to that do this time around because there is so much genuinely exciting new stuff coming out that I owe it to myself to sort out my thoughts on all of it here. So here are some scattered thoughts on a plethora of new things and other odds and ends that have been top of mind recently:

Saor – Amidst the Ruins:

Having lapsed on release date awareness recently, I was happily surprised that Andy Marshall was rewarding my late December and early January constant spins of Forgotten Paths and Origins with a new Saor album. Going into this I had only expectations for the quality of the compositions, because there’s a standard that Marshall had set over the entire discography of the project that was largely characterized by thoughtfulness, depth, and a conveying of emotion. That latter dimension has been one that shifts, because I’d imagine that no one could argue against the idea that Origins (a year end listee in 2022) was strikingly more euphoric in tone than its immediate predecessor. Now while opinions are mixed about that change in tone, I personally loved it and wouldn’t have minded if he continued that trajectory. But credit to Marshall, he pivoted away from it a touch on Amidst the Ruins, which is indeed a darker, more earthen toned album in the vein of Forgotten Paths, though with the added spice of some smoky mysticism, as heard in the striking single “The Sylvan Embrace”. But not entirely, because on “Rebirth”, we get some of those clear eyed lead guitars combined with ringing bagpipes and it gives major Origins vibes. In re-listening to the album just now, I feel the takeaway here is that it’s a combination of moods from the past few records, a sort of career summary in a way, and that’s not a bad thing. I do love it, and though it lacks a transcendent moment such in the extended guitar solo of “Aurora”, its likely to stick in the listening rotation throughout the year.

The Halo Effect – March of the Unheard:

I feel like the general consensus about The Halo Effect’s first album has over the past three years gradually caught up to the opinion that I had of it upon its release, that it sounded far too much like Dark Tranquility for its own good. Sure there were elements of Jesper Stromblad’s signature touch on guitars and the songwriting was at times pretty solid, but Mikael Stanne’s position at the vocal helm was that double edged sword of him being a really fantastic screamer with incredible tone, and yet someone who has had years of developing a clean vocal melody style that is unmistakably recognizable. So recognizable in fact that it was hard to shake the Dark Tranquility vibes leaching into The Halo Effect’s music, particularly when it was largely a mix of scream/clean balancing acts within the songs, a trait that characterized so many of the recent albums of his main band. So on the sequel, they seem to have either heard the criticism and are consciously responding to it, or Jesper has seemingly decided to interject more of his signature guitarwork approach to the band’s sound, because there is a convincing aspect to March of the Unheard that is classic Gothenburg melodeath in terms of pure sound. For that reason alone, I enjoy this album a great deal when I’m actively listening to it, because its hitting those same taste buds that were awakened when I first heard classic In Flames and the rest of the Gothenburg ilk. But I will offer this criticism, that after weeks of listening to this consistently, I still have a hard time identifying most of these songs individually, as they all blur together in this modern melodeath mélange, and that’s been my criticism of Dark Tranquility’s newer albums as well. And I hate piling on Mr. Stanne, because I think he’s a great vocalist, but perhaps he needs guiderails for this project, such as a declarative rule on no clean singing, or no vocal melody driven choruses allowed? A little more Majesties’ Vast Reaches Unclaimed and less Atoma or Endtime Signals would really go a long way.

Majestica – Powertrain:

A fun one from a band led by one Tommy Johansson (ex-Sabaton/ReinXeed) who is in his power metal element here. I have a fond regard for anyone proudly flying the flag of classic power metal (the non-meme sort that is), and Tommy loudly declares that pride on an album that is a natural progression from their 2019 debut Above the Sky and sophomore x-mas concept album A Christmas Carol (if we’re counting that as a regular album I suppose). It also doubles as a tribute to power metal in subtle and not so subtle ways, the latter coming in the form of a unabashed salute to fellow Swedes in Hammerfall on “Megatrue”, with lyrics invoking that band’s album and song titles to amusing effect (well, to us power metal nerds), set to a suitably Hammerfall-ian marching song structure. I hear a little nod towards “Full Moon” ala Sonata Arctica on “No Pain, No Gain”, not only in the keyboards, but in the vocal patterning that does have hints of Tony Kakko. I hear Power Quest on “Victorius” with splashes of Stratovarius, and major Heavenly vibes on “Go Higher” — but alas, I trust that the band didn’t want us to only take away comparisons from this album. On “A Story In the Night”, they unleash a beast of a song that is unmistakably cut from the ReinXeed/Majestica songwriting mold, easily their finest tune to date and one to likely land on the songs of the year candidate list at least. Along with fellow Swede Johannes Skyblazer, Tommy has become one of the leading lights in a resurgence of unabashedly Europower oriented power metal, unafraid of being unfashionable and gimmick free. Its refreshing.

Dawn of Solace – Affliction Vortex:

Really impressed with the new Dawn of Solace, this being Tuomas Saukkonen’s other other band (that second ‘other’ is referring to Before the Dawn, who he brought back from the dead last year with a new singer onboard, that dude from The Voice of Finland reality show), and if that name is still not ringing a clear bell in your head, he’s the main man behind Wolfheart. So with this other band of his, it leans towards less aggression, and more of a focus on Finland’s ongoing love affair with melodic doom through a gothic filter. A two man lineup, Saukkonen’s always excellent harshes are paired against Mikko Heikkilä’s clean vocals, who is a bit of an acquired taste admittedly. He reminds me a lot of Tuomas Tuominen who gothic metal fans might remember as the vocalist on the first two The Man-Eating Tree albums and all those Fall of the Leafe records, sharing a similar tone and cadence in their deliveries. This is a moody, patience requiring affair, with songs that aren’t shy about gradual builds, slower tempos (that doom influence), and payoffs that aren’t hook based. It is a demanding listening experience in that regard, but I keep coming back to it for the depth and raw emotion they’ve mined here. I think if you’re a die-hard aggressive Wolfheart fan, this might be a fifty-fifty proposition, but if you like Finnish gothic metal this might be close enough to pique your interest.

The Night Flight Orchestra – Give Us The Moon:

I should also mention the new album from The Night Flight Orchestra, Give Us The Moon, which continues their locked into 1985 stylistic direction that they’d been splashing around in for the past two albums. I will say this, on one hand, there are some really solid songs here, “Like the Beating Of A Heart” is the band’s best single in ages and “Paloma” is a rather creative take on power balladry (deep pulls from Foreigner’s brand of AOR here) — but on the other hand, I feel like the band is treading familiar ground here that was already covered ad nauseum on the two Aeromantic albums that preceded this. There was a point where it seemed like the band was progressing their sound according to the timeline of the 80s, starting off with their debut album reflecting 1980 or 81, and each successive album moving along with the stylistic shifts in sound that actually occurred in that decade. Now I’m not so sure, maybe they just like this particular mid-80s aesthetic so much they’ve decided to nest here, but I do feel like their sound needs a shakeup. My vote would be to inject some late 80s glam/pop metal vibrancy into the mix on the next album, a little Whitesnake or Europe-ian over the top dramatic flair and some more virtuosic guitarwork. I can only hope anyway.

There were a handful of other releases that I’ll briefly comment on, starting with Master Sword’s Toying With Time being a really stellar listen, and if you heard the recent episode of the MSRcast, you’ll have heard us realizing during recording that it was the band’s final album, as they broke up immediately after its release, which does dampen the mood a bit. Give it a shot though because its a really unique blend of styles, a raspy, deep toned talented vocalist in Lily Hoy, and The Legend of Zelda as lyrical inspiration (a cousin to Fierce Deity in some ways). Italy’s Labyrinth also returned with their first album in four years, In the Vanishing Echoes of Goodbye, and it’s a solid effort that I enjoyed to a certain extent. I will concede that it didn’t have quite the punch of 2021’s Welcome to the Absurd Circus where they leaned more towards classic melodic power metal. Here I get more a progressive vibe, big on dense riff sequences and less on the soaring melodies leading the way, although Roberto Tiranti does go wild on a couple songs. I guess I’m still on the fence about my overall feelings on this album, and it very well might be a grower that hopefully sticks with me through the year.

Elsewhere, there was obviously the new Dream Theater album Parasomnia with Portnoy back in the fold, and while it was alright, I did find that “Bend the Clock” was the most interesting thing they’ve done in ages, a song genuinely brimming with some emotion and a above average vocal from James Labrie. I love the first minute and a half of that song where its such a Steven Wilson/Porcupine Tree vibe that’s happening, with undertones of nostalgia and melancholy… ahhh, if only more of their stuff could be like this I’d be a fan of this band. I listened out of curiosity and didn’t regret it, but probably will only return to that song alone. And the new Dynazty album Game of Faces came out and damn if I can find anything remarkable about it, which makes me sad actually. I don’t know if its just a me problem or that the band has started to repeat themselves, but this all sounds like stuff I’ve heard before, just less catchy. I like Nils Molin quite a bit as a vocalist for this band (unlike in Amaranthe, my criticism of him there should be well documented by now) so this is a total drag for me, so to curb my sadness I’ll end my comments here.

I can’t say that I enjoyed much of Marko Hietala’s solo album Roses From the Deep, but I applaud him getting back out there after dabbling around the metal scene with some solo guest appearances (including a cracking one with Therion on the first Leviathan album in 2021). This has much more in common with Tarot than Nightwish of course, but its so all over the place stylistically that it fell victim to a classic solo album faux pas of not having a cohesive vision. It was more Balls to Picasso and less The Chemical Wedding so to speak. There’s a new Lacuna Coil album out called Sleepless Empire, and I think its solid for what it is, though its back to their more slick, polished direction as opposed to the surprisingly dark and heavy affair that made 2019’s Black Anima very compelling. Cristina Scabbia still sounds ageless to her credit, and they have a sound that works for them, and there are songs on here such as “In Nomine Patris” and “Never Dawn” that are incredibly strong despite the thick production gloss. I do think getting messier and darker with their sound is the way for them to lean, but maybe that’s not an opinion shared by their fans.

I’m still digging into the new Ebonheart, Arion, Kilmara (love that track Daniel Heiman guests on), and Prehistoria albums, as well as Udo’s guest loaded Balls To The Wall – Reloaded, and new The Ferrymen album. I’ll probably leave those to the podcast to talk about because they’ll be old news by the time I’m caught up. Lastly, I’ll mention that I caught my first show of the year this past Sunday at the small room of House of Blues Houston, for Swallow the Sun with Harakiri For the Sky and Ghost Bath and a darkwave opener called Snakes of Russia. Regarding the latter, with all due respect to the singular gentleman who is that artist, darkwave as a live experience is profoundly boring if you don’t have some kind of visual aid to accompany it. At a certain point, I looked around and noticed people staring at their phones or like myself, the floor. His music was fine, it all kinda sounded the same, but would be great background music for working on something, but someone needs to whisper to him about reconsidering it as a live proposition. Ghost Bath were alright, apparently I forgot everything about seeing them in a gig long past, but what struck me this time was their proclamation that they play “rock n’ roll about killing yourself”, and then proceeded to do a black metal era Tribulation imitation for their set. A friend asked after the show, “Are they ashamed of black metal?”. And that was a legit question that hung in the air.

Seeing Harakiri For the Sky was a longtime coming after becoming a fan of the band back in 2018 with Arson, and they did play “Fire, Walk With Me” from that album, but mostly focused on the new one which I’m not as into. The drummer was phenomenal, and of course Matthias Sollak was incredible on lead guitar, and while they aren’t the most engaging live band, they managed to translate what is an incredibly dense, layered sound into the live setting rather well. As for Swallow the Sun, this was maybe my seventh or eighth time seeing them live now, and it was just as excellent as any of them have been (2019 was special for seeing Juha Ravio for the first time since his live hiatus). Hearing the new songs from Shining that I was obsessed with last year was a joy to behold, and they sounded heavier and more bruising than on the record (for anyone who had issues with their production). Also attending the show were Seven Spires’ Adrienne Cowan and Jack Kosto, and I got to talk to both of them outside briefly before Swallow the Sun went on. Jack was in town working on new music with Adrienne, and she told me she was leaving for the Avantasia tour the next day. I’d met both of them before, in fact Adrienne has become a common sight at specific Houston metal gigs over the past few years, but it was still surreal to look to my left during the Swallow the Sun set and see both of them standing next to us, nodding their heads along.

And that catches us up on current metal releases and events, for the most part. Anything that’s not covered in this update will be discussed on the podcast. Hopefully we get a bit of a slowdown in noteworthy releases so I can focus on some other things worth talking about on the blog, but if not, I’ll be back with one of these catch up type updates again. I’m going to deliver a singularly focused discussion on the new Avantasia and Brainstorm albums next, because both of those are worthy of a deeper look just by virtue of their veteran standing and my unabashed love for both of them. I have many thoughts!

The Metal Pigeon’s Best of 2024 // Part Two: The Albums

Here I go again, as David Coverdale once sagely sang, back with part two of The Metal Pigeon’s Best of 2024 feature, focusing on the best albums of the year (a tidy ten selections for you newcomers). If you missed part one of the feature a few weeks ago, focusing on the best songs of the year, be sure to check that out too. Looking back on the year in metal, I imagine we’re all going to have differing perspectives on whether or not it was a strong year for a particular subgenre or another. I’ve heard from many in our metal circle that it was a great year for black metal, and from others that it was another banner year for death metal. For my part, I was happily surprised at the renewed strength of gothic rock/metal coming through via several releases, something that I had been long hungering for over the past few years. Much like the recent folk metal revival of the past several years, there are new artists introducing freshness to gothic heaviness by putting their own spin on tried and true sounds and themes. It resulted in igniting a desire on my part to revisit a heap of classics in that vein, such as Sentenced, Charon, To/Die/For, The Man-Eating Tree, H.I.M., and many others. Much like my summer of Dio last year, it was liberating to drop out of the new music treadmill for awhile at will and just listen to older stuff I really longed to hear just for the sheer enjoyment of it. While it admittedly results in less updates here at the blog, that reconnecting with my roots keeps the metal fires burning so to speak. It reminds me of what I really love about this kind of music, and as a result, helps me sort through newer music with a more discerning and sharper ear. Well, at least I like to think so anyway, whether or not you’ll agree depends on your opinion of the list below. Read on!

10. Unleash the Archers – Phantoma

I think I might be one of the minority in feeling like Unleash the Archers stumbled onto something fresh and inspired on Phantoma. They had gone the conceptual/storyline route before, but even on the previous album Abyss where they were dabbling in a few different sounds (synths for example), they still kept tethers to the direct, USPM influenced metal attack as a nod to their past. Here they completely cut that cord, and in turn, created a sparkling, shimmering synth based soundscape for the songs on this album to flow through, the result being their most cohesive work to date — something that convincingly gelled with Phantoma’s theme of sentient AI running amok. Take the title track, ostensibly one of the heavier songs on the record, and its riffs are dressed up with glossy keyboards and layered vocals that lend themselves towards the futuristic vision the song is illustrating. This album also saw the band furthering the shift towards embracing more rock songwriting structures as opposed keeping everything metallic, a decision that has greatly shifted the weight of so many of these songs onto Brittney Hayes shoulders. This album has her finest vocal performances to date, and we discussed her career defining moment earlier on the first part of this best of feature on the epic “Give It Up Or Give It All”, but we shouldn’t ignore her impact on “The Collective” or “Buried In Code”. Her vocal choices in melody direction and inflection are undeniably addictive. I’ll admit this was a album that took time to grow on me, but I found myself yearning to hear it when I’d step away from it for awhile. It snuck its way onto this list before I realized it, but its earned its place here.

(Also appears on: The Metal Pigeon’s Best Songs of 2024)

9.  Iotunn – Kinship

Iotunn made waves a few years back with their debut Access All Worlds and its blending of progressive melodic death metal with traditional prog metal elements such as soaring clean vocals and dual lead guitar harmonies, but they really arrived on most everyone’s radar with this year’s incredible Kinship. This album was written with a degree of craftsmanship and attention to detail that underscores the album’s deliberate nature. This is illustrated in the patience of the songwriting, with most of these songs being built on long narrative arcs that culminate in emotionally powerful payoffs. It certainly was an album that required effort to immerse oneself fully, not offering up ultra hooky choruses or sugary melodies, its shifting riff sequences instead driving towards larger payoffs, much like classic Opeth albums such as Blackwater Park or Still Life. Its not an exaggeration to suggest that Kinship could be comparable to classics of that caliber, and vocalist Jón Aldará is to my ears as skillful a harsh/clean vocalist as Mikael Akerfeldt back in the day (some of you might know him from his work in Barren Earth after Mikko Kotamäki left). On such a complete and integrated album, its hard to pinpoint individual songs as standouts, but what comes to mind is the finale of “Twilight”, where after a bruising black metal tinged buildup, there’s a classic prog metal-esque riff sequence that transitions into Aldará’s earnest clean singing “Twilight / Hope flies free” over an epic melodic guitar motif echoing underneath. I debated on putting this album up higher than number nine, but because it came out relatively late in the year it received less spins than the other albums in this top ten. And lets not ignore the fact that this album is so mood dependent, and more of a full album experience (I didn’t just drop in on this thing to jam a particular song), that it had a bit of a handicap set against it terms of the amount of repeat spins it would receive. That being said, its a testament to its sheer artistic merit that it made such a monumental impact upon me in a short amount of time, that I couldn’t fathom leaving it off this list.

8.  Wolfheart – Draconian Darkness

Wolfheart delivered one of the best comebacks of the year with Draconian Darkness, bouncing back from what I felt were two lacking albums in a row. Unrelenting, punishing, bleakly sorrowful and filled with spring loaded aggression that is let loose in carefully constructed sequences, their newest effort saw Tuomas Saukkonen and company marrying their distinctly Finnish melodeath with swaths of orchestral soundscapes to amp up the grandeur and majesty. I remember spinning this on its release day in the morning not expecting much given how I felt about the aforementioned prior albums, but was left thrilled and far more awake as a result — it worked better than the little stick of instant coffee from the Korean grocery store (I take them to work, I do proper coffee at home!). Not only is the songwriting as sharp as the band’s best work on Tyhjyys and Constellation of the Black Light, but I’d argue that the gorgeous, cinematic symphonic arrangements here adorn them so well that this is in the running for my favorite Wolfheart album period. And its just a nonstop onslaught, storming the gates with the opener “Ancient Cold”, one of their hookiest songs to date, and then ratcheting up the intensity with “Evenfall” and the crushing “Burning Sky”. I love the little delicate acoustic touches that are scattered among these songs, bringing a little Gothenburg flavor to Finnish melodeath in a crossover that we need more of. And I can’t speak highly enough about the quality of the orchestrations, courtesy of Saku Moilanen, who carefully paints dark colors in the backgrounds that accentuate passages, and on occasion unfurl into gorgeous melodic motifs to carry a sequence on their own such the rising swells in “Grave”. A welcome return to the year end list for one of Finland’s greatest exports.

7.  Carmeria – Tragédie D’amour

It was when I first heard Tragédie D’amour that I began to take stock of just how much goth metal has been going through a nascent resurgence in 2024. For their sophomore album, Sydney based Carmeria decided to mix the Kamelot-ian symphonic progressive power metal heard on their 2021 debut album Advenae with a generous splash of Finnish gothic metal/rock for a heady cocktail that tastes both fresh and nostalgic. I initially appraised this album as an indulgent curiosity that fit into the Sentenced/Charon/H.I.M. kick I was going through for a couple months there, something that I would enjoy as a temporary aside, a casual aural fling. Well, that was a ridiculous notion as I soon realized, because any album that earns as many repeat listens as Tragédie D’amour has eventually comes calling when you start examining play counts, and in being honest with yourself as to what you really loved listening to the most during these past twelve months. I seem to learn that lesson anew every year and vow to never repeat it but… well here we are (I’m almost certain I’ll repeat the same mistake in 2025 at some point). Vocalist Jordan von Grae and keyboardist Mishka Bobrov were the brainchild behind injecting some of that melancholic gothic heartache into their sound as a direct homage to their shared love of H.I.M., and von Grae is a perfect melodic vocalist to blend both Roy Khan-esque dramatic theatricality with Ville Valo’s desperate, lovelorn crooning. I gushed about the album highlight “Immortal” on the Best Songs list, but this early 2000s gothic rock influence permeates much of the album, being mixed into the songwriting en masse so its not just relegated to isolated moments. Consider the ultra hooky “The Hoping Heart”, a keyboard and vocal driven song that blurs the lines of mid-tempo rocker and power ballad the way H.I.M. would with songs such as “The Funeral of Hearts” or “The Sacrament”. I also love the bands forays into pure balladry as on “Whispers of Forgiveness” with acoustic guitar and piano accompaniment that reminds me of Fourth Legacy/Karma era Kamelot; and on the short but gorgeous “Burning Ships” with bassist Emma Louise Nagy stepping in for lead vocals in a stirring performance. In listening to interviews with the band about this album, I get the feeling that maybe this marriage of goth rock into their sound was a temporary decision they made for this album, but I’d hope they would continue to pursue it. This is a sound that has been in desperate need of resurrection, and who would have thought it would take some sunbaked Aussies to bring it back to life?

(Also appears on: The Metal Pigeon’s Best Songs of 2024)

6.  Opera Magna – Heroica

Considering that I listen to K-Pop on a part time basis (its definitely not taking up as much of my listening time as it was in 2021 and 2022), you’d figure that I wouldn’t have a stumbling block with clean vocal sung metal in a foreign language. But I guess its fair to say that I have, considering this is the first non-extreme or folk metal entry by a foreign language metal album on a year end list of mine. I definitely did not think that in a year with some biggish power metal names releasing new records, that Opera Magna, relative unknowns outside of Spain, would drop the best pure symphonic power metal album of the year. I vaguely remembered hearing this band name thrown around in power metal circles around early 2000s when they were being tipped as the next Dark Moor, but I don’t think I recall actually hearing anything they did when I learned their debut album was sung in Spanish. I’m of course guilty of being close minded in retrospect, but that was a long time ago and things have changed in my ability to enjoy all forms of art in other languages (subtitles are no problem these days!). This is the band’s first genuinely new album in over a decade, considering 2023’s Of Love and Other Demons seems to be an English language version of the collection of the three Spanish language Del amor y otros demonios EPs (which are far more enjoyable in their native tongue). Their approach on Heroica takes the theatricality of Alfred Romero era Dark Moor and fuses it with the speed and technicality of influences such as Angra and Rhapsody of Fire. Songs such as “Volver” and the title track ripple with an electricity that is mood elevating and adrenaline infusing, and although the translated lyrics are quite thoughtful, its purely the sonic impact that I’m referring to here. Elsewhere, such as on “Que el amor, la vida y la muerte así te encuentren”, we get a sense of how their commitment to writing in Spanish gives their sound a unique sense of identity that perhaps the Italian power metal greats miss out on by singing in English. I can’t quite define what exactly is so appealing about the way Spanish language lyrics are phrased, perhaps its their smoothness and affinity for a grandiose delivery that I’m responding to. So even though I probably missed much of the lyrical subtext happening throughout this stellar album, I loved every second of it.

(Also appears on: The Metal Pigeon’s Best Songs of 2024)

5.  Judas Priest – Invincible Shield

At one point, this was sitting at the pole position on this list and I was certain that it wasn’t going to be dislodged from that spot. But perhaps the fact that I played the hell out of this thing upon it’s early March release date and on through the weeks and weeks thereafter made me shelve it for too long as a result (the same thing happened to Helloween’s incredible self-titled album in 2021 as I recall). I did bust this out recently in preparation for Priest’s show here in southwest Houston in October, but on the evening before the show word came down that Judas Priest was cancelling (for what we’d later find out might’ve been due to Rob getting the flu), and after that whole debacle my enthusiasm for giving it more spins faded. So yeah, I guess its fair to say that there was a tangible punishment for Invincible Shield as a whole in terms of their sliding down the year end rankings a bit, and perhaps that’s unfair, but it also has a lot to do with the competition it faced down below. I will say, in the past few weeks prepping for the finalization of this list, I have given it refresher spins and I do think its legitimately one of the best albums of the band’s career, easily their Brave New World moment in the post-reunion era (2005 and onwards). It is the strongest traditional metal album of the year as well, with Ritchie Faulkner and Glenn Tipton unleashing a dual guitar torrent that builds upon the focus and intensity of what was established on Firepower and turn it up to eleven. The album opens up with “Panic Attack” which brought to mind flashes of the Turbo album with those opening synths (happy connotations in my book) and kicks into the kind of full power attack that reminds one of “All Guns Blazing” or “Painkiller”, references I wouldn’t make unless I really believed they were apt. Then its just a murders row of absolute bangers one after another; “The Serpent and the King” (awesome), “Invincible Shield” (awesome), “Devil in Disguise” (awesome), “Gates of Hell” (awesome), “As God As My Witness” (so awesome). I skipped over “Crown of Thorns” in that sequence because it deserves special mention, featuring Halford’s most soulful vocal performance since “Angel” off Angel of Retribution, I love it so much. And things don’t dip in the second half, “Sons of Thunder” is at moments my favorite song on the record with that shouted back chorus, and “Trial By Fire” has the sort of classic mid 80s Priest-ian swagger that is so inimitable no matter how hard others have tried. I have yet to see other people’s lists, but I trust that this will be in most everyone’s top ten for obvious reasons. A late career championship for one of the greats.

4.  Myrath – Karma

No strangers to the year end best albums list (having an appearance on the 2016 edition with Legacy), Myrath returned earlier this year with their first album in over five years, no thanks to a half year delay on the release date of Karma for whatever reason (purely speculation but vinyl wait times tend to be the singular reason for any metal album delay lately). In all ways an improvement over 2019’s Shehili in which the band tried for a sound that was too heavy for its own good, they’ve seemed to realize where the sweet spot of their sound truly lies, that being the intersection between sharply written metallic hard rock with unabashed pop songwriting instincts and Maghrebian folk instrumentation. Long removed from their Symphony X influenced progressive roots, their efforts in cultivating their poppier side have culminated in what is to my ears their strongest and most cohesive album to date, even eclipsing Legacy. Central to this effort is vocalist Zaher Zorgati, whose rich tone and impressive ability to inflect and emote carries this album via some truly captivating vocal melodies which these songs are built around. The use of a small horn section (well its actually one guy, Julien Duchet, handling everything with aplomb) as a punctuating accent (particularly on “Into the Light”) really brought to mind the sound of Phil Collins solo discography, particularly given the tone of Zorgati’s vocal similarity (both singers have a character rich voice, unmistakable in their identity). The positive vibes heard there and on a song such as “Let It Go” (not a cover of the Disney super ballad in case you were suspicious!) are something that few hard rock and metal bands can pull off as convincingly as Myrath. The closest to achieve similar results would be Orphaned Land who have dabbled in writing uplifting music, but tend to skew darker and more mournful by comparison. Much of Karma’s success I attribute to Zorgati and his vocal charisma, but major credit goes to guitarist Malek Ben Arbia for maximizing a single guitar approach and as always, playing with a balance of restraint and flair when needed, as well as longtime collaborator and producer Kévin Codfert for marrying all these disparate elements so seamlessly. Easily one of the most satisfying listens of the year.

3.  Oak, Ash, & Thorn – Our Grief Is Thus

Denver’s Oak, Ash, & Thorn were one of the truly unknown bands on this list that took me by storm this past spring with the blackened folk metal of Our Grief Is Thus. They were introduced to me on an episode of the MSRcast, and described as having major Woods of Ypres vibes, which was of course enough for me to pay really close attention. After that show I binged this album nonstop, and to be sure, I do hear shades of the Canadian legends in their musical DNA, but I hear more in the way of Borknagar and Agalloch as primary influences. I will say that vocalist Adam Armstrong does sound a little like David Gold in certain moments with his clean vocals (but moreso on his very enunciative harsh vox), but I hear quite a bit of Lars Nedland in here as well. Yet what separates Oak, Ash, & Thorn from these possible influences is their songwriting, which is imbued with a personality of its own in its far looser, dare I suggest alternative rock stylistic bent. That doesn’t mean clean vocal pop choruses abound however, but the band favors a more stripped down, accessible riff sequence or rhythm pattern to usher in the choruses (they’re not buried in layers and layers of a wall of sound). The statement song here is the album opener “Dying Culture”, with one of the most artfully composed set of lyrics from any artist in 2024 and sporting a hugely memorable chorus. Yet in terms of accessibility, its hard to outdo “Light My Pyre” and “Auras”, the former being the most straight ahead rock influenced tune on the album, complete with one of the few instances of a band dropping the f-bomb in the lyrics and it feeling appropriate and warranted. But my favorite was “Auras”, with a shouting over the cliffside chorus that many a Scandinavian band would admire, Armstrong bellowing a brilliant clean vocal melody, and drummer Cierra White absolutely destroying the kit with a dynamic and engaging performance (she’s a darkhorse MVP on this album). This album got the band signed to Season of Mist, and rightfully so. Hopefully this is just the beginning of a career of masterpieces.

2.  Swallow the Sun – Shining

Arguably the most controversial album on this list, with even die hard Swallow the Sun fans being divided in opinions, it’s also perhaps the most intriguing album of the year for exactly that reason. Worn down from the exhaustive experiences writing When a Shadow Is Forced into the Light and Moonflowers, two albums dealing with grief in its various permutations, guitarist and songwriter Juha Raivio just couldn’t keep delving into the darkness any further. I loved those albums, both made my year end lists in their respective years, but they were at times too dark and sorrowful to casually listen to, so I get it. So he began a slow climb upwards, and in the process, shifted the bands sound somewhat away from the charcoal black tones of those two albums and introduced elements of light into the band’s sound, which we’ve really not heard Swallow the Sun entertain since almost a decade ago with some of the stuff off the Songs From the North triple disc outing. I say somewhat to describe this shift because there certainly still exists the band’s trademark bruising, uber heavy tones and riff sequences happening all across this album, and vocalist Mikko Kotamäki growls through plenty of it. Yet much of this album is imbued with lighter shades in guitar tones that borrow from gothic metal and dare I suggest darkwave, making use of space and textures in a way that sometimes reminds me of Steven Wilson. The producer here is Dan Lancaster, a big name in mainstream rock circles, who helped the band reimagine their sound in such a way as to emphasize atmosphere and what I’ve thought of as a de-escalation of the traditional Swallow the Sun attack. And maybe its because I’ve been in this headspace where I’ve craved that gothic metal vibe this year, but this album struck a hugely personal chord with me. It inspired a pensive and thoughtful atmosphere, a slowing down of scattered thoughts into a purely singular focus, an incredible achievement for any album. It was an intense and heavy album that was also meditative, and that utterly surreal strangeness captivated me.

(Also appears on: The Metal Pigeon’s Best Songs of 2024)

1.  Unto Others – Never, Neverland

Six years ago, when they were known as Idle Hands before US trademark law forced their name change, vocalist/guitarist Gabriel Franco, lead guitarist Sebastian Silva, and drummer Colin Vranizan crashed onto the 2019 best albums list at a staggering number two with their debut Mana, and instantaneously became a band that I’d keep at the forefront of my attention for future releases and shows. I caught them live sometime in 2021 on their headlining Strength tour and although I have mixed feelings on that album now (too heavy for its own good), the show here in Houston was fierce, with precision performances, and an intensity onstage from everyone involved that only bands who’ve really gelled together can muster. I left that show thinking with some degree of certainty that their best work was ahead of them, but I don’t think I ever suspected it would be right around the corner on their next frigging album. That is exactly what Never, Neverland could be (but if we’re lucky, its only just the start), because this album — a wild kitchen sink collection of gothic rock, traditional heavy metal, post-punk, and even some new wave strained through a Sisters of Mercy t-shirt — is the complete encapsulation of everything weird and wonderful about Unto Others. The band is an open book emotionally, at times expressing themselves with detached irony, at other times with tongue-in-cheek silliness, and often, with a disarming earnestness that cuts deep.

The songs that illustrate those emotional perspectives are just perfect in their simplicity, even downright elegant in moments, as on the album opener “Butterfly”, where Franco metaphorically examines the fine line between desire and destruction in regards to something or someone beautiful. Similarly on “Fame”, he delivers his wry observations of the trappings of stardom and success, singing in a icily detached tone (he’s so goddamned good at that) “The beauty often fades / And people hate when people change”. But without warning, Unto Others pulls me deep into nostalgia with something like “Momma Likes the Door Closed”, where I’m reminded of listening to stuff like Green Jelly and Primus in a friend’s bedroom on summer vacation from middle school, where you just nod along to a scorching riff and grin foolishly because you know its stupid but you love it anyway. And I get Faith No More vibes from the not quite instrumental “Hoops”, with its inexplicable, nonsensical shouted lyrics alongside awesome lead guitar parts, where its all so excellent even though you’re wondering why this was turned into a song in the first place. The beating heart of the album resides in its most vulnerable moments however, where on “Suicide Today” Franco disguises pleading urgency behind wryly glib, off-handedly conversational lyrics. Or on “Time Goes On”, where through a beautifully arranged guitar motif Franco sings about the dangers of being stuck in one’s own memories of the past, figuratively shouting (“Hey!”) to wake us from our stupor. The studio version of their “Pet Sematary” cover here that they actually played at the aforementioned Houston gig feels like a Christmas present by the time the album concludes. Captivating from start to finish, Never, Neverland made me run the gamut of emotions, kept me guessing, and had me playing the album in repeat mode on Spotify for countless weeks on end. Truly the album of the year.

The Metal Pigeon’s Best Power Metal Ballads

I have always been a fan of rock and metal bands doing ballads, full stop. I grew up being introduced to rock through artists such as Bon Jovi, Journey, Europe, and Guns N’ Roses, and the idea of the ballad, or more accurately, the power ballad was ingrained in hard rock culture during that era. During that time, their purpose in an artist’s repertoire was abundantly clear — for artists to have a song that was less aggressive, less loud, and more likely to get playlisted on commercial radio and MTV, and to appeal to a wider (read: female) audience. It was a tried and true formula, one that yielded artists of that era their biggest hits, the most eyeballs, and less dudes only at their shows. For a younger me just getting into hard rock and soon enough metal, I found a band’s ballads a fascinating counterpoint to the more rockin’ and aggressive material that I was there for in the first place. It was like getting to see another dimension to their sound that they kept under wraps, the band only revealing it in brief glimpses (as you imagine, I wasn’t thinking too much of the commercial reasons behind it at the time). Guns N’ Roses had the surreal grandiosity of “November Rain”, Scorpions were making oblique socio-political statements I didn’t quite understand with “Wind of Change” (a far cry from “Tease Me, Please Me”), and even Metallica was breaking new ground with “One”, a song that absolutely transfixed me with its dynamic approach.

I talked about it a bit during my little biographical essay, but the metalheads I grew up with were pretty tough and serious about their attitudes on metal. If it wasn’t kicking your ass, they just didn’t wanna know about it, and so “Nothing Else Matters” was worthy of scoffing mockery only, Dave Mustaine was getting called a poser for “A Tout Le Monde”, and “Silent Lucidity” was music for your mom to change your diapers to (I’m not kidding these dudes were brutal). So I kept my love of rock and metal ballads a secret, and in fairness to those guys, their attitudes actually forced me out of my comfort zone and kicked off my interest in death metal and harder thrash metal, with me finding my own way towards black metal very soon after, where in a few years I was listening to more extreme stuff than they were. But given the climate of that mid to late 90’s era of being a metal fan, being the ages we were, this was all part of your identity. I wasn’t about to talk about how much I loved ABBA and Laurel Canyon artists on California AM country radio that my mom used to listen to, and I certainly couldn’t admit to having serious fan opinions on Bon Jovi’s 1995 These Days album.

It really was the dawn of power metal that changed this closeted attitude for me, because I instantly felt an affinity for power metal’s highly melodic stylings and often unabashedly traditional ties to classic metal. And part of these artists album blueprints usually came heavily influenced by the fact that the songwriters in these bands also happened to love ballads, and they were committed to releasing the music they wanted to play, regardless of releasing it in a world dominated by disaffected alternative rock and post-grunge. So Blind Guardian was releasing pretty blistering speed metal, but were unapologetic about having a ballad called “Lord of the Rings” square in the middle of their album. Helloween dared fan blowback even more after replacing Michael Kiske by continuing their commitment to having a ballad on each album, and the new crop of Euro-power bands popping up in the late 90s were all trying their hands at them. It made me reconsider my outward commitment to the tough metal fan ethos that had been ingrained in me, particularly when I sat with an old metal buddy of mine named B.J. who played Manowar’s “Master of the Wind” in his Jeep and talked about how much he loved it and I admitted out loud that he was right.

After that I quickly let go of any insecurity about liking ballads (or power metal for that matter), and it opened up so much for me music wise. I soon discovered Sarah Brightman on PBS one night and became a huge fan of her sweeping, elegant balladry, and I openly admitted that I really liked H.I.M.’s music, despite all their Hot Topic dominance in the early 2000s. This kind of attitude eventually fueled my frustration with the small mindedness of metal communities online, with many of them still using all kinds of epithets and slurs to refer to a metal band doing a ballad, or artists that were deemed as less than metal just because their sound was lighter in tone or perceived as cheerful sounding. All these accusations of an artist being “wimpy” seemed like a way to mask some insecurity or another, and I wondered in particular why some vocal power metal fans were so against the idea of a band in this subgenre writing a ballad (shouldn’t the often emotional and vulnerable nature of power metal as a whole have shaken off those aversions, like they had for me?). I realized that even within the smaller community of power metal fans online, that ballads were still viewed with suspicious and downright hostility at times. It’s slightly less so today, but that attitude still resides within the community as a whole.

One of the big reasons I started The Metal Pigeon all those years ago was to have a platform to talk about subjects such as this, ones that are deeply unpopular even with fellow power metal fans. I realize that I’m probably going to be talking to myself with this article, but no matter: I’ve decided to take a shot at crafting a list of the best ballads that power metal has produced. The following list is separated in the only way that made sense to me, to decipher who best tackled this very tricky songwriting feat the throughout their careers. In that spirit, we have a singular grandmaster tier representing the artist who is peerless in their mastery of the ballad; a masters tier for those artists who have a handful of truly excellent ballads in their repertoire; an apprentice tier for artists with just a few awesome ballads to their credit; and a novice tier for those artists who managed one spectacular ballad in their oeuvre. If anyone besides me cares enough to read through this piece, undoubtedly questions will arise as to why some other ballad or another is not represented on the novices list. I had to limit it to the songs that were top of mind for me, but I completely allow that it is a tier that is open to expansion and updating, particularly if a song strikes me as worthy down the line.

Before we get to the list, I should take a moment to describe what I look for in a great ballad. The obvious factors of great songwriting, unforgettable melodies, and emotionally affecting lyrics or vocal performances aside, the key quality for me is the notion of bittersweet, or as it’s known in Japan as Mono no aware. It’s the singular element that ties all of these songs listed below or on this article’s expanded Spotify playlist, that despite the minor chords or often sad or melancholic undercurrent that flows through these ballads, they are tinged with hope and some degree of optimism. This is what separates ballads from rock and metal artists from the sugary sweet balladry of actual balladeers such as your Michael Bublé’s of the pop vocal world. It’s also what separates them from depressing dirges, like those of your favorite doom metal band. A successful rock or metal ballad should run through you and make you feel longing, wistfulness, empathy, regret, comfort and warmth in a few emotionally charged minutes. If you go through the songs below via the linked YouTube videos or the aforementioned Spotify playlist that’s linked below, I think you’ll begin to discern that commonality that I hear.

(Link to TheMetalPigeon Best Power Metal Ballads playlist on Spotify)

The Grandmaster

Tobias Sammet (Edguy/Avantasia)

Standing alone at the top of the power metal ballads mountain is one Tobias Sammet, the chief songwriter and ringleader for both Edguy and Avantasia. Upon building my research playlist for this exercise, he amassed a staggering twenty three worthy ballads on it culled from the expanse of both band’s discographies. Now power metal purists might scoff and say that post 2006 or so, Sammet abandoned power metal in favor of a fusion of styles that included hard rock, AOR, and symphonic metal in addition to power metal, thus excluding him as a pure power metal artist. I think that’s a nonsense argument in a discussion about ballads, but even if we entertain that criticism for a moment, Sammet would still sit at the top of the leaderboard from his 97-03 power metal era with nine entries. I have always loved his musical approach to ballads, from the more stoic and epic in tone cuts of the early Edguy era, to the bombastic sweep of Avantasia’s power ballads, and his demonstrable love for bands like Europe, Magnum, and Bon Jovi in his more AOR-influenced ballads later in his career. I firmly believe that much of his success at penning such beautiful ballads is rooted in his composing with keyboards and vocals first, not guitar riffs. It naturally shifts the weight of the song to the vocal melody, and he’s incredible at crafting those.

Yet it was Sammet’s lyrical approach to ballad writing that sets him apart from most of his power metal peers, that being his welcoming of romantic love as a theme, which as you’ll discover throughout the rest of this exploration is pretty darn uncommon. For sure he sometimes delved into the mainstays of power metal balladry lyrical themes, such as loneliness, isolation, light vs dark, a journey to be undertaken, etc. But Sammet mostly wrote unabashed love songs, starting early in his career at a time when he would still get flak for it, mostly from those aforementioned insecure listeners, whose aversion to anything without double bass and galloping riffs included any kind of seemingly unmanly sentiment being expressed in the lyrics. It’s hard to ignore lyrics in ballads, the vocals often front and center in the mix, and Sammet would take a direct approach in his ballads instead of couching his sentiments in his usual metaphors and metaphysical imagery. And even when he did venture away from romantic themes, he tapped into a wellspring of lump in your throat hopefulness that few in popular music, let alone power metal, can shape and wield as artfully as he has.

(As mentioned above, there’s simply too many Sammet ballads to cover in-depth here, but I’ll pick out a handful to focus on, with the rest having to take their spotlight in this article’s companion Spotify playlist. Some of these aren’t my personal favorites, but I tried to pick songs that illustrate Sammet’s range and versatility as a ballads songwriter, a prolific one at that.)

“Scarlet Rose” (Vain Glory Opera, 1998)

This was one of the rare guitar oriented ballads early on in Sammet’s career, with Edguy’s Jens Ludwig’s unforgettably beautiful acoustic guitarwork bookending these initial verses before the song explodes into power ballad territory with the Scorpions-esque “Still Loving You” treatment at the end with loudly ringing chords and a fully electrified solo that follows the acoustic passage midway through. I know “Land of the Miracle” is the obvious pick for a standout ballad early in Edguy’s career, but everyone knows that tune, and I feel some of these very early Edguy ballads get overlooked. This gem was a massive leap forward from the admirable yet rough “When A Hero Cries” off Kingdom of Madness in 1997 — and for a broader perspective on how quickly Sammet was learning his ballad craft, hear the massive difference on the 1995 Savage Poetry demos of “Roses to No One” and “Sands of Time” in comparison to the re-recording of that same album in 2000 (as The Savage Poetry).

“Farewell” (The Metal Opera, Pt. I, 2001)

Arguably the most iconic moment from The Metal Opera, Pt I, Sammet recruited Within Temptation’s Sharon Den Adel for a ice queen ready guest spot on this spectacular, joyfully exuberant folky power ballad. Brimming with shades of Blind Guardian’s Nightfall In Middle Earth musicality, this stunner was adorned with Miro Rodenburg’s phenomenal studio orchestration and in particular, a distinct flute-esque sound that piloted the top line melody throughout the song. But regal is perhaps the best adjective here, because I’m hard pressed to think of another power metal ballad that really inspires you to stand heroically with one leg up on your computer chair, back straight, arms akimbo while you look off into the distance (the wall) while this soundtracks whatever’s happening in your mind’s eye. The Wacken 2011 live clip is goosebump inducing.

“Forever” (Hellfire Club, 2003)

I wanna highlight this because its not only a beautiful song, but it was coming off Edguy’s first foray with mixing hard rock influences into their power metal brew, and you hear that in spades with this unabashedly 80s inspired power ballad. It’s actually hard to pinpoint individual artists here as inspirations because Sammet really does blur the lines between AOR styled hard rock power ballads and Edguy’s own idiosyncratic sonic palette, but when Ludwig’s guitar solo kicks in, I think glimpses of Guns N’ Roses filter through. The other important distinction here is the presence of the German Film Orchestra Babelsberg, being one of the few moments that a real orchestra has provided the backdrop to a power metal ballad. The presence of real strings lends depth to the atmosphere, particularly with how they swell during the chorus, their lyrical arrangement adding gravitas to Sammet’s soaring vocals.

“The Story Ain’t Over” (Lost In Space Pt.1, 2007)

One of the biggest hits of Sammet’s career, this song has achieved a bit of iconic status amongst power metal fans as being a genre classic, and certainly it ranks atop the affections of many of his die-hard fans. I’ve found myself having to take breaks from listening to it for lengthy stretches over the past two decades because of just how much I overplayed it when the Lost In Space EPs first came out and we all collectively wondered why this song wasn’t on The Scarecrow album proper as a single in it’s own right. There is something undeniably magic about its majestic sweep and theatricality, even Sammet’s unusual phraseology due to being an English as a second language speaker is endearing. Sammet was able to merge the grandeur of Jim Steinman’s songwriting for Meatloaf and Celine Dion with the magic of Magnum (not a coincidence that Bob Catley helmed co-lead vocals here), this is arguably the quintessential Avantasia power ballad.

“Thorn Without A Rose” (Tinnitus Sanctus, 2008)

A genuine bright spot amongst the turbulent tracklist of Tinnitus Sanctus, this nostalgia soaked 80s AOR power ballad was a continuation of the Bon Jovi meets Europe vibes that began with the Rocket Ride era (in particular that album’s fine power ballad “Save Me”). There was a time when I felt the intro verse was a little too slow paced for the rest of the song, but in time I grew to appreciate that gradual build up. The structure of the refrain here is classic 80s pop metal, with group vocals for emphasis on “Tomorrow!” and “…a thorn without roses!” And there’s something particularly affecting about the imagery in these lyrics, Sammet painting a picture of loss and sorrow over the passage of time (“You reach for the distance / And when you arrive the distance is gone / Already gone”). I always thought the song’s lone reference to romance was an incredibly strong piece of imagery as well (“I’d never known that dying embers / Would hurt more than the blazing fire we’d lit”), proving that Sammet was getting better as a lyricist, something we’d see a lot more of in later Avantasia albums.

“Alone In Myself” (Space Police, 2014)

It was a toss up for me to discuss this absolutely soulful gem off Space Police or the overlooked and underrated “Every Night Without You” from the woeful Age of the Joker album in 2011 (so I’ll talk about both a bit!). The latter was a classic pop-metal ballad with a surprising blast of late 90s power metal flourish via the placement of triumphant orchestral swells in the bridge, complete with punctuating horns that gave it a regal flavor ala Vain Glory Opera. But “Alone in Myself” inverted those stylistic choices, being built on pensive church organ sounding keyboard lines, rhythmic lowkey riffing, and drummer Felix Bohnke’s best Phil Collins impersonation ala loud/soft dynamic drum patterns. It all made sense when the chorus hit, with Sammet’s lamenting vocals being reinforced with a choir vocal that sang along to the lead vocal line, and providing interstitial harmonies that really gave the whole thing a genuine gospel vibe. I love how different this song is compared to the other Sammet penned ballads, it remains unique even to this day in his catalog.

The Masters


One of the key figures of the power metal movement in the late 90s, Sweden’s Hammerfall introduced ballads as an integral part of every album in their career, beginning with the title track of their immaculate debut album Glory to the Brave. It’s fair to say their ballads divide their audience, because those of us who love them really love them, while detractors say that they’re the worst aspect of the band’s sound. Those latter folks are unfortunately missing out, regardless of whatever reason they have for objecting, because while not every Hammerfall ballad hits the mark, the ones that do are embedded with the DNA of what we pinpointed earlier as being crucial to the magic of a great rock and metal ballad. These are bittersweet perfection.

“Glory to the Brave” (Glory to the Brave, 1997)

You have to give Hammerfall credit for being unafraid of including a ballad on their debut album, a fully traditional sounding heavy metal album with a kick of speed ala Helloween that could almost solely be credited as the singularity for the EUPM style and approach to cement the definition of the term “power metal”. That they were already delivering an unfashionable approach to heavy music in the late 90s was one thing, but to reinforce it with a piano led, seven minute plus power ballad was another. I’ve always heard shades of the influence of Scorpions and Accept on this song and it’s cousin “Remember Tomorrow” on the follow-up Legacy of Kings in 1998. I’m thinking specifically of those band’s classic tunes such as “Still Loving You” and “Seawinds”, with their tales of world weary experience and a long journey to come. This isn’t my personal favorite Hammerfall ballad, but I can concede it’s their most epic.

“Always Will Be” (Renegade, 2000)

I love the way the lead guitars in the intro here sound like they’re coming from far off, over a distant hill perhaps. This is a fine example of how Hammerfall and singer Joacim Cans in particular can evoke melancholy with just a few chord patterns and subtle vocal inflections — you can hear the latter on the pre-chorus when he sings “You were the wind beneath my wings, taught me how to fly”. Although this song speaks of longing for lost romance, I’ve always felt that its musical accompaniment suggested something far more grander, a sort of soul searching vibe. The best bit here is the middle bridge with “When I turn to the east, I see no dawn / But after darkness comes the light”, because the vocal melody its sung to is so emotively stirring that I find it downright inspirational. Is this how gospel music fans feel when listening to CeCe Winans?

“Dreams Come True” (Crimson Thunder, 2002)

My personal favorite ballad by the band, “Dreams Come True” is emblematic of the fundamental qualities that make power metal ballads so appealing to me, with its bittersweet mix of melancholic tones and dewy eyed lyricism. I’ve always loved the guitar tone in this song, the acoustics bright and vibrant sounding, right upfront in the mix to dance alongside Cans’ emotional vocal melodies (in fact this might be their first song without any electric guitar whatsoever.) Should a song about the narrator staring deep into the eyes of someone who could get him to “surely melt and die” be set to such a beautifully sorrowful melody? Apparently yes, that’s how Hammerfall interpret these feelings and clear the goddamned hall if you’re not onboard. They have yet to play this one live, but they use it as the outro track when they’re taking final bows, with Cans always visibly singing along. C’mon guys, I need to hear this performed at least once.

“Restless Soul” (Steel Meets Steel: Ten Years of Glory, 2007)

One of the new songs specifically written for the band’s decade long career retrospective, this song is Hammerfall’s most skyward reaching, symphonic metal drenched ballad ever. The orchestration is a crucial element here, rocketing up the drama during the chorus as it soars alongside Cans’ vocals. They flipped their formula around on this one, beginning loud and then descending into softer verses, and I love their placement of the group backing vocals during the chorus as a point-counterpoint to the lead vocals. The backing vocals always fire me up on this one, and its not a surprise to see a guy like Thomas Hackmann in the credits here, he’s been a backing vocalist for numerous power metal bands recording around Germany for ages now. It’s harder than it seems to make songs sound as epic as this, but Hammerfall execute it here by carefully arranging simple elements in clever ways.

“Second to One” (Dominion, 2019)

Deep into their career, Hammerfall has continued to deliver emotionally loaded ballads, and none finer than this one off the otherwise uneven Built to Last, their last middling album before they righted the ship with Dominion three years later. Heavily reliant on a bed of piano but driven largely by Cans’ solo vocal melody, this is one of the most sparse ballads the band has ever delivered. The openness has given it room to serve as a platform for a vocal duet, with Battle Beast’s Noora Louhimo joining Cans on a special version released as a single in early 2020, and also joining the band for a live duet rendition found on the Live! Against the World double live album. I love her voice, and she adds a more theatrical edge to the song on the studio duet, but the original is what I keep coming back to again and again.


There was a time, long ago now, when Kamelot broke the mold for power metal in so many ways. One of the ways was through then singer and co-songwriter Roy Khan’s incredible talents as a lyricist and vocalist. His talents in both those areas shined brightest when he was ceded the lone spotlight, as was often the case on the band’s ballads during that glory era of the band. I will admit that I have enjoyed a few of their post Khan-era ballads with current singer Tommy Karevik, but while they’re enjoyable in the moment, they lack the enduring impact of the songs crafted via the classic Thomas Youngblood-Khan partnership. Ages back I wrote one of my most popular articles in this blog’s history on Khan’s lasting legacy on the band, and the crux of what I was arguing there still rings true today, that he was unparalleled as a lyricist and a vocalist in power metal, and when considering these ballads, a case can be made that he’s still without equal.

“A Sailorman’s Hymn” (The Fourth Legacy, 1999)

Simply put, this is one of the most beautiful acoustic ballads in power metal history, a simple repeating guitar figure with folk undertones in it’s melodic motif, accompanied by swathes of piano and keyboard strings courtesy of the great Miro Rodenberg. Though it was Khan’s second album with the band, The Fourth Legacy was where he finally got to make an impact as a songwriter, working in tandem with Youngblood to craft a power metal classic for the ages, and you can really hear his delicate touch with vocal melodies here (also I’ll give a nod here to it’s sister medieval folk ballad “Glory” towards the end of the album). Delivering a perfectly paced narrative performance, Khan’s relatively plaintive vocal delivery here is still punctuated by just the right amount of emoting at various key moments. Few singers would feel comfortable enough to carry the entire melody of a song on their backs, but Khan made it seem effortless on this masterpiece.

“Don’t You Cry” (Karma, 2001)

Likely the sweetest ballad on this list in tone, sentiment and musical arrangement, “Don’t Cry” is a rightfully dubbed classic from the incredible yet often overlooked Karma. Built on a renaissance faire ready acoustic guitar melody with Khan at his emotive best (those falsettos!), “Don’t You Cry” was bolstered by the presence of an actual string quartet providing a delightfully sugary accompaniment. The lyrics here relate more to Queensryche’s “Silent Lucidity” in that it’s a ballad about comfort instead of a lament about the loss of romance. Youngblood wrote this about the death of his father and it’s said that the verses are him dealing with the grief of that loss, while the chorus serves as his father replying with words of comfort. Pretty heavy stuff packed in a ballad that didn’t feel weighed down by the subject matter, the lightness of the sonic palette and the soft touch of the arrangement making this an absolute joy to listen to repeatedly.

“Wander” (Epica, 2003)

There’s a review of the Epica album on Amazon from a guy named Lord Chimp whose words about this song (and it’s companion ballad that we’ll talk about below) have always stuck with me. He talked about how the sound of this song was akin to the summery magenta flush of longing — er something like that, basically that the sound design of this song matched the setting and theme of the lyrics. Khan sings of the events of “one summer’s night within the month of June” and “flowers in mahogany hair, and smell of earth in bloom” when two star-crossed lovers meet at the wishing well. His lyrics in this song are incredibly evocative and conjure such powerful images, even in the abstract when he sings “My shade will always haunt her / but she will be my guiding light”. Led by an elegantly crafted orchestral arrangement, this is theatricality in ballad form at it’s very best, simultaneously vivid and captivating yet also sounding effortless and dreamlike.

“On the Coldest Winter’s Night” (Epica, 2003)

Our friend the aforementioned Lord Chimp also noted that quite opposite of the summery glow of “Wander”, the chill of winter seemed to permeate this aptly named ballad. He described this song as frostier and darker in tone, and in my favorite line from his review, “A simple plucked guitar figure feels like cold snowflakes on the skin”. Too right Lord Chimp. The details that abound in this masterpiece of a ballad give it so much musical depth, from the casually articulated piano runs, to Rodenberg’s restrained use of orchestral swells to accent Khan’s vocal narration. This is also one of those few times I paid attention to the bass work more than the guitars, because one André Neygenfind, the live bassist for Avantasia is a guest musician here laying down some jazz double bass alongside Olaf Reitmeier’s acoustic bass. It all does lend a grounded earthiness and fireplace warmth to this scene of Ariel and Helena’s bittersweet reunion. Once again, Khan’s lyrics are just a chef’s kiss… rarely in power metal is subtlety such an integral part of a songwriter’s choice of diction like it is here.

“Abandoned” (The Black Halo, 2005)

I was hard pressed to choose between “Abandoned” and the pair of ballads from the last two Khan era albums (Ghost Opera’s “Anthem” and Poetry For the Poisoned’s “House on a Hill”) for this brief look back on Kamelot’s oeuvre, but be assured that both of those are on the playlist. I was always in particular taken with the latter where Simone Simons returned for her second duet with Khan and they serenaded us with a blast of melodrama that would inform later Kamelot balladry during the current Karevik era. But “Abandoned” off The Black Halo is one of those tour de force type tracks that defines the greatness of a vocalist, with Khan swinging from his deep tones of hushed pensiveness to that jaw dropping controlled explosion of emotion at the 3:11 mark. It was arguably the emotional high point of their excellent concert film One Cold Winter’s Night, and I’d argue it was the emotional center of The Black Halo, coming at a crucial despondent juncture for our protagonist Ariel in his trials and tribulations.

Blind Guardian

The bards would immediately find themselves on a Mount Rushmore of power metal these days, but back in the late 80s before that label came to mean what it would in the mid 90s, Blind Guardian were largely considered as a speed metal band. Then they released Tales From the Twilight World and Somewhere Far Beyond, and it was ballads such as “Lord of the Rings”, “The Bard’s Song”, and “The Black Chamber” that would not only separate them from their peers, but provide the evidence for fans and journalists to apply the power metal label to them retroactively. Their balladry was oriented around acoustic guitars, but rather than employing them for their soft sounds to platform power ballad hooks, they wrote medieval folk inspired ballads that were sparse and breathed. Hansi Kursch’s vocals were the perfect mix of melodic, rich and full of character while retaining his rough throaty texture he unleashed on their heavier and faster songs. His lyrics were transportive, speaking of tales of faraway, imaginative worlds and painting pictures so vivid you felt you were there, right around the campfire, seeing your breath in the cold night air.

“The Bard’s Song” (Somewhere Far Beyond, 1992)

Maybe no other song on this list needs as little introduction as this evergreen classic from the bards’ 1992 album Somewhere Far Beyond and well, every live album they’ve released in their career. A concert staple since forever, this is the kind of song that most of us know the lyrics to by heart by virtue of having heard it over and over again because it never gets old. I’ve gestured along to it on car rides, inside pavilion tents at renaissance festival campgrounds, on a friend’s third floor balcony in a utterly drunken state where in retrospect way too many of us were hanging out one night, and of course in concert as recently as this past April of 2024 where we serenaded Hansi in Austin because he simply doesn’t need to sing that much of this at all since the crowd is doing it for him. Similar to some of their other ballads on this list, the bards differentiated themselves with the tone and musicality of their ballad songwriting from other metal bands, crafting folky, campfire ready acoustic guitar based sing-alongs instead of anything resembling a power ballad.

“A Past and Future Secret” (Imaginations From the Other Side, 1995)

It’s easy to point to “The Bard’s Song” as the genesis of Blind Guardian’s anointing as bards, as the fans have affectionately come to refer to them as — but I’ll argue that it really was cemented here. The narrative structure of this hushed masterpiece is framed lyrically as a bard telling the tale of King Arthur to a gathered crowd. It’s not explicitly detailed where the setting of this crowd is, perhaps in the center of a village or a packed tavern, but a circle of travelers around a campfire is as likely as any. And I don’t need truth serum to admit that I’ve always thought this was the band’s best ballad, a singular moment that was so captivating the first time I heard it that I had to replay it multiple times before letting the album carry on. For me, it’s the absolute passion Hansi is giving, not only in his engaging performance as the narrator, but in those damned epic, full throated screams that are mixed to sound like distant battle cries. I don’t think I’ve ever heard another song quite like it, this mix of gentle acoustic balladry with these ferocious, rage and despair filled screaming vocals that should sound out of place and jarring, yet… simply don’t. I think it was this song that made me realize how transcendent Blind Guardian were, that they could infuse real passion into fantasy lyrics and make them come alive and feel emotional and vital.

“Lord of the Rings” (Forgotten Tales, 1996)

Originally recorded for their 1990 major label debut Tales from the Twilight World, the band wisely reimagined this epic tune for their 1996 grab bag compilation of other reworked songs and surprising cover songs (the Beach Boys anyone?). This is the superior version of this tune, with a sharper arrangement that benefits from the spacing required by the keyboard orchestrations, loses the clunky drums that admittedly cluttered up much of the original version, and adds in layers and layers of backing Hansi vocals towards the ending crescendo that really empowers the melodies and creates a beautiful finish. It was really interesting to listen to this version and go back to the original, while tracing the band’s songwriting development from the five to six years in between. Their experiences on Somewhere Far Beyond and Imaginations From the Other Side in particular helped mold their understanding of how to utilize vocal harmonies and layering to maximum effect, something we’d see more of on their later work including one of the ballads listed below.

“Curse My Name” (At the Edge of Time, 2010)

This was a knowing nod to the band’s past acoustic campfire balladry ala “A Past and Future Secret” and “Skalds and Shadows”, albeit a touch sped up with the presence of an actual violin and flute providing a peppy, folk inspired accompaniment. The introduction of these instruments and the unorthodox vocal harmonies set to military drumming during the bridge sequence combined to elevate “Curse My Name” from more of the same into something that felt truly fresh and vibrant. It takes a legitimately great song to get friends to sing (or silently mouth) along to it during car rides without any shame or embarrassment. There is some excellent vocal layering happening towards the back half of this song, with Hansi almost vocal battling the group backing vocalists in a duel — this is the kind of thing that few power metal bands ever try and even fewer get away with, just because I suspect its far more difficult to arrange without coming across as clunky and sounding cluttered.

“War of the Thrones” (At the Edge of Time, 2010)

The bard’s most elegantly dressed ballad and my favorite track off this album, “War of the Thrones” married thoughtfully layered vocal harmonies to solitary piano lines and understated keyboard strings to magnificent effect. It was startingly cheerful in tone, diametrically opposed to its lyrical subject matter and the source material of A Song of Ice and Fire that it was inspired from. I just love the little moments through this song, the piano flourish nine seconds in for no reason at all other than “oooh pretty”, and Hansi’s pronunciation of legacy as “lege-acy”, as well as the momentary bridge that soars (“Watch the river it flows / Now and ever / I cannot believe in more / And now my time will come”). But this song might have my favorite ending of any song on this list, or any Blind Guardian song ever for that matter, when the group choir vocals join Hansi in a gloriously epic vocal extension of his main vocal melody (it starts at 4:06 for reference). I can’t begin to describe the sheer joy hearing this for the first time brought me, and every time I hear it since then, my ears perk up at attention, and my spirit lifts just for a moment.

Sonata Arctica

Sonata Arctica’s Tony Kakko is perhaps the one other songwriter on this list that has pure talent to be counted as a grandmaster alongside Tobias Sammet, for the sheer quality of the band’s early ballads and his unorthodox way with lyrics that was part charming, part clunky, and very heart on sleeve. Yet both he and the band are placed in The Masters category largely due to his wayward fall from power metal grace, not coincidentally timed with the departure of guitarist extraordinaire Jani Liimatainen, whose presence in the lineup with his power metal forward inclinations influenced Kakko to the good stuff (and if you’ve heard Sonata’s ballads post-Liimatainen, you’ll know that Kakko unleashed all his eccentric tendencies since then). Despite this, Kakko’s brilliance as a lyricist and songwriter is on full display with this small handful of songs — he like Tobias Sammet wasn’t afraid of romantic themes, and he crafted genuinely immersive stories within them, with sympathetic characters and scenarios that were swimming in pathos.

“Letter to Dana” (Ecliptica, 1999)

I’ve always been fascinated by the perspective of the narrator in “Letter to Dana”, off the band’s debut album and power metal masterpiece Ecliptica, because it pitted conflicting emotions against each other in a bizarre yet engaging way. If you haven’t heard the song in ages or just never paid much attention to the lyrics (its worth the minute to glance over them), but the gist is that our narrator has penned a letter to Dana after her father’s death in which he casts judgement on this childhood friend that he is declaratively still in love with, for the choices she made throughout her life (“My eyes might have betrayed me but I have seen / your picture on the cover of a filthy magazine. / And I think my heart just cannot handle that”). He says at one point that although he told her he’d wait for her forever, now that he knows she’s in someone else’s embrace (I guess he’s assuming one road leads to another here) he’ll have to lie for the first time in his life. So… he’s humble bragging about his life as a man devoid of sin here I guess? There are loads of theories about the meaning of this song on, but you need not read them to enjoy Liimatainen’s aching solos, Kakko’s passionate phrasing, and that glorious keyboard melody during the finale (the 4:10 mark).

“Tallulah” (Silence, 2001)

Arguably the band’s most beloved ballad, “Tallulah” not only introduced legions of us around the world to a distinctly unusual name (apparently Native American in origin as well, not Finnish like I naively assumed), but this song could rightfully be considered the most mushy song in power metal history. Yet for all its sticky sweet, syrupy nature, Kakko managed to tug all of our collective heartstrings with lyrics like “I remember little things, you hardly ever do” and “It’s easier to live alone, then fear the time is over”. The entire verse passage where his narrator describes the loaded minutiae of his interactions with Tallulah and the significance of her letting his hand go is for all its romance novel subtext, pretty powerful in its lyrical impact. I think Kakko’s greatest gift as a lyricist has been his imperviousness to embarrassment, or maybe its his embrace of vulnerability — either way, he penned lyrics here that other singers would likely feel a little conspicious singing, and that some of us quietly felt self-conscious at enjoying. I’d be remiss in not mentioning my love for Kakko’s penchant for adding beautifully timed vocal overlays that add that extra oomph to the overall emotional resonance of the lyric, such as at the climatic ending refrain where he adds in an extra “oooooovveeerrrr” (the 5:02 mark). Even with the lyric “I see you walking hand in hand, with long haired drummer of the band” being a very real thing here, this is inarguably one of the greatest power metal ballads of all time.

“Mary-Lou (Acoustic)” (Orientation EP, 2001)

The original version of this song as a bonus track on import editions of Ecliptica is pretty good, but this re-worked acoustic version that landed on the Orientation EP that I had to order from Japan for I dunno, 40 something bucks back in the day, was perfection itself — and so worth the money alone (not to discount their legendary cover of “The Wind Beneath My Wings” on the same release). Similarly to “Letter to Dana”, this song sees Kakko voicing a narrator who is speaking to mothers in general in a moralizing sermon about “Mary-Lou”, who ran away as a teenage misfit with a boy, found a job as a waitress, got pregnant, the boy bounced to see other women, and now her existence was reduced to “nothing to do / eating for two”. I’ve always been fascinated by Kakko’s framing of these sad tales, where “Letter to Dana” gave off creepy stalker vibes from the narrator, this one gives off a smug yet similarly creepy vibe, with the narrator telling mothers that their little angels “ain’t always so clean”. Excuse me sir? Get out! Lyrics aside, the vocal melody at work here is masterful, and Kakko imparts genuine passion in his inflections, awash in pathos which helps bring Mary Lou to life.

“The Misery” (Winterheart’s Guild, 2003)

This was an overlooked gem from Winterheart’s Guild, a tremendous album where most of the attention understandably went to “The Cage” and “Victoria’s Secret”. This time, instead of depicting the stories of troubled young women or pining after some winter princess who skipped off the band, Kakko turns inwards, giving voice to the narrator’s burden of being a songwriter tormented by erm, misery in order to write songs. Its an interesting lyrical idea because he’s personifying this emotion and singing to it, which is its own kind of disturbing, but it does remind me of his buddy Tuomas Holopainen’s lyric writing, particularly the line “I am the playwrite and you are my crown”. This was years before Holopainen wrote “The Poet and the Pendulum”, but he was exploring similar ideas on Century Child which came out shortly after this Winterheart’s Guild. I wonder how much of each other’s work influenced one another, because Tuomas dropped the fantastical bent of the early Nightwish albums after awhile, likely taking a page from Kakko’s preference for more human oriented stories. The inverse occurs here, with this being the most Nightwishy tune Sonata Arctica ever penned.

The Apprentices


Sweden’s Falconer, rising from the ashes of folk metal band Mithotyn, made balladry a part of their sound due largely to the presence of vocalist Mathias Blad, a theatrical singer whose day job saw him performing on theater stages across Sweden and England. His vocal approach was not that of a metal singer in that he did not aim to project power through his voice with a screaming, Bruce Dickinson-ian delivery. Yet his voice was powerful, able to sing melodically with a natural strength that made everything he did seem almost effortless, and though that really came to the forefront when juxtaposed with metal riffs, the band’s ballads allowed him to employ the more delicate qualities of his vocals to gorgeous effect. Those old folk metal tendencies would also pop up again on these tracks, with guitarist/songwriter Stefan Weinerhall demonstrating a mastery of acoustic guitar oriented songcraft.

“Wings of Serenity (Acoustic)” (Falconer, 2001)

Another instance of a song whose original incarnation was a fully electric, metalized offering and subsequently converted to an acoustic affair, “Wings of Serenity” is the best of the re-imagined tracks on Falconer’s anniversary Ultimate Edition of their debut self-titled album (and they were all good). As much as I do love the original in the album’s tracklisting proper, this song’s lyrical imagery about admiring the grace and nobility of the eagle just lends itself to the acoustic ballad treatment. I love the little detail here of the gentle tambourine hits that punctuate in the distance during the chorus, adding to the idea that this song is sung in some far distant fantastical lands around warm fires with various people taking up instruments. The translation from metal to ballad with this song really speaks volumes about Weinerhall’s ability to write lyrical songs that are firmly anchored to the vocal melody. And with a theatrical vocalist such as Blad, such adaptations were seemingly effortless. It’s a shame this band didn’t write more ballads throughout their career.

“Portals of Light” (Chapters from a Vale Forlorn, 2002)

I defy you to find a more somber yet beautiful ballad in all of ballad-dom than Falconer’s achingly bitter lamentation “Portals of Light”, where Mathias Blad gives voice to the pain of someone losing their beloved. Stefan Weinerhall is at his core a lyrical songwriter, despite his penchant for awesome riffs and killer solos, and his talent at crafting a beautiful song on the strength of the vocal melody and lyrics alone is fully evident here. Accompanied mostly with a pianissimo, Blad’s theatrical training kicks into high gear here in interpreting these lyrics to give weight and deeper intonation on particular words or even syllables. I love the way he gently bends the ending words of those lines in the chorus (“inside” and “guide”), or the little lilt upwards he does while singing “What is there left to live for”. Fans of Blad will know that these little details are part and parcel of his overall approach throughout his work with Falconer, but they mean so much on delicate, softer songs like this, where a small thing like that can suggest so much about the meaning being imparted by the narrator. A masterpiece.

“Long Gone By” (Northwind, 2006)

My personal favorite Falconer ballad off what I consider the band’s third best album (after the debut and Chapters…), “Long Gone By” shares the medieval tinge of other Falconer tunes despite not sounding at all like something more on the nose like Kamelot’s “Glory”. This is largely due to the content of the lyrics, which I’ve always long suspected are Weinerhall dipping his pen into the inkwell of Tolkien’s universe, namely the events of The Silmarillion. When I actually sat down to read the lyrics of this song ages back, it only made me love the song more, because despite its rich musicality and maybe the most evocative and emotional guitar solo in the Falconer catalog (like hearing a cloud streaked sunset in your ears), the lyrics of the song speak about the elves leaving Valinor to sail for Middle-Earth (“Our robes have gone grey / As we sailed to mortal shore”). There’s a great verse in here about the elves wandering through the ages, with secrets getting lost due to the passing of time, and how they are “Recalling our lives / As tomorrow, it fades”. This is my Tolkien nerd showing, but I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of the elves existing for thousands upon thousands of years, and this song nails the bittersweet underpinning that I’ve always felt when contemplating that idea.


Similarly to their major influences in Sonata Arctica and Kamelot, Austria’s Serenity centered their balladry around the smooth tenor of Georg Neuhauser, one of the most gifted vocalists in the power metal scene in the last twenty years. His strength as a singer gave them the flexibility to allow him to carry their ballads almost exclusively through his vocal melodies alone. In the early era of the band with guitarist Thomas Buchberger, these songs were a nice change of pace from the dense, riff heavy songwriting that characterized so much of their earlier albums. In some ways though, they were previews for Serenity mach 2.0, post Buchberger, where Neuhauser’s vocals began to lead the way on almost all of their music, almost giving their sonic approach a tinge of musical theater (particularly heard throughout Codex Atlanticus). Serenity’s ace up their sleeve is their excellent use of co-vocalists on many of their ballads, pairing Neuhauser with a complementary singer to where both voices are highlighted. These duets seem designed towards elevating a song, highlighting the importance of two voices in telling an interwoven story. It comes across as genuine and sincere, a rarity in a subgenre where duets are often pitched more as marketing gimmicks.

“Fairytales” (Fallen Sanctuary, 2008)

Originally appearing on the band’s sophomore album Fallen Sanctuary as a keyboard string drenched quasi power ballad with crunchy riffs and fully electric solos on the backend (and Dreams of Sanity’s Sandra Schleret doing guest vocals, an odd but delightful surprise), “Fairytales” was re-imagined as a simple piano ballad as a bonus track years later on 2013’s War of Ages album with then co-vocalist Clementine Delauney. As we’ve seen with other examples on this list of songs that were re-imagined as ballads proper, this song too benefitted by scaling back the original’s layered instrumentation and vocals. Neuhauser’s vocal take on this piano version much more nuanced, delicate, and reigned in. His approach actually allows Delauney’s own lead vocals to serve as a perfect foil when they join together in their duet after their individual lead vocal passages. Given the heartbroken lyrical bent of this song, Neuhauser’s Kakko-ian vocal tone, it’s easy to draw comparisons to Sonata Arctica, but their approach would change gradually into something more symphonic and theatrical.

“Changing Fate” (Death & Legacy, 2011)

This banger of a power ballad arrived on the band’s formative album, Death & Legacy, and was a dividing line between their older progressive power metal leanings and the more symphonic metal direction they’d begin exploring on this album and beyond. Featuring the awesome Amanda Somerville on co-lead vocals for this duet, she and Neuhauser conjure up a stormy, rollicking, back and forth dance that spirals into a crescendo during the bridge where she is accompanied by a heavenly choir. I love the addition of subtle strings that accompany the acoustic guitars and piano throughout, eventually unfolding into a full blown orchestration arrangement as we build towards the aforementioned bridge sequence. The vocal melodies throughout this song sound natural, effortless, and indicative of Neuhauser’s skill at building entire songs around his voice first (something that would come to dominate their songwriting once guitarist Thomas Buchberger left the band).

“The Perfect Woman” (Codex Atlanticus, 2016)

This was the band’s first post-Buchberger album, and the beginning of Neuhauser really taking control of the songwriting by leading the band in a vocal melody first direction (something he now shares with Marco Pastorini thankfully). This gambit paid off in spades on Codex Atlanticus, with the subject matter lending itself to a vocal melody forward, theatrical, almost Broadway-esque approach to the songwriting. That applied to the power ballad on offer as well naturally, with “The Perfect Woman” being one of the band’s very best songs, and the high point of a phenomenal album. On this list anyway, this ranks up with Falconer’s “Wings of Serenity” as the strangest lyrical topic for a ballad, being about Leonardo DaVinci’s painting of the Mona Lisa. Such an unusual topic demanded a light touch, breezy and effervescent even, which is exactly what the Broadway treatment here provided in spades. There’s something refreshing and sunny about this song that comes across as the perfect tone for a historical topic that didn’t need over the top histrionics and unnecessary gravitas.

Ancient Bards

I have a hard time putting into words how much I adore Sara Squadrani as a singer, and how much of a travesty it is that Ancient Bards barely have a couple of ballads in their admittedly short discography. She’s not the most powerful singer, nor would I argue that her voice is the most distinctive, but I think perhaps more than any other woman singing in the power and symphonic metal subgenres, she makes the most of her talent through her vocal choices in phrasing, inflection, and raw earnestness in her delivery. In that way she reminds me of Anette Olzon during her stint with Nightwish (and why I loved their music even more with her in the band), and similarly, there’s precious little of her recorded output available to us. I’ve left off “All That Is True” from Souless Child here, because although its a good song, it was their first crack at really attempting a ballad and had thinness in spots that they’d fully understand how to address on the next album.

“In My Arms” (A New Dawn Ending, 2014)

This was the song that got me into this band, via its unconventionally sparse, making the best of a limited budget music video. For such a lore heavy band (their own original Black Crystal Sword Saga, the Italians love their sagas), “In My Arms” does represent an emotional moment within that storyline. Yet even if you’re not interested in the specifics of the lore, this song works on its own despite references to characters such as Sendor and Daltor. That’s largely because the dramatic sweep of the refrain here is so affecting in itself, with Squadrani delivering heavy, heavy lyrics about the death of an infant child. You’d expect something so somber to be delivered in death doom dirge mode, but this song actually sweeps upwards in stages as it moves along, calling attention once again to that bittersweet principle at work.

“Light” (Origine: The Black Crystal Sword Saga, Pt. 2, 2019)

Infinitely more cheerful, “Light” is perhaps the most Disney princess ready power ballad you’ll ever hear coming from a metal band, but I think if you can pull it off, its worth doing. And Ancient Bards pulls it off with ease, once again through Squadrani’s incredible performance, her clean soaring tones providing natural uplift to a vocal melody that is meant to sound empowering. The song is their leanest and most economical ballad to date, layered with orchestrations and choirs on the backend, but the arrangements are kept to a minimum for the most part, leaving just lead vocals over a piano bed. Once again, the lyrics fit into their own lore, but this song in particular saw the band keeping things as broad as possible to work as a standalone single. I’m sure some balked at the tone, sentiment, and indeed the bright sunrise laden, gesturing on the Adriatic shore music video (to say nothing of the cutaways to interpretive dance), but I imagine those naysayers disliked ballads to begin with.


Michael Weikath famously said once that an album isn’t complete without a ballad, and I’m right there with you Michael (well… we’ll make an exception for death and black metal, you know what he’s trying to say). That is of course an extreme opinion to many, and for some melodic metal bands, it might not even be the right move (those bands that aren’t gifted in writing quality ballads for example… many who were excluded from this list), but for guys such as Helloween fans Tobias Sammet and Oskar Dronjak, it clearly was. That Weikath and the Helloween bunch didn’t land higher on this power ballads tier is a bit of a shame, because they certainly have the numbers game on their side in terms of sheer quantity. But when they managed to hit the sweet spot, as they did on the two cuts below, it was a bullseye.

“Forever and One” (The Time of the Oath, 1996)

Someone might be wondering where the hell is “A Tale That Wasn’t Right” from Keeper of the Seven Keys Part I, and the truth is that it was always my least favorite song on that album… and while I like parts of it, I just don’t think it was a very cohesive ballad. It wouldn’t be until Andi Deris was at the vocal helm that Helloween struck genuine gold with “Forever and One”, a composition solely credited to Deris that was haunting and heartbreaking. It was a significant step forward from Deris’ first crack at a ballad on Master of the Rings, “In the Middle of a Heartbeat”, which though boasting a solid hook, didn’t quite gel enough everywhere else. I was fortunate enough to catch Helloween in Dallas in 2023 where Deris and Michael Kiske sang this song together in an unforgettable duet, easily the highlight of one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. It made me remember right then my memories of the late 90s power metal scene, reading interviews with both Helloween and Kiske, and how they swore they’d never reunite, and how surreal it was to see the scene I was watching. This song was a perfect soundtrack to a genuinely happy moment for me.

“Hold Me In Your Arms” (Straight Out of Hell, 2013)

A classic power ballad from the Helloween in the vein of 80s AOR hard rock, this string drenched slice of romantic melancholy was a Sascha Gerstner composition, surprisingly enough. I would have figured something like this to come from Andi Deris himself, especially given his hand in crafting some of those early era slick Pink Cream 69 tunes such as “Close Your Eyes” and “Ballerina”. But Gerstner has proven himself to be a pretty great songwriter in his own right during his time with Helloween, and maybe those few years running with Chris Bay in Freedom Call contributed to that in some formative way. This is a slow burner, with an almost Queensryche feel to that introductory verse, and its unusual for a ballad to not include any kind of prechorus situation at work. The chorus here just rockets directly upwards from ground zero, and it speaks to how strong it’s arcing hook is that it doesn’t need any assistance in getting up there. I love the understated guitar solo there, just a few sparse figures stitched together, matching the tone and vibe of the song as a whole.


Ages ago, during their run with original vocalist ZP Theart, Dragonforce included a ballad on every album, and though the pair below were clearly the cream of the crop, the others were good songs by a band who understood what the sweet spot was of all the hits that rock bands used to land with ballads in the 80s and 90s. That being big, BIG choruses of course. Dragonforce’s lyrics have always skewed towards functional nonsense, in other words, lyrics that are meant to sound epic and might be coherent enough, yet ultimately are pieced together in service of working for the music as a cohesive binding agent. That sounds like a slight, but actually, I think it speaks towards just how talented these guys were at writing songs from a music first perspective that were specifically designed with a particular goal in mind. In that sense, they stand apart from the others on this list. It’s a shame they’ve drifted away from ballads, a reason I can only suspect is perhaps due to new vocalist Marc Hudson having an aversion to them.

“Starfire” (Valley of the Damned, 2003)

There’s a charming naivete and exuberance coursing through “Starfire”, the ballad on Dragonforce’s hallowed debut album. This is dating me but I remember this song as one of the original Dragonheart demo songs on on the old, and thinking at the time that if they went back and polished it up (there were strange tempo issues on that version) that it would be a great ballad. Nearly three years later they would do just that, and it made all the difference — Theart’s vocals were steady this go around, fuller and more confident in his delivery, and they fixed the timing issues and tightened the whole thing up. The result was a song that shimmered and soared, and despite its awkward construction and visible seams it felt like a genuinely emotional sentiment was pouring through, one of deep nostalgia.

“Dawn Over a New World” (Sonic Firestorm, 2004)

Dragonforce’s best ballad and one of the all-time masterpieces of their career, this song arrived on the album that brought the concept of extreme power metal to the world. Yet for all Sonic Firestorm’s frenetic crackle and electricity, the heartbeat of the album was locked into this cinematic, mountaintop sung power ballad that was a brief respite from the album’s breakneck pace. To this day, I’m still no sure what these lyrics are supposed to be referencing, what epic event has befall our narrator to where he’s making such a bold and promising declaration (hint: likely nothing!), but I still get caught up in the drama being presented therein. The chorus here has a wide, expansive arc, and Theart really sounds like he’s giving everything he has here, that he really feels conviction for these lyrics. It’s simultaneously heartwarming and empowering.

The Novices

Silent Force – “Spread Your Wings” (Worlds Apart, 2004)

Okay despite the presence of the annoying kid during the first few seconds here, this is an oft overlooked gem of a ballad on Silent Force’s incredible Worlds Apart album, itself one of the defining albums that arguably falls into the tail end of that Golden Age of Power Metal we all so often reference (well, us power metal nerds anyway). The man with the golden pipes carrying this tune on his back with strong, muscular vocal melodies is one DC Cooper, one of the more unheralded classic metal/hard rock vocalists of 90s and early 00s when you consider his early work with Royal Hunt as well (Paradox anyone?). This tune always reminded me a bit of Queensryche’s “Silent Lucidity” thematically in that it seemed to be about parental guidance with the narrator speaking to a child. Cooper’s little changeups in vocal inflection are so subtle yet masterful throughout, his performance always holding my interest every time I listen to this song. Easily the band’s best ballad, it was a shame they didn’t try more of them with Cooper in the lineup.

Gamma Ray – “Farewell” (Land of the Free, 1995)

So this is a bit of a tale of two songs, because as Gamma Ray fans know, this quasi-power ballad starts off one way, and veers off wildly in a totally different direction with Hansi Kursch on board as co-pilot, and then kinda returns to it’s piano ballad state to finish things off. But I felt it merited inclusion here because it’s first minute and change is so emotionally affecting that its long been a favorite Gamma Ray song of mine that I’ve had to be careful not to overplay. People give Kai Hansen a ton of crap for not being a great singer, but I found his vocals during this section to be perfect in their imperfect, rough gravelly tone, singing “Do you remember? / How we used to play / Like kids in the sun” over a gorgeous solo piano line. The layered backing vocals here (by the great Thomas Hackmann) and their placement as ending accents to Kai’s lead vocal lines were a gorgeous touch by producer Charlie Bauerfiend, and a preview of what he’d come to expand in his work with Blind Guardian later on. Longtime keyboardist Dirk Schlächter wrote this one, and it did indeed feel a little different from Kai compositions, but in a very good way, lending the band a multidimensionality that made Land of the Free such an enduring classic.

Power Quest – “When I’m Gone” (Neverworld, 2003)

Most of you know that I’m a Power Quest fanboy and don’t need a lot of prodding to praise them in all their underappreciated glory, but here’s a deserved mention. Coming off their classic 2003 album Neverworld, “When I’m Gone” matched in power balladry the intensity, exuberance, and excitement evoked by the rest of the album’s more energetic and uptempo songs. What defined this album wasn’t technical virtuosity, but Steve Williams heartfelt and earnest songwriting, and this song’s meditation on grief, loss, and carrying on is genuinely moving. This song’s success is the combination of its relatively simple elements, the subtle keyboard orchestration, minimalist instrumentation by the band, and vocalist Alessio Garavello’s brightened delivery… it all adds up to magical effect. There’s an undercurrent of genuineness and honesty that underpins this album, and you hear it all bubble up to the surface here with these naked and raw lyrics. Bittersweet formula at work to the max here, proof that Power Quest wasn’t the ultra cheery band that casual power metal fans tend to peg them as.

Demons & Wizards – “Fiddler on the Green” (Demons & Wizards, 1999)

It would be disingenuous to not include this song on even a personal list of great power metal ballads, as this one is, because even though Jon Schaffer is persona non grata these days in metal circles, I’m including this because fifty percent of this band is the great Hansi Kursch, and his work deserves to be heralded regardless. Schaffer for his part wrote a hell of a song here, and honestly, if he didn’t do what he did, a couple Iced Earth songs would likely be on this list because the man knew his way around a power ballad (“When the Eagle Cries” being a notable exception to this). The duo’s debut album was excellent throughout, but this singular moment of acoustic based balladry was the emotional heartbeat of the entire record. Hansi’s vocal delivery is nothing short of stunning, heightening the impact of vocal melodies that come across as almost nursery rhyme-esque. And Schaffer’s little acoustic guitar lead figure at the 1:44 mark that serves as the bridge before the explosive ending have to his credit always been my favorite micro-moment to enjoy here. Though they tried, they’d never get anywhere close to the wallop this song packed with any of their subsequent ballads, which makes this one all the more special.

Dream Evil – “Losing You” (Dragonslayer, 2002)

Sitting in the middle of one of the most accomplished debut albums in power metal history, Dream Evil’s “Losing You” shows a side of power metal that was influenced by the hard rock golden throats of the 80s such as David Coverdale and Joey Tempest. Dream Evil vocalist Niklas Isfeldt turns in a performance here that still stands as perhaps his finest moment, among a discography full of incredible ones. His tone is smooth, nuanced, and that subtle Swedish accent adds a touch of distinctiveness to the way he stresses syllables or delivers phrasing, and he introduces a vulnerable depth to the loaded verse passages here. I’ve always loved that this was a deliberately scaled back and reigned in power ballad on an album full of bombastic, over the top power metal. Even the beautiful string accompaniment seems to be designed for a minimalist approach, never overwhelming the rest of the instrumentation or Isfeldt’s vocals. Yet for all the romance related lyricism, this is a muscular song, crafted with confident melodies, a strident rhythm section at work, and guitarist Gus G. and Frederick Nordstrom’s wild and passionate lead melodies.

Manowar – “Master of the Wind” (Triumph of Steel, 1992)

Collectively, we all give Manowar a bit of stick, and deservedly so for the most part. Yet it would be willfully ignorant to not acknowledge that they have made some excellent music at points in their career, and perhaps their finest singular moment is this masterpiece of a ballad. Whereas their power ballad “Heart of Steel” on their previous album Kings of Metal was overwrought and hollow, “Master of the Wind” was delivered with gentle orchestral swells, an often hushed vocal approach by Eric Adams, and with mystical touches such as the lone pan flute accompaniment. I love that we get a fade out on the reiterations of the chorus, a choice that leaves us feeling wistful upon hearing the final “…fly away”. Lyrically, this also one of the more mature statements by Manowar (not a high bar I know), a simple metaphor about life and destiny, and its easy to take solace in Adams belting out “Nothing is as bad as it seems”. Among friends of mine, this song has developed a bit of a mythical quality, sage-like in its meaning that it imparts and something you should listen to every once in a while for a pep talk. I’m not even kidding.

A Breezy 2024 Mid-Year Catch Up

I’ve never done mid-year in review features before, but seeing as how we’re in year two of this blog mostly eschewing the reviews treadmill, and thus not actually getting to talk much about new music here (I tend to save it for the podcast), I figure it would be a good way to cast a wide eye on the past handful of months since 2024 began. I’m going to do this in as rapid fire a manner as I possibly can, though with a sharp ruler hitting my hand to avoid this becoming a massive reviews cluster type thing that I can frequently allow myself to fall into. Instead I figure this time I’d discuss in chunks the stuff that impressed me, the stuff that didn’t move me much one way or another, and finally the stuff that disappointed me.

I also want to take a moment to mention that I caught Blind Guardian on the Austin stop of their now finished North American tour back on April 26th, after a long, what… near six year drought since seeing them last! It was my fifth time seeing the bards and easily their best performance of them all. I’ve had some pretty rough luck with their tour stops in the past — first the whole 2002 tour cancellation of the Houston date which… makes me too sad to write about, then a couple times Hansi (captured in all his glory by me in the pic here) was sick and had to power through as best as he could vocally, and a few other times the mix wasn’t quite right due to the chosen venue (the old Warehouse Live in Houston) always being an absolute tin can for acoustics. This show was at Emo’s East in Southeast Austin, and shout out to the venue for delivering killer sound (kudos to Blind Guardian’s sound guy as well). Hansi was perfect in the mix, he also sounded the best I’ve ever heard him live, just ferocious and full of energy, and I heard every single note that Andre played to utter perfection. They busted out “Ashes to Ashes” live which was likely on my top five list of songs I’d never imagine the band would ever play, and damn do the songs off the The God Machine sound really excellent live (I gave the entire album a thorough listening the week before the show and came away feeling far more favorably about it than I did back in 2022).

It had been a minute since I’d been to a show, and I dunno, maybe seeing bands like Seven Spires and Helloween in the past couple years has spoiled me, but I really just crave seeing bands that I have a genuine emotional investment in (as opposed to just going to shows to go to shows). Seeing shows like those and Blind Guardian just shakes off the cynicism and jadedness and I feel real enthusiasm — those have always been the shows I’ve remembered the most. I don’t think this means that I won’t go casually check out a good bill just for the hell of it anymore, but I just long for more live experiences like this past one in Austin, because the older you get, the fewer and far between they seem to occur.

Anyway, onto our new music talk, I’ll try to keep this as breezy as possible for both your benefit and mine, here we go:

New stuff that impressed me:

So straightaway on the power metal front, there’s been a handful of big names with new albums out these past few months, but none have stuck with me the way that Opera Magna have with their newest Heroica. I vaguely remember this band from maybe over a decade ago when they were splashing around making waves as the second coming of Elisa Martin era Dark Moor. Their sound has morphed and developed in the intervening years into something that actually has more in common with Alfred Romero era Dark Moor and other influences such as Rhapsody of Fire and Angra. As with Sacred Outcry’s exceptional work these past few years, Opera Magna are a band that crafts power metal without wry ironic humor and self-deprecating pretense. Lots of tasteful symphonic arrangements that aren’t syrupy, with enough complexity in the songwriting to satisfy — but nothing that distracts from the effectiveness of a fantastic vocal melody (cue up “Volver” for a great example of this).

And though I’ve mentioned this on the podcast recently, I want to mention Myrath’s Karma here, because it’s maybe the best front to finish album they’ve ever made. They seem to really have nailed down where to emphasize their songwriting, that being with a focus towards their rhythmic strengths and Zaher Zorgati’s powerful vocal ability. They were clever on this album in avoiding trying to be overly heavy (unlike their last album where it sometimes seemed like they felt the need to prove themselves as a metal band), something which I don’t think is their strength anyway. There was an increased emphasis on bringing their middle eastern sound to the forefront as well, particularly with the rhythm section in conjunction with Arabic strings. Look, fans of their older, more Symphony X adjacent sound will likely hate the direction they’re heading in, but this poppy hard rock infused folk metal is the sweet spot for Myrath, and I’m glad they’ve finally landed on it dead center.

Gotta heap praise upon Dialith’s new EP Alter as well, who were in 2019 if you recall, my album of the year list toppers with their still incredible Extinction Six. It’s tempting to pair this with 2021’s Atrophy EP and call both of them together the second Dialith album, but the three year gap there bothers me. I’m not sure whether or not the band’s plan is to keep sticking with the EP route (certainly a fine and understandable thing), but I won’t mind as long as they’re all as genuinely excellent as this one is. Krista Sion’s distinctive tone and delivery is so damn affecting to me, and Alasdair Mackie is still sticking with that melodeath guitar tone that’s so fantastic in a symphonic metal context. The combination of these two is so masterful that I didn’t even flinch at the saxophone weaving through the background of “Ironbound” (seriously maybe the best ever use of that confounded instrument I’ve ever heard in a metal context). My only gripe with the EP format here is that these are short EPs, I’ve heard K-Pop albums longer than this… so just as “Shadowdancer” has me banging my head, its all over and I’m longing for more new music. I can only hope more is just around the corner, nevertheless, do not sleep on this one.

On the extreme metal front, I have to thank Harsh Vocals for recommending Dödsrit’s Nocturnal Will, this is a beautiful record that blends together gritty black metal with washes of power metal inspired melodicism via gorgeous lead guitars that soar and ring thanks to the crisp and clean production on offer. There’s an often overtly Scandinavian folk metal influence flowing through the album here too, which befits the band’s own tagline for the album being “Mournful Hymns of Archaic Strength and Heroic Bloodshed”. I haven’t been able to stop listening since I heard it weeks ago, and the same goes for the new In Vain album Solemn, easily the best album of their career. This is a band that’s been on my radar since 2013’s Ænigma, but who have never before popped off as creatively as they have here. Remember Dialith using saxaphone to spectacular effect above? Well In Vain bring in a whole damn horn section and somehow make it sound right and natural amidst their blending of black and death metal elements into one big progressive blender. It is one of the most engaging metal albums of the year, one that’s worth checking out even if you’re not a fan of this type of extreme metal because I think there’s genuine crossover potential here (a surprising amount of clean vocals throughout as well).

New stuff that was either good, solid, or that I was indifferent to:

Hard to think of a more accurate subtitle to this section than that, though it may sound harsh. Look solid albums are fine, I mean, you’d rather they be great albums but solid is better than lackluster no? That being said, I’m a little bit uncertain about some more than others. But first, the actual good stuff here — first that comes to mind is the recent Borknagar album Fall, which is entirely mood dependent for me because there are some listens when I’m very receptive and will absolutely sing its praises, and other times where I just find myself impatient during a play through. Historically this feeling has always prevented an album from landing in my top ten list, but I do have to say that I enjoyed Fall way more than recent Borknagar albums so I’m a little puzzled as to where I’m really at with it. On a more certain note, the new album Honor. Power. Glory. by power metal newbies Glyph (though the band is comprised of veterans of the subgenre) is a fantastic USPM meets Euro merger that marries the best elements of both styles. If you liked Ravenous, you’ll recognize R. A. Voltaire on vocals here and he sounds perhaps even better on this album than he did with his other band (though I do dig them). Its nothing revolutionary but its solid power metal done really well and with that refreshing sense of earnestness that I know many of us have been seeking lately.

I similarly enjoyed the debut album Of War and Flames by Alterium, an Italian symphonic power metal band headed up by former Kalidia vocalist Nicoletta Rosellini. I loved Kalidia’s The Frozen Throne album back in 2018 and thought Rosellini had a knack for crafting clever vocal melodies. She brings the same spark to her new band, and though its music that adheres fairly strictly to that particular style, they execute it pretty damn well. And same goes for the new Firewind album Stand United, where Herbie Langhans pulls off his best Jorn Lande impersonation in a killer vocal performance throughout. I know my cohost on the MSRcast Cary is big on this album, and he just caught their recent Houston gig as a testament to his Firewind fandom. I dug the album, Langhans is a joy to listen to, and Gus G is well, awesome in his own right. I was a little less wild about the new Einvigi album Monokroma, a band who if you’ll remember landed on my best albums list in 2022 with Yö kulje kanssani. I’m missing all the gorgeous, melancholic moodiness that characterized so much of that previous album, because it seems like the band went off on a rather strange direction on the new one. April saw the release of the new Tyr album, Battle Ballads (which isn’t a collection of ballads, and I’m a little bummed about that), and its a solid Tyr album if not exactly a very good one. Although there were moments here that I did enjoy, “Hammered” and “Torklis Dotur” for example, I found myself wishing the band would ditch the overly layered sound they’ve been mining for the past many albums now (2013’s Valkyrja seemed to be the pinnacle of this approach) and get back to something a bit more stripped down and primal.

New stuff that disappointed me:

And so we get to the downer section, first there’s the new Sonata Arctica album Clear Cold Beyond… and I suppose I’m one of the few people out there who didn’t think this was any kind of return to form (in the sense that it was being touted as such before it’s release). There’s a few potentially good moments in the first half, but the last half of the album is the kind of meandering modern Tony Kakko-ness that drives me up the wall. Part of the magic of those early Sonata albums was that energetic, nigh-frenetic bursts of speed that characterized so many of those classic songs. I know that the band has changed, gotten older and understandably this is reflected in their sound — but then what’s with all the return to their power metal sound pap that was swirling around this album? Mistaken fan hysteria? Incredibly disappointing in the end. It all just made me think of Jani Liimatainen’s collab with Tony on the former’s solo album last year and what could be if those two could join forces again for a full length album. With Liimatainen out of Insomnium, the door is open to him pursuing something like that, a new side project perhaps? I don’t know what it is that makes him so keyed in on being able to write great power metal (Cain’s Offering, The Dark Element in addition to his era in Sonata), but Tony needs a balancing songwriting partner like him who can help unlock his potential as a songwriter and vocalist like he did in the past.

And finally, I wanna say my piece on the new Amaranthe album here, a band who in the past have garnered their own full length reviews for their new albums. I realize looking back that much of that had to do with how well their lineup clicked with former vocalist Joacim Lundberg (now in Cyhra) and just how much I enjoyed his contributions to the band’s songwriting. In his new band, I hear echoes (and sometimes bangs) of what he brought to the Amaranthe table for their first four albums, particularly the still excellent and joyously fun Massive Addictive. His replacement, Dynazty’s otherwise excellent vocalist Nils Molin is on album three of his tenure with the band, and look, that’s enough of a sample size now to declare that it just doesn’t work. The transitions from Elize Ryd’s lines to Molin always sound jarring, lacking the smoothness that Lundberg was able to somehow craft. Ryd and Molin’s vocal tones might be the warring factions here, to my ears anyway, because they sound like they’re fighting each other, not complementing one another in the slightest. Screamer Henrik Wilhelmsson bounced last year, replaced by Mikael Sehlin who does a decent job in balancing texture and enunciation, but he’s really not the issue here. Molin’s a pro and he’s likely not going anywhere if he doesn’t want to, but Olof Morck and company need a clean vocalist who works with their sound, and sadly, I just don’t think Molin does. As a result, my enjoyment of their new music has diminished exponentially over the past three albums (“Outer Dimensions” being a sole exception on the new album, a decent tune).

That wraps it up, I know we’re in a little early before the true halfway point of the year in June, but screw it, there was more than enough music to talk about and quite a bit that I didn’t really listen to enough to comment on. Shout out to Blaze Bailey for delivering another decent album, given all the health challenges he’s had lately, that’s a win in its own right. Really looking forward to what the second half of 2024 brings, possibly some new Avantasia, Hammerfall, and Nightwish even… it will be interesting for sure.

The Metal Pigeon’s Best of 2023 // Part One: The Songs

Once again we’re at the end of another year of metal (and… existence of course), and as in the past, I’m presenting my picks for the best individual songs of the year. In reviewing what I’ve selected, I think it’s a first for any of my best songs lists in that this time there are no death or black metal picks. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy anything from those genres, as you’ll see in the albums list to come soon, but I think 2023 was a big year for clean vocals amongst the metal subgenres that predominantly feature them. The songs that really stuck with me were characterized by amazing vocal performances by artists known and unknown to me. There are songs listed below that are on albums that likely won’t be on the upcoming best albums list, but I’d still urge everyone to check out regardless because there were no bad albums among all of them. I had to make some tough cuts for this list, but I’m happy with the final result. Enough chit-chat for now, here are the best songs of 2023:

1.   Serenity – “Reflections (of AD)” (from the album Nemesis AD)

My general rule is that the song that sits atop this list should be a no brainer, as in being the first tune that comes to mind when I start assembling candidates for consideration. And Serenity’s unquestionable masterpiece in “Reflections (of AD)” attained that status during my first ever play through of it, where I interrupted my complete listen of the Nemesis AD album in order to hear it again and again because it was such a divine sounding piece of music. Though Serenity has delivered heaps of quality songs in the past, particularly on those first five albums, I had major doubts that they’d ever meet those heights again, let alone somehow transcend them. But with new blood in the band in the way of guitarist/vocalist/songwriting Marco Pastorini (the Temperance guy!), vocalist Georg Neuhauser finally seems to have someone that he gels with creatively on a songwriting level. Neuhauser always had a penchant for the theatrical, his songwriting on Codex Atlanticus steering the band towards those waters, but here with Pastorini, they work together to shape a soaring, bombastic epic that is not only loaded with melodramatic pathos, but genuine feelings of spirituality and purpose. The result is a song that crept into the hardened hearts of many power metal fans I know who felt Serenity’s best work was far behind them, and for those of us who still had a sliver of belief, was like receiving a benediction for our faith.

2.   Sacred Outcry – “Symphony of the Night” (from the album Towers of Gold)

This sublimely regal orchestral power ballad with the deceptive lullaby intro was emblematic of the utter perfection that was Sacred Outcry’s sophomore effort, Towers of Gold. Built around Daniel Heiman’s incredible, imagination defying vocals, band founder George Apalodimas crafted a song that sounded effortlessly elegant and so intrinsically powerful that I don’t think its out of bounds to call this some of Heiman’s best work to date in his career. I was transfixed by this album upon first listening to it and “Symphony of the Night”, with its placement smack in the middle of the album struck me as simultaneously a deep breath of calm, and also the album’s crackling, emotional core. The guitar tone on that acoustic pattern during the intro is so damn perfect, so expertly mood setting, as if its lighting the campfire that we’re all sitting around by sheer auditory magic. There are a plethora of songs from Towers of Gold that could have appeared on this best songs list (“The Voyage” almost did), but this one makes the cut because I believe it was the singular song that cast a spell on me during that first listen, and really made me feel like I was experiencing something special.

3.   Sorcerer – “Morning Star” (from the album Reign of the Reaper)

The storming, monumental album opener from Sorcerer’s latest and definitely greatest album to date, “Morning Star” is a swaggering tone setter of a song that punches as hard as a classic Dio era Sabbath cut. It’s surprisingly brisk tempo defies their categorization as a Candlemass influenced doom metal band, though the tonality of the classic Sorcerer sound is still very much present. This was easily my favorite song on what was a spectacular album. It’s verses are built on confidently muscular riffs, with ever articulate and fluid leads by one of my longtime favorite guitarists in metal Mr. Kristian Nieman. For all the crushing ferocity of the band’s performances though, vocalist Anders Engberg really steals the show here. I love his pacing and delivery throughout, with calculated pauses thrown into the delivery of specific lines that really bring to mind the soulful (yeah soulful!) way Ronnie James Dio would also parse out his phrasing. Like Dio, Engberg here seems to be reaching deep inside to pull up all the emotion he can muster from his gut, and sometimes its just too much to get out at once and he needs a beat to get the required energy. That kind of intensity is helped along by the songwriting decisions too, like the fact that Engberg starts singing the chorus outro line (“My name is Lucifer!”) a good second before the outro riff kicks in, as if he just can’t be restrained and those damn guitars better catch up quick. A stone cold masterpiece that might be the band’s best song to date.

4.   Riverside – “Friend or Foe?” (from the album ID.Entity)

I haven’t checked any other end of the year lists out yet, but when I do, I’ll be rather shocked if Riverside doesn’t wind it’s way onto many of the prog lists. It was leaps and bounds more interesting to me than Porcupine Tree’s comeback album, mostly because the Riverside guys seemed to focus mainly on crafting hooky, memorable songs with strong melodic motifs throughout, and then dressing those up with prog arrangements. This may seem like a rather basic thing to say, but sometimes progressive bands just overthink things and can’t get out of their own way, or neglect to use recurring motifs or you know, choruses that work because of the old “it gets boring” excuse. So yeah, when I listen to a gem like “Friend or Foe?”, the opening cut from Riverside’s ID.Entity, that excuse sounds flimsier than ever before. Here is a multi-faceted, stylistically varied and mood shifting piece that has a truly memorable melodic refrain driving the song forward. Vocalist Mariusz Duda has a haunting, melancholic twist to his smoothly melodic vocals, and keyboardist Michał Łapaj’s elegant progression during the pre-chorus is so simple yet such a vital, gorgeous fixture in this song. This album came out way back in January, but I couldn’t quit the craving to hear this song again at any point through the year.

5.   Metallica – “72 Seasons” (from the album 72 Seasons)

I genuinely had a joyous reaction when I first listened to this opening salvo from Metallica’s 72 Seasons, their first album in seven years and longest gap between releases to date. While the entire album suffered from a lack of editing that was made abundantly clear by the second half of it’s hour and seventeen minute runtime, Metallica did turn in a handful of some of their most inspired songwriting since the mid-90s on Load (an underrated album in that department). This title track is head and shoulders the album’s most enduring moment, a muscular, confident thrash metal meets hard rock blend that is utterly convincing in its ferocity. Hetfield sounds fired up, that old signature bark of yore heard once again in his vocal delivery, Lars delivers a crisp, energetic performance where his penchant for minimalism actually works in the song’s favor. Even Kirk turns in an excellent solo midway through, an otherwise bright spot from him on an album where he really needed someone to hide his wah pedal and force him to try something different. It felt good to root for Metallica again, both in principle and in practice, with fist in the air as I was driving around with this song on repeat shout barking the lyrics alongside James.

6.   Keep of Kalessin – “Journey’s End” (from the album Katharsis)

A break in the assault that was Keep of Kalessin’s excellent album Katharsis, “Journey’s End” is the kind of thoughtful, emotive epic that reminds me of why I love metal more than any other genre. This is a gorgeous, understated, rustic ballad that brings to mind colors of autumn and reddened cloud streaked skies. It’s stirring in the way some of the best power metal ballads are, except that Kalessin certainly aren’t power metal, plying their trade in blackened melodic death metal. Notably, this is Kalessin’s first album since 2013’s fairly strong Epistemology, where guitarist Arnt Grønbech took over handling lead vocals. I’d argue that for as surprisingly good as he was then, he’s even better eight years on, and this song is a vivid example of just how expressive he can be as a gruff-toned clean vocalist (in addition to just how awesome he is on extreme vox). I got smoky campfire Hansi Kursch-ian vibes from his passion filled approach, particularly towards the end of the song where the chorus swells in grandeur, and his lead guitar tone and phrasing on the accompanying solo blend together both aching melancholy and empowering triumph.

7.   Theocracy – “Mosaic” (from the album Mosaic)

Theocracy’s latest effort, Mosaic, was a bounce back after the uneven Ghost Ship seven(!) years ago, and that’s notable because this is their longest gap between releases and their first without longtime lead guitarist Van Allen Wood who left in 2020. It’s a testament to songwriter/vocalist Matt Smith’s talents then that he can rebound with ease and deliver some of the band’s best material despite these challenges that might trip up other bands, and the title track here is a killer example of that trait. Leaning more classic American power metal than the proggy tinges awash on the last album, things kick off with the dramatic entry of a galloping riff after a gentle vocal led intro. That the articulate leads and speedy riffs capture my interest just as much as Smith’s titanic, call and response chorus vocal sequence is credit to new guitarist Taylor Washington and old hand Jonathan Hinds. The aforementioned chorus is the kind of monumental, towering stuff that characterized so much of their first three albums and thus a nod towards early millennium power metal classics such as Edguy’s Mandrake. That layered harmony vocal on the lyric “We are mosaic!” results in a soaring, spirit lifting moment that is emblematic of what makes Theocracy such an incredible and still underrated talent in power metal.

8.   Spiritbox – “Jaded” (from the The Fear of Fear EP)

I didn’t know who Spiritbox were before this year’s release of “Jaded” as a music video, whereupon the YouTube algorithm arranged for me to stumble upon it during a moment of not paying attention to autoplay’s shenanigans. It was playing in another tab while I worked on something else, and by the time vocalist Courtney LaPlante sang the opening lines of the chorus, I was clicking over to see who in the hell this was that was impressing me so much. Fusing the futuristic, synth-ian sounds of electro-pop such as Chvrches (replete with LaPlante’s clean vocal tone a close cousin to Lauren Mayberry) with a fusion of progressive metal and metalcore guitars. LaPlante also performs the screaming vocals on this track, impressively so, which made me curious enough to dig into her bio a bit only to realize oh yeah, I had heard her sing before in Iwrestledabearonce. The transition into this still relatively new but rocketing in popularity project in Spiritbox is clearly one of the biggest leaps to success we’ve seen a metal vocalist make since Floor Jansen joined Nightwish. But back to the song, which is just undeniable, even if you don’t enjoy metalcore in general, its footprint is so light here that it enhances the beautiful, dark velvety vocal melody driving things forward. I just realized upon writing this that “Jaded” was nominated for the Best Metal Performance Grammy to be chosen in 2024, but don’t let that air of music industry approval sway you from not listening to this song, I’m telling you its worth all the apparent hype.

9.   Therion – “Ruler of Tamag” (from the album Leviathan III)

Therion snuck in late here in December with the finale of their Leviathan trilogy, and Christofer Johnsson has long touted it as the more “experimental” of the three albums, and man he wasn’t kidding around about that. So “Ruler of Tamag” stands out from the complexity of the entirety of Leviathan III by being an achingly beautiful, understated and yet grandiose ballad sung largely by the wonderful Taida Nazraic who sang most of my favorite songs on the other two Leviathan albums. I just love the casually strummed acoustic intro here, its what I can only best describe as old-world sounding, which is a broad adjective I know but hopefully you get what I mean. Nazraic once again steals the show with her nightingale’s vocals, just another excellent vocal performance from the most overlooked vocalist in symphonic metal today (thank you Therion for giving her a wide platform). The beefy 80s riff that follows with deep toned choirs over the top really reminds me of 2000’s eternal classic Secret of the Runes, and gods, the expansive, cinematic strings that reveal themselves at the 3:00 minute mark are so glorious. This whole piece reminds me of the starry eyed exploring the band did during the Sirius B/Lemuria twin albums, with grandeur and adventure the most apt descriptors for the approach they were going for in the songwriting. This is yet another example of why Therion is one my favorite bands of all time.

10.   Beyond the Black – “Free Me” (from the album Beyond the Black)

I’m not too plugged in on what opinions are surrounding Beyond the Black, a German based symphonic metal band closer to Within Temptation in style and tone than say… well, Therion, but I can imagine there’s as many cynics out there towards them as there are supporters. The band is popular in Germany (four top ten albums there) and throughout Europe, having the sway to co-headline a Euro jaunt with Amaranthe despite being in existence for half the time. It is essentially a vehicle for vocalist Jennifer Haben, who I first became familiar with for her truly great guest performance on Kamelot’s “In Twilight Hours”, although its worth noting that Serenity guitarist Christian Hermsdörfer also pulls double duty with his role in this band. Look the band is as a whole very accomplished, but these songs are built around Haben’s considerable talent as a vocalist and she has definitely aimed for Beyond the Black’s music to cater to her strengths as a vocalist. So there’s no helium register stuff ala “Mother Earth” here, Haben instead utilizing her power to conjure up deeper tones and a smoother version of hard rock styled belting that is satisfying in an easy to listen to kinda way. This song was the standout on their strong 2023 self-titled album for me, it’s ascending dramatic chorus got lodged in my brain early in the year and I’d get the urge to replay it every so often.

The Metal Pigeon Essential Ten: Power Metal

Over ten years ago now, when I first started this blog, I had a boatload of ideas that I wanted to eventually get to after I had accumulated a decent amount of articles on the site, and found my writing voice so to speak. One of those ideas was to talk about my ults (to borrow a K-Pop term) — you know, my favorite records in this genre, that genre, of all time, you get the point. So to celebrate the 10th anniversary of this site, I’m finally (finally!) launching this in the form of The Metal Pigeon Essential Ten. The idea is simple. I’m presenting my picks for the ten essential albums that I feel best exemplify everything that I love about a certain subgenre. In other words, its by no means an attempt at an objective-ish list, but more a personal reflection of my own experience as a fan of this music. Of course we’re starting with power metal, because over the years I’ve written about my love for it likely more than anything else on this blog, and whittling what I love about this subgenre down to ten albums was not easy. But I like the number ten for lists, its easy to focus on for a reader, and for myself it forces me to make hard cuts and think about what I really have to include. These ten picks are sorted in alphabetical order by artist… hey look it was hard enough getting my list down to ten, don’t make me rank them. The prospect of finally getting around to this has been surprisingly rejuvenating, and a great excuse to go back and listen to albums that I haven’t heard in awhile but have meant a lot to me since I first did.

Avantasia – The Metal Opera:

I think the first thing that someone might think when doing a quick scroll down through this list is “Where’s Helloween?”. Fair question. But I only have ten spots, and if I’m being honest with myself, as far as my personal experience with power metal goes, Helloween and Gamma Ray took a backseat to my rabid fanaticism for all things Tobias Sammet, particularly during that late 90s/early 00’s era. Released smack in the midst of the golden age of power metal™ (97-03 to be precise) in July 2001, the first Avantasia album was a monumental event in the power metal world. I had heard the single almost a year before in 2000 on WRUW’s Metal Meltdown (a Cleveland area college radio show hosted by Dr. Metal whose show introduced me to a ton of power metal) when Tobias himself called in for an interview. He talked about the guest vocalists, people from bands that I was largely unfamiliar with, but he did winkingly confirm one significant guest he called “Ernie”, who Dr. Metal later clarified as Michael Kiske. My personal hype leading up to this album was massive, I made it a mission to grab as many albums as I could from the guest vocalist’s respective bands, in the process becoming fans of Angra, Stratovarius, Virgin Steele, Impellitteri, At Vance, and Within Temptation. That was a process that carried over into The Metal Opera Pt. II released a year later, but it was the debut that lit the match on what was already a flammable pyre of growing obsession over all things European power metal.

While the sequel was fantastic in its own right, the debut had the kind of crackling magic that all these years later refuses to diminish. From the melancholic majesty of “Farewell” to the glory-fist inspiring “Sign Of The Cross” to the now iconic “Reach Out For The Light” with Kiske’s glorious voice. What Tobias did on The Metal Opera was essentially build on what Kiske and Helloween had pioneered on the Keeper albums, only made bigger and wilder, with a cast of strikingly different vocalists that gave this straight ahead epic power metal a grandeur that made it sound larger than life. In writing this, I’ve realized that no amount of words can give voice to just how massive an impact this record was for me, it nearly rivaled having discovered Blind Guardian. For sure Keeper I/II belong on the list of the most influential and/or greatest power metal albums of all time, I totally agree with that both as a metal fan and a self appointed historian. But for as much as I love those records now, at the time I viewed them as heavy metal records ala Maiden… power metal really wasn’t a widespread term until 97 or so, and I always associated it with newer bands coming out of Europe. An artist like Tobias who wore his influences on his sleeves made it apparent just how far into the future Helloween’s influence has reached. But Avantasia’s The Metal Opera was a special moment in time for me, and I can’t look back on power metal history without it being a blinding beacon shining back at me.

Blind Guardian – Nightfall In Middle Earth:

The never ending debate among not only Blind Guardian fans, but power metal fans in general is Imaginations or Nightfall? Because though Blind Guardian does have other great records, those two albums in particular have come to define the what is quintessentially great about the band. I’ve always felt that there is no wrong answer between the two, because there have been moments where I’ve considered Imaginations and thought that note for note it could be a stronger listening experience. But the reason why I’m placing Nightfall on this list over it is because of just how much it intersects at two of my major interests, namely Tolkien and epic power metal. This isn’t breaking news to anyone by now, but I’m sure that was the reason a lot of people got into Blind Guardian. But back in the day when I discovered the band shortly after Nightfall’s release, it was a major revelation to younger me, a shocking intersection that seemed only hinted at with stuff like Metallica’s nods to Lovecraft and Maiden with… all their various literary references. With Nightfall, Blind Guardian created a soundtrack to Middle Earth that I never knew could possibly exist, painting rich, theatrical aural drama for important vignettes from The Silmarillion. At the time concept albums were still a relative rarity, but the bards didn’t try to shoehorn in an entire plot into their songs. They used the existing literature as a diving board from which to write from specific character perspectives, tackle particular moments from complex scenes and flesh them out with narration, context, and internal monologues. The intricacy of the musical arrangements mirrored the pulse of the narrative — militant grandeur on “Time Stands Still”, anguish and loss on “Nightfall”, forlorn melancholy on “The Eldar”. Particularly impressive for source material that read more like a biblical history rather than a typical fantasy adventure, Nightfall’s songs were intensely emotional, full of haunting imagery in its lyrics and utterly convincing passion from Hansi Kursch’s vocals.

On a side note, this album got me to finally tackle The Silmarillion, which I had previously disregarded as too difficult to read. All these years later, and it’s one of my most read books (if not the most read), with me doing yearly readings right around this time of year for quite a few years in a row. I love everything about it now, as a flawed but still rather perfect piece of literature, and it took Nightfall to get me to appreciate that. I also still consider the album to be one of the finest storytelling moments in power metal, nearly equaled only by Kamelot’s Epica, together both albums illuminating a dearth of competition that is oftentimes disappointing to consider. It has also, after what has to be in the thousands of listens after all these years, still retained the same vibrancy and freshness that it did when I first heard it. Honestly I can’t even say that about a few old classic Maiden albums, and they’re my favorite band. Andre Olbrich’s leads in “Mirror Mirror” still get my adrenaline pumping even if I’m sitting in my desk chair, Hansi’s screamed “Fear my curse!” on “Noldor” still raises the hair on my arms, and the chorus of “Into The Storm” is still the most spirited, spitting defiance singalong moment, even if I’m by myself in the car. So again, you might think Imaginations deserves to be here, and I couldn’t fault you for it, but Nightfall is iconic to me, that cover art, the depth of what the band accomplished here — it’s a power metal essential, even if you tend to skip the interludes.

Edguy – Mandrake:

It’s a testament to Tobias Sammet’s impact on my power metal fandom that he’s landed on this essentials list twice, and you could say 2001 was a great year for him on an artistic level. Just over two months after he dropped The Metal Opera, Tobias delivered Edguy’s fifth and finest album in Mandrake, the point where the band’s sound was still cut from the classic Helloween inspired power metal cloth of 1999’s Theater Of Salvation, but tempered with an arena ready production complete with fuller, deeper guitar tones and a thicker bottom end. These sonic adjustments were paired with his most going for the jugular approach to songwriting yet, delivering bangers like “Golden Dawn” and the bruisingly heavy “Nailed To The Wheel”. An epic opener like “Tears Of A Mandrake” and the ultra-catchy “All The Clowns” blossomed into iconic power metal classics. Even an adventurous set piece like “The Pharaoh” saw Tobias growing into a confident, accomplished craftsman, capable of holding our attention for ten minute chunks, layering compelling sequences one after another, foreshadowing some of the great epics he’d deliver throughout his career afterwards. He also brought Edguy right up to the edge of a more AOR steeped approach, with “Painting On The Wall” being a seminal moment in their career — still power metal in spirit but dressed up in Magnum and Europe outerwear. And on an album so leaden with somber toned material (despite the major key choruses, this was a much darker album than Theater was or even The Hellfire Club after it) Tobias snuck in a satisfying bit of Helloween inspired cheek in “Save Us Now”, the type of thing that in lesser hands would stick out terribly. Even the ballad here, long a bane of many a power metal fan, “Wash Away The Poison” saw him still writing with that traditional power metal frame of mind, preferring lyrics about self-realization and discovery over the romantic overtures that would come later.

In summation, Mandrake was the first fully realized culmination of Tobias Sammet as one of the genre’s foremost songwriters. In a career full of great songs before and after, it was track for track his strongest overall effort, and it was also in so many ways the swansong of his power metal era too. The hard rock influences came to the forefront one album later and never really left, even in latter day Avantasia where classic power metal only rears it’s head in fits and spurts. I know for my part, that’s a big reason why I tend to view 2003 as a closing of the classic power metal era, because when you have one of the heavy hitters in a songwriting sense drifting away from that classic style, it’s a signal that something has ended, or at the very least, changed irreparably. Recently on albums like Ghostlights and Moonglow, Sammet has shown glimpses and flashes of the return of some classic power metal trappings of the Mandrake era, but hardly anything full on or overtly Helloween attuned like Mandrake was. Of course that doesn’t mean that they’re inherently inferior, I think we’ve all grown accustomed to the change that’s occurred to Tobias’ songwriting approach over the years. It’s entirely possible that he felt Mandrake was as far as he could go in the classic power metal mode and still write compelling music. I think it’s also why I regard this album with a tinge of sadness, because despite it’s magic, it was the end of something special instead of the beginning.

Dragonforce – Sonic Firestorm:

Many if asked which was the most impactful Dragonforce album to date would cite either the band’s debut Valley Of The Damned or the truckload selling Inhuman Rampage with it’s improbable Billboard Hot 100 hit “Through The Fire And The Flames”. I hate dating myself here, but I very much remember listening to the band when they were known as Dragonheart with their demo on the ancient version of It created a stir not only for the awesome songs and dizzying guitarwork, but for the ease of which word of mouth spread thanks to it’s digital format. It was really the first time I remember seeing a band blow up thanks to their music being online, and they parlayed that into an actual record deal and released a debut that was pretty strong. The thing we forget about that album though is that the band hadn’t yet introduced the sonic elements that would rock the world three years later on Inhuman Rampage and er… Guitar Hero. Those elements would be introduced on their sophomore album, the utterly inspired, damn near perfect yet tragically overlooked Sonic Firestorm. Hypersonic riffing, wildly complex extended guitar solo passages, and aggressive black metal-esque blast beats spearheading an absolute battery of percussion courtesy of former Bal-Sagoth drummer Dave Mackintosh. Where Valley was sonically hampered by a slightly muddy production, Sonic Firestorm sounded crisp and clean, a textural facet of the recording that helped its various elements have a visceral impact. Upon release the band was describing this album as “extreme power metal”, and despite that being a bit of cheeky marketing, it was also kinda true, Sonic Firestorm saw them pushing the boundaries of what power metal was expected to sound like.

Of course, the songs were what really mattered, and Sam Totman delivered some of his most inspired songwriting ever with key assists from fellow guitarist Herman Li and keyboardist Vadim Pruzhanov. They burst out the gates with “My Spirit Will Go On”, one of the greatest opening cannon shots in power metal history, a song that perfectly married epic ambition and length to an unforgettable hook and iconic lead guitar melody. It’s the first in a salvo of absolute bangers, followed by the aptly named “Fury Of The Storm”, one of vocalist ZP Theart’s best individual moments — he had a knack of sounding indefatigable even on lengthy vocal sequences at higher registers. My personal favorite might still be “Fields Of Despair” however, where the melancholic undertones of the key change during the chorus give the song an emotional weight that lives up to the song title. People were captivated by the band’s razzle dazzle (rightfully so), but I often found that their songwriting had moments of poignancy and complexity, tempered of course by the fact that the lyrics were essentially syllabically oriented vocal filler (not a criticism mind you, think of it as grim vocals are to black metal — texture!) This was seven breathtakingly paced tracks with the right mix of aggression and melodic nuance with satisfyingly hooky riffs and melodies, and one pretty piano based ballad that sounded divine on afternoon drives with the sun setting through your windshield. Dragonforce would make strong records long after this, deliver some incredible tunes here and there, but they never sounded as hyper focused as they did here.

Falconer – Falconer:

Rising from the ashes of folk-metal pioneers Mithotyn, Sweden’s Falconer released their self-titled debut in 2001 just as folk-metal had found its footing, and smack in the midst of the golden era of power metal™, and their rootsy, gritty, often medieval music inspired sound fused the two subgenres together to create something new. One could argue that they were building on the foundations created by England’s Skyclad, but there was a distinct Scandinavian-esque quality to Stefen Weinerhall’s songwriting, both in Mithotyn and in Falconer. His focus was on incredibly rich melodies as a counterpoint to a startling dose of heavy riffage and aggressive, at times extreme metal inspired percussion. The melodies found their way through fluid lead patterns and glorious soloing of course, but also through the unorthodox vocalist the band had stumbled onto in Mathias Blad. He had no metal nor rock background, being a stage actor by trade in Sweden who had spent time studying in England, and his approach on record reinforced that. Blad certainly sang for Falconer with passion, but he didn’t project his voice in the way a metal singer would, with an increase of power or volume — his voice was naturally delivered, without exaggeration or projecting a “metal” attitude, as if he was simply on a theater stage somewhere. On Falconer, he was a revelation, carrying the narrative weight of Stefan’s lyrics and songwriting through sheer talent alone, his baritone deep and sonorous, and his phrasing crystal clear and fluid. I remember the exact moment I heard him for the first time on WRUW’s Metal Meltdown, stunned that a singer fronting a power metal band could sound so different from what was expected, yet fit so perfectly within the context of the band’s music.

The compositions on this album were magical, the kind of stuff that seemed to seep in from another world far removed from our mundane reality. To this day I can’t tell you what exactly Mathias is singing about in “Mindtraveller”, but I damn well feel that song in my gut, it’s been an all-time classic for me (and many others I’m sure), and among friends of mine, the term mindtraveller has become both an adjective and a noun. The looser, more brightly uptempo songs were loaded with ear candy; the layered “woooaaahhs” in “Royal Galley”; that fat bass line laid down by Weinerhall that anchors “Lord Of The Blacksmiths” into an unexpected but awesomely funky groove (only surpassed by the rings of a hammer striking hot iron!); and the subtle backing vocals by Ulrika Olausson on the ethereally beautiful “Wings Of Serenity” drip melancholy all over the song’s bridge sequence. I was always deeply impressed with just how vicious and batteringly heavy Falconer could sound. The sheer assault that occurs upon the opening instrumental bars of “Upon The Grave Of Guilt” could pass for the intro to a blackened folk metal tune before Mathias’ sweeps in. They’d surpass that level of heaviness on later songs such as “Pale Light Of A Silver Moon” off Among Beggars And Thieves, and entire albums like Armod, but they didn’t have to work their way up there or slowly introduce these elements to their sound over time. Album one, song one, and we were shown that Falconer would make a career of being beautifully mystical, often elegantly pretty, and also downright mean and punishing. The band would deliver other incredible records… one could make a case for Chapters From A Vale Forlorn being on this list, but the debut was so unexpected and made such a deep impression on me. They released their swansong last year, a capstone on a magnificent career, and went their separate ways — sadly still underrated and overlooked.

Hammerfall – Glory To The Brave:

Of course this was going to be here, not only for the obvious reasons that it was the album that kickstarted power metal as a recognized genre in earnest back in 1997 (remember friends, power metal as a term wasn’t really utilized as we know it today back when the Keeper records were released), but also for the simple reason that this album flat out rocks. Unlike Dragonforce six years later, who’d merge power metal’s Helloween engineered template with elements of speed and extreme metal, Hammerfall’s birth was a firmly resolute nod to the traditional heavy metal of the past, albeit trading in the screaming, rougher vocals of legends like Halford and Dickinson for the cleaner tone and delivery of Joacim Cans. It’s success across continental Europe opened doors for so many other bands to get signed and recognized, but unto itself, Glory To The Brave was a bracing, spectacular celebration of everything that made heavy metal great. I’ve always felt strongly that one of the keys to what made Hammerfall’s first two albums incredible was the relatively hidden influence of one Jesper Stromblad, who contributes here as a songwriter. He was at the peak of his riff writing powers during this era, having knocked out In Flames’ The Jester Race a year before, Whoracle in this same year, and Colony two years later. His influence is heard in the sheer melodeath-ian density of the riffs heard across this album, despite him not playing on the album. Guitarist Oskar Dronjak had been bandmates with Stromblad in Ceremonial Oath, and you get the feeling that both of their extreme metal roots crept into the approach towards Hammerfall — in the writing process those riffs were molded to be compact and intense, and it showed through in Dronjak’s and then In Flames guitarist Glenn Ljungström’s performances on the album. They’d shake this melodeath influence three years later on Renegade, shifting to a more permanent Priest/Helloween mix, and thus would never recapture the magic found on Glory To The Brave or its sequel Legacy Of Kings.

Then there’s just the full on triumph and glory claw inducing splendor of these songs; “The Dragon Lies Bleeding” is built on one of the most insistent and urgent power metal riffs of all time, with Cans delivering an emphatic and powerful vocal performance; and the album is bookended by its polar opposite, the beautiful power ballad title track with its echoing leads, and confidently articulate acoustic guitars reminiscent of the Scorpions’ finest ballads. It’s a toss up as to whether “Hammerfall” or “Stone Cold” is the most rockin’ cut here, the latter built on a Priest-ian attack and possessing an understated menace in it’s steady march whereas the former is a Helloween inspired banger that shows off the band’s melodicism in sharply vibrant ways. I loved the band’s audaciousness too, the pride of being a metal band playing metal tunes that was exemplified in “The Metal Age”, whose admittedly silly lyrics were still the kind of Manowar-ism that I felt an affinity towards. Even a song ostensibly about the Crusades such as “Steel Meets Steel” could be parlayed into a metal anthem, and there was something comforting about being a fan of such deeply uncool music yet hearing the band themselves proclaim it’s power as something righteous and worthy to be proud of. Such sentiments seem gauche in 2021, but they kinda mattered in the late 90s/early 00s. That kind of fervent belief made a dreamy ballad like “I Believe” ache with a resonance that lesser bands couldn’t manage. The capper on this excellent album was the inclusion of their awesome Warlord cover in “Child Of The Damned”, a direct line to one of the subgenre’s USPM grandfathers from the early 80s. It was an unapologetic nod to the past that was only fitting for an album that revived not only a sound, but a feeling.

Kamelot – Epica:

A landmark in power metal for its elevation of storytelling, lyrical diction, and songwriting, Kamelot’s Epica was part one of a two album long exploration of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Faust, the tragic German play. Vocalist Roy Khan and founding guitarist Thomas Youngblood created their own storyline and characters closely resembling those in the original, and with wiggle room for artistic liberties. There are a lot of fans who will argue in favor of The Black Halo being more deserving of praise in a head to head comparison, and while I do love that album and it’s overall darker atmosphere, Epica has always sounded sharper to me from a songwriting perspective. By this point in Khan’s tenure with the band, he had already meshed with Youngblood as a major songwriting contributor and had put his stamp on two bonafide power metal classics in The Fourth Legacy and Karma. While his lyric writing and vocal performances on those albums were turning heads and keeping his name at the forefront of many power metal fans minds, Epica was his and the band’s most astonishing masterwork. Getting to inhabit a character for an entire album, Khan’s imagination ran wild and he managed to pen most of the lyrics and narrative storyboarding before the music was composed. This meant the songs took on even more of a vocal melody driven direction than before, the music often reactive to Khan’s phrasing and tempo choices, such as on the slow build of “The Edge Of Paradise” where Youngblood’s guitar is solely responsive to Khan’s vocal line. Song structures were often inventive out of narrative necessity, something that Khan made work due to crafting impeccable vocal melodies to keep one’s attention fixed while the Miro engineered symphonic elements (the “Rodenburg Symphony Orchestra”!), Gregorian chants, choir vocals, and guest lead vocals fluttered around or darted in and out. Just like Blind Guardian’s Nightfall, Khan and Youngblood had the benefit of having the source material available in literary form as a reference for both themselves and listeners, and as a result the songwriting was freed of the burden of exposition.

On the brilliant “Lost & Damned”, an accordion sways in a Parisian tango during the verses in a sad, sympathetic melody as Khan’s character says goodbye to the love of his life, a surprising choice that works so well it’s one of the album’s finest moments. The ballads were also magnificently constructed, “Wander” sounding warmly like the flower-scented, dewy air its lyrics spoke of, all romance and mystery; while “On The Coldest Winter Night” sounds like snowfall and warm fires, befitting the emotional scene that’s occurring between the two characters Ariel and Helena. I’ve written about Khan’s poetic lyrical diction at length, but its worth reiterating here that his way with words is one of the reasons this album is on this list. Khan was able to inhabit his characters’ inner monologues, craft elegant dialogue and paint his scenes with richly evocative imagery that brought this storyline to life and made you care about the characters. There was a visceral quality to a line such as “meet me by the wishing well / in cover of the moon”, a lyric that paints a scene as clearly as a sentence in a fantasy novel. But it wasn’t all extravagant instrumentation and romantic balladry, Kamelot brought thrilling majesty to the fore in the straight-ahead power metal of “Farewell”, where Khan married melancholy to gritty determination and crafted a chorus made of steel. And “Center Of The Universe” was peak classic era Kamelot at it’s finest, a dynamic masterpiece with alternating tempos and an ascending buildup that exploded in a euphoric, skyward reaching refrain, cut through with a mid-song bridge with Mari Youngblood on vocals that elevated everything to high drama. Khan would of course leave Kamelot a few albums later, and the band would never be the same, but they had a run there with four classic albums in a row with him at the helm and this was undoubtedly the apex.

Power Quest – Neverworld:

What do we love about power metal? There has to be more to it than the surface level stuff like catchy tunes, epic melodies, soaring vocals and bursting guitar solos. Underneath all of that wizardry is an emotional pulse behind a lot of this music, at least it’s always been that way for me. At it’s best, it can be mental armor to help you deal with the shrapnel that life sometimes explodes at you, as I found out first hand in 2020 when the pandemic hit and everything changed and I found myself cobbling together the massive anti-anxiety power metal playlist on Spotify that kinda saved me all those weeks when I was worried about anything and everything. Power Quest has always been one of those bands who I’ve turned to for comfort listening whenever I needed a bit of spirit lifting, and truth is that I could make a personal case for their incredible Master Of Illusion album to grace this list as well. But those in the know understand that the band’s absolutely undeniable masterpiece is 2004’s Neverworld. It’s cohesive sound is perhaps the finest encapsulation of the genre’s ability to radiate warmth and indefatigable optimism, not only as an act of defiance, but as an affirmation of life itself. There are loads of power metal bands that write lyrics that aim to express something in that vein, but few that manage to sound convincingly bright, ethereal, and determined as Steve Williams and company did here. Power metal artists that play with this kind of palette, like PQ’s contemporaries in Freedom Call, tend to get criticized for the lightness of their approach, but I’ve always thought of it as extremity in reverse, pushing the sound of metal in the opposite direction of say black metal while still retaining undeniably metallic sonic elements. Much of that comes from Steve’s heavy keyboard synths, sweet and syrupy and clearly inspired by the classic early 80s tones heard on Van Halen’s 1984 and classic AOR bands of that era. He steeped that influence into the classic power metal mold ala Helloween and found the voice that seemed to just barely elude him on their debut.

I remember listening to this album as I commuted to university, getting up at 6am just to take the long route across the city to dodge traffic, sitting in my car in the empty parking lot while listening to “Temple Of Fire” to wake up and motivate myself to face being there all day until long after dark. I’d take long de-stressing drives after work while blasting the album start to finish, marveling at how it seemed made of all razor sharp edges and some of the most glorious power metal guitar ever courtesy of the ever underrated Andrea Martongelli. And vocalist Alessio Garavello, then just a new found wunderkind from Italy, delivered one of the most fired up, intensely acrobatic vocal performances heard on any power metal album ever, full of personality and as I’ve always described it, perfectly imperfect approaches to cadence and delivery. Beyond the performances however, at it’s core it was the songwriting that made Neverworld special. A song such as “When I’m Gone” was painted with wistful sunset sky melancholia, and it’s gentle, innocent melody legitimately made you ache. The uplifting chorus outro sequences in “Into The Light” were seemingly powered by sunlight, and the stormy, dramatic buildups in the epic “Lost Without You” were made buoyant by layers of brilliant harmony vocals. And my favorite cut, “Edge Of Time”, one of the most perfect power metal songs ever written, with it’s iconic opening keyboard intro and rockin’ Scorpions-esque riff, and as gloriously powerful a chorus as can be imagined. Steve wrote songs on this album that were dewy eyed and hopeful, at once preciously fragile and unyieldingly strong, and full of an almost spiritual, life affirming breath that you’d gulp in like your life depended on it.

Sonata Arctica – Ecliptica:

There’s an argument to be made that it’s a coin flip between this or Glory To The Brave as the greatest power metal debut album of all time, as both are astonishing classics in their own right on a musical level. But I’ll give the edge to Sonata Arctica, because what they managed on Silence went beyond Hammerfall’s spirited resurrection of traditional heavy metal, with the Finns pushing the genre into an emotional territory not yet explored by any power metal band. They took the sonic template created by their fellow countrymen and power metal pioneers in Stratovarius, and through it further explored the inward facing lyrics that Helloween only scratched the surface of. Vocalist and songwriter Tony Kakko favored storytelling through vignettes, often ones that were tragically romantic or explored even darker emotions like isolation or loneliness. Fantasy themes could be interwoven in his songs or discarded entirely for a more realistic setting, Kakko seemed unmoored from power metal’s tropes, often penning lyrics that used unorthodox diction for the genre. I suspect it was no coincidence that he and Tuomas Holopainen were friends and were encouraging each other in their musical pursuits, particularly around this era, and that we’d hear a similar lyrical shift in Nightwish’s music away from fantasy themes to deeply personal topics. In retrospect, given what we now know about the introspective music of Finnish mainstays like Amorphis and Insomnium, it seems obvious to say that it must be a “Finnish thing”. Yet at the time, Stratovarius and Hanoi Rocks was really the only thing the world knew about metal from Finland, and I remember being unable to pinpoint and articulate why Silence and it’s follow-up Ecliptica felt so different from anything else out there (in fact, I think it took discovering Sentenced shortly afterwards for me to begin to realize what made the Finns tick). Power metal had developed as music that was bombastic, defiant, and at times uncomfortably macho, and here was a band who turned that attitude on it’s head — introducing vulnerability, sensitivity, and uncertainty while marrying it to a sound that still soared despite it all.

I think we also now realize in retrospect that guitarist Jani Liimatainen was the perfect foil to Tony’s unorthodox approach to power metal songwriting, particularly in light of his work in Cain’s Offering and more recently Dark Element. His razor sharp riffs and classically inclined melodic sensibilities were the guide rails that kept these songs firmly planted in Timo Tolkki inspired power metal territory. We’ve heard where Tony has taken the band’s sound in a post-Liimatainen era, and while modern day Sonata Arctica still attempts to maintain links to it’s power metal heritage, it’s clear they’ve drifted away from it as a whole. But here on Ecliptica, these roots were strong, and on classics like the face melting “Blank File” and “UnOpened”, Jani’s driving attack kept Tony (who was handling keyboards back then, remember?!) in a more Jens Johansson-esque role as a keyboardist, sticking to tried and true Malmsteen derived classical guitar/keyboard duo formulas. On more mid-tempo paced cuts such as “My Land”, keyboards were creatively used as a rhythmic device with Jani’s guitar coming in as a counterpoint, creating an effect that conjured up wild, barely restrained passion. The most emotional moments on the album however were found in the far more introspective songs; the aching, forlorn “Replica” where Tony spoke about an “empty shell inside of me”; or the uptempo “Kingdom For A Heart” with possibly the most dramatic reaction to heartbreak ever realized in song lyrics. On the bonus version we were treated to one of the band’s finest songs, “Mary-Lou”, an achingly beautiful sad song made sadder on the acoustic version that was released on the Orientation EP a year later. The gem of all gems here is of course “Full Moon”, one of the greatest power metal songs ever written, no explanation needed. I’ll never forget seeing the band live a few years back, when a pair of arms crossed tattooed guys who had been watching the show stoically all night finally broke out in a euphoric sing-along to this song during the encore. You couldn’t write a better endorsement.

Tad Morose – Modus Vivendi:

Often overlooked and sometimes forgotten, Tad Morose’s Modus Vivendi deserves to be regarded as one of the genre’s masterworks. Eschewing shimmering melodies for crushing Nevermore-ian heaviness, Modus Vivendi worked not only for the straight ahead chugging dual guitar attack of Christer Andersson and Daniel Olsson, but for the majestic, towering vocal performance of Urban Breed. He had been with the band for a handful of albums before this one, but this was where he really demonstrated why he should be in any conversation for greatest power metal vocalists. His role as the narrator of a daunting conversation about death on “Afraid To Die” was not only a stunning display of his mastery as a lyricist, but also for his dramatic vocal choices — where to add emphasis, how to phrase each line, the way he’d bend specific words and in doing so give them extra power. His staggering performance on “No Mercy” made it an all-time classic, his vocal on the chorus coming at you like Mike Tyson’s right uppercut, pure intensity and heavy metal fury. His no holds barred approach to the vocals was how it had to be. How else to go blow for blow with the muscled up heavy metal attack loaded into every riff and in the pounding aggression of the rhythm section. Andersson and company were certainly creating power metal, these were richly melodic songs with mostly soaring hooks, but they tempered them with elements of doom metal to darken the overall tone and slow down the pacing. And the band’s penchant for progressive metal was infused throughout their approach to displaying their more technical leaning tendencies in fits and bursts, still allowing the trad metal approach to steer the songwriting around any self-indulgent potholes.

There was also songwriting depth involved here. Nothing revolutionary, but just a sustained implementation of sheer creativity in how these songs were constructed. Take the Egyptian motifs that run throughout “When The Spirit Rules World”, how they seem to be leading the song in a certain direction only for the band to abruptly switch gears for the starkly Queensryche-ian refrain. And then there’s the lumbering thick boy in “Cyberdome”, built on as menacing a groove based riff as you’ll hear in power metal, where the band willingly halts its strut by coming to a near standstill on the utterly spartan pre-chorus. It’s so rare to hear a band execute risky ideas like these and somehow make them seem as part of the masterplan all along. Even on relatively straightforward cuts like “Anubis” and “Take On The World”, the band doesn’t take the easy route, loading its verses with shifting, alternating riff sequences and aggression levels, the rhythm section working overtime to keep you guessing. This album was Urban’s swan song with the band, he’d move onto Bloodbound for a spell and do really great work with them. For the band, it took them a decade to recover and come back with new music, and despite having a fairly good singer in Ronny Hemlin onboard, they haven’t come close to the greatness they stumbled onto here. There’s nothing flashy about Modus Vivendi, but that’s its centralized strength — its perfectly crafted from start to finish, one of the most viscerally satisfying power metal albums you could imagine.

Why So Serious?: The Disheartening Rise of Dumb Power Metal

Something that I’ve noticed happening over the past few years now in increasing frequency is the propagation of what I’m going to umbrella term as “dumb power metal”. If you’re a power metal detractor, this is where you’ll chime in with some goofball interjection of “but Pigeon, all power metal is dumb“, and to you I’ll say, take a hike (or you know, stick around and hear me out). My definition of dumb power metal is a broad one for sure, but I’ll point to a recent moment as a singular example of what I’m trying to illustrate here, that being Angus McSix’s track “Laser-Shooting Dinosaur” off their debut album Angus McSix and the Sword of Power. This is the new band formed by former Gloryhammer vocalist Thomas Winkler, whose singing I enjoyed in that band, and despite having little interest in the also purposefully silly lore that streaked through that band’s own albums, I was able to appreciate that Christopher Bowes was at least writing some well crafted power metal, reductive for sure, but memorable and charming in it’s own way. But in retrospect, I think the success of Gloryhammer might be screwing us as power metal fans in the long run, because when that band was alone in that lane, they came across as a quirky outlier that you’d tag with adjectives such as “fun” or “campy”, while giving them credit as a musically credible parody act. Yet their commercial success was undeniable, bringing with it a host of copycats, and that lane has become crowded with a handful of bands that are pushing the limits of silliness towards outright stupidity. And as a result, I suspect that to many new power metal fans, this is what they think this genre is. And to this power metal fan anyway, that makes me sad.

I’ll be the first to admit that throughout the history of power metal, there’s been a lot of ridiculous concepts both thematically and lyrically that have pockmarked otherwise fine bands and albums… the kinds that we’d just gloss over and ignore on purpose because the music was so enjoyable. There’s no denying that the lyrics on the first two Hammerfall albums aren’t deeply intellectual, they’re riding that mix of fantasy tropes and basic heavy metal brotherhood stuff that has been a part of metal tradition since the early days of Dio and Priest. But they weren’t childishly stupid either. I was driving to work when I first listened to that aforementioned Angus McSix album, and I just remember sitting at a red light feeling more and more annoyed at the vapidity that was pouring out of my speakers before I disgustedly switched over to sports radio. I say this fully admitting that perhaps I’m sounding like a grumpy old(er) power metal fan but I’ve started to hit that point of not giving a damn about that. One of my favorite power metal bands is Edguy, I’ve been a fan since the late 90s, and they had baked into them that Helloween-like tendency to pack a touch of humor in their albums, as on “Save Us Now” off Mandrake (an otherwise somber-toned album), or on the 80s hard rock pastiche “Lavatory Love Machine” off Hellfire Club (complete with absurd music video). Nothing about tracks like those felt forced, it felt like humor that radiated off the personalities of the band members themselves, those early 2000s audio interviews of a wise-cracking, goofy Tobias Sammet being ample evidence of that. It was also merely one aspect of their work, this being the same band that released the deeply introspective and spiritual Theater of Salvation.

So many fantastic bands echoed that spirit of indulging in a little bit of refreshing silliness, Blind Guardian with all their covers of classic rock songs such as the Beach Boys “Barbara Ann” and “Surfin’ U.S.A.”, or their even more surreal cover of “Mr. Sandman” (I’ll never get over hearing Hansi singing “make her the cutest that I’ve ever seen”). The aforementioned originators in Helloween wrote the cartoonish rock n’ roll road anthem “Lost In America” on their 2015 album My God Given Right, where they wonder aloud if they should “plunder the sky bar”. Iron Maiden had a few of them too, dunking on manager Rod Smallwood with “Sheriff of Huddersfield”, or the absurd “Black Bart Blues”. Dragonforce largely used generic fantasy adjacent lyrics to the point of nullifying any meaning still played it straight faced, with their lyrics being almost placeholder vignettes for you to interject yourself into however you saw fit — and their reimagining of Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” was funny not just because it was a cover of one of the most overplayed romantic ballads in history, but for the extra layer of just how perfect it fit as a Dragonforce song. Ditto for Sonata Arctica’s cover of “The Wind Beneath My Wings”. Point is that one, I’m not a humorless, po-faced grump shaking his fist at the idea of silliness in power metal or metal in general; and two, that when done right, its really endearing.

In retrospect and I suspect even at the time, all those little moments of humor just made me appreciate those bands all the more because it smacked of genuineness, the willingness to pull down the mask a bit and reveal a bit about who they were as people offstage. So when I see so much of power metal heading into this lazy, cheap laughs getting, nerd-audience baiting direction, it sorta explains why I’ve felt so unenthusiastic about the state of power metal as a whole over the past few years (the positive enthusiasm I felt at the beginning of the 2010s has definitely dissipated). As one of the frequent contributors at the r/PowerMetal discord put it, “Silliness is fine in PM, it’s just when it goes too far and you get bands doing “The Sword of Poo Poo Pee Pee”, and you can just tell there’s nothing behind it“. Exactly, there’s nothing behind it. Sadder than the Angus McSix Laser Dinosaur song was it reminding me about the career trajectory of Victorius, a once promising power metal band that broke onto the scene in 2014 with a strong debut in Dreamchaser, followed up by two other pretty good albums, only to see them take a turn for the dumb in 2018 with their EP Dinosaur Warfare – Legend of the Power Saurus. They followed it up with the Space Ninjas From Hell album, and their last record was Dinosaur Warfare Pt2. – The Great Ninja War. Of course.

I guess this makes me an old power metal fan, because it seems like a lot of discussions on the r/PowerMetal subreddit initiated by new fans to the subgenre are people who are mostly attracted to stuff like this and the likes of Gloryhammer (of course, and understood), Grailknights, Wind Rose, Rumahoy, or frigging Hevisaurus. Hey maybe I’m wrong and it’s selective vision on my part… but I kinda doubt it. Because it’s very reminiscent to what happened to folk metal around ten to fifteen years back when the genre went from gorgeous, haunting, mystique soaked music to humppa abusing drinking songs and Finntroll wearing elf-ears onstage the next time I saw them on tour (still the most disappointing live show I’ve ever seen), years after they were recording blistering blackened folk metal albums that were amazing. The hope as always is that these newcomer fans will eventually stick around long enough to discover the actual depth that does exist within power metal, with amazing bands and records that aren’t dealing in the most basic nerd-baiting nonsense just for clicks and views. If you’re still of the position that I need to lighten up and relax, promptly piss off, I’ve been listening to metal for a long time and I’m allowed to think some of this crap is just that, disposable garbage that shouldn’t be representing the face of the subgenre. But what can I do, apart from spill my thoughts on this blog… because no matter how much I’ve come to loathe it, the plastic swords and hammers and spiky plastic colorful body armor will continue, on stage and in the crowd and it will get dumber and dumber until that aforementioned “The Sword of Poo Poo Pee Pee” will become an actual song title, and not just a pointed jab in a Discord channel.

So I’ll do the only thing here that I can do, because I can see that this trend isn’t going away anytime soon, not as long as there are gullible droves who’ll lap up every ironic second of it. I’ll recommend an amazing, old school power metal album that was just released this year that has artistic depth, a serious disposition, and features the vocal talents of one of the genre’s most overlooked greats in Daniel Heiman, this being the sophomore album by Greece’s Sacred Outcry, Towers of Gold. This is it everyone, this is the most convincingly well done old school pure power metal record I’ve heard in a very long time. I say pure power metal because while in the past few years I’ve crowned albums by both Seven Spires and Dialith as my albums of the year, those bands are doing crossover power metal fusions; Spires with melodic death metal elements and Dialith blending symphonic and gothic metal into their power metal swirls — all wonderful in their own right for sure, but not examples of classical power metal the way Sacred Outcry is doing it. The weird thing about Sacred Outcry is that it was a project hatched in the late 90s that did some demos back in the day but didn’t put out a debut until 2020 with Yannis Papadopoulos on vocals (yeah that Yannis!), a debut that is just as excellent as it’s successor by the way (I didn’t realize Yannis had this kinda performance in him, but anyway back to Daniel and the new one). I can’t express to you all just how happy Sacred Outcry’s Towers of Gold makes me, it’s like someone finally pushed the curtain back a bit and let through some glorious autumn sunlight into this summer darkened dreary room (yeah that’s reality with 100 degree temperatures, summer fun my ass, the Beach Boys can go to hell).

I was wondering who besides the mighty Heiman was responsible for such an incredible record, that surely someone with power metal bonafides was pulling the songwriting strings. Surprise of surprises, its George Apalodimas of The Eternal Suffering, one of the most unheralded symphonic black metal bands that released one of my favorite records in the genre, Miasma, to virtually no acclaim in 2010 except for the few people who were trying to download a supposed leak of Dimmu Borgir’s Abrahadabra off Soulseek before it was released and ended up with it instead because of someone intentionally mislabeling mp3s (for a few weeks there people were mistakenly raving about how awesome the new Dimmu was on the forums and who knows where else, until Dimmu released the “Gateways” single and the jig was up). God what the memory holds onto. Anyway, figures that it would take a symphonic black metal dude to start delivering new power metal here in the dawn of the post-pandemic era that might just have the power to re-focus this subgenre and renew the faith of old hands like myself. Fortunately there are also some people within the power metal world who are also contributing to the fight against “dumb power metal”, like the guys in Saint Deamon, whose League of the Serpent is an incredible power metal release that came out back in April and has been on my recent heavy rotation (featuring the underrated talents of Jan Thore Grefstad, Highland Glory’s first vocalist). I’ll also shout out here the new album Hellriot by Mystic Prophecy, a band as eternal and reliable as any in the power metal/thrash sphere and doing an admirable job of filling the void left behind by Tad Morose and others in that heavier vein.

I realize I’ve been complaining quite a bit here, so I’ll conclude things on a positive note by saying that I think there’s something to be hopeful about. On Metallum, Towers of Gold already has 8 reviews posted for it, a pretty high number for an album that just came out in late May by a very underground band, and that’s an encouraging sign that word is spreading, and of course that those reviews are just as glowing as I feel when I listen to it. Recently, in reading posts and talking to fellow power metal fans, I’ve been feeling that there is a growing undercurrent of dissatisfaction with the direction that the subgenre’s heading in, and that there’s an increasingly vocalized urge to find stuff that’s it’s exact opposite (be it in sound or spirit). That may result in more people checking out progressive metal for the former, just to find something that satisfies sonically, but regarding the latter, I think there are people in bands working on new material that also feel the same way. I’m encouraged by a demo I listened to recently from a new power metal project called Glyph featuring R.A. Voltaire from Ravenous. Year end list maker Fellowship released a strong debut album and there’s the promise of new music in the future from them, and there’ a new Spires album in development as well. We’re for sure in a drought of quality power metal lately, but there are a few rain showers here and there, hopefully it’ll start pouring down soon to help wash the dumb away.

Metal Thoughts + New Music Catch Up

The Metal Meat n’ Potatoes

It’s been an interesting past few weeks here at The Metal Pigeon, most notably because I finally got to see the legendary Helloween live on May 13th in what felt like a truly once in a lifetime event, but also because I feel like I’ve been listening to more metal in a concentrated span of time than I have in a long, long while. Actually to that point, as much as I’ve been enjoying stepping off the new release reviews treadmill that nearly derailed this blog entirely with burnout over the past couple years, there is a big drawback. Namely, that in being more casual about discussing new music, a lot of things I want to discuss have started piling up rather quickly. I have a breezy overview of much of the new music I’ve been listening to further down below, more a collection of overall impressions rather than detailed reviews. However, first I wanna talk about something I heard Justin of The Metal Exchange Podcast say on an older episode of the show covering Avantasia’s The Metal Opera, their first 10/10 rating for an album on the show.

He talked about how despite loving that album, he felt he hadn’t spent enough time with it over the years, having potentially wasted time on other albums that were mediocre in the intervening years, and how it was important to get back to the “meat and potatoes” of what great metal was to him. To listen to those albums more, spend more time with them. I really identified with that comment, because it seems so obvious, but I’ve always had this slightly guilty feeling when I indulge myself in listening to classic albums I’ve long loved, because that voice in my head says “hey what the hell are you doing… you should be paying attention to new music… new, new, new!”. But I’ve mentioned my Judas Priest’s Turbo indulgence over the past year, revisiting that album repeatedly and appreciating it anew. I sort of extended that into the wider Priest catalog slowly but surely, and have gone back to just jamming those records for fun… ditto for classic Maiden albums. Look, Maiden is my favorite band of all time, but I couldn’t remember the last time I had played their older studio albums at all before this past month and a half, when I’ve been playing them unapologetically and appreciating them all over again.

The Metal Exchange podcast has had a lot to do with this, as I’ve been playing the classic albums they’ve covered on their show as I’ve been working my way through their older episodes. Justin’s revelation on that episode about revisiting the great albums more frequently is right on, a truth that I’ve been slow to work my way back to, but in relistening to all these classic Priest and Maiden albums, among many other veteran artists, I’ve been reminding myself of what I grew up loving about this genre in the first place. I think when you get bogged down in that new release listening cycle exclusively, you run the risk of losing sight of that, particularly when you hit a spell of albums that just don’t move you much, or are examples of the aforementioned mediocrity. Actually, in revisiting these metal touchstones of the past, I’ve felt it’s been head clearing in a way for me to better receive new music from newer bands, a bit of stepping backwards in order to progress forwards I guess. This might only be of interest or relevance to a few of you who’ve felt yourself caught up in similar listening habits, but I’m guessing you few know exactly what I’m talking about here.

Speaking of veteran artists, Helloween has been a big part of this revisiting the classics process over the past two months, in fact methodically going through their catalog was a big part of the prep for the show I caught in Dallas. They played a mix of stuff from their career, including some stuff from their fantastic recent self-titled reunion album, but the songs that caught me off guard with how much I enjoyed them were the off-beat choices, such as “Perfect Gentleman”, and damn… “Forever and One”. That one really shook me, seeing Kiske and Deris handling lead vocals together in a spectacular, goosebump inducing duet. It was an emotional apex during the show, and I kept thinking back to old interviews I would hear via Dr. Metal’s Metal Meltdown radio show back in the late 90s, when musicians in the know would tell the Doc that a Helloween reunion would never, ever happen. So seeing those two together on this Deris era classic was a little surreal in the moment, and definitely a highlight of what was a spectacular show in general. On the drive back to Houston, I went through Deris era albums that I’d not listened to in ages, Master of the Rings, The Time of the Oath, Better Than Raw, and also a long time favorite, The Dark Ride. They sounded so much fresher than I’d have expected, the Turbo effect in action.

Yesterday when driving to our Saturday D&D session (nerd!!!!), I was listening to the Scorpions’ odd 2011 release Comeblack which was half re-recordings of their most classic cuts, and half covers of old rock songs that I suppose were influences on the band back in the day. I had previously only given the album a cursory glance and dismissed it as a pointless release. But I gotta say, I found myself really enjoying it, the re-recordings especially, because it was so interesting to hear these classic Scorps songs I knew by heart in a studio context without the distraction of crowdwork and cheering on a live album, yet still different from the original recordings whose very nuances I’ve had burned into my memory by now. Klaus enunciates the lyrics better here, the guitars attack in a way that more closely emulates their live attack, and freed from the sonic idiosyncrasies that characterized the old Dieter Dierks production style, I was hearing these songs in a brand new context. It wasn’t better or worse, just different. It was another reminder that there was as much value in delving into the musical archives so to speak, as there was in making sure you continually check out new music to keep your synapses firing and challenging your tastes.

Some New Music Chit-Chat

So onto the new stuff then, the cream of which has had to elbow and fight its way past not only recent release competition, but also my incessant need to hear every live version of “The Clairvoyant” on a random Wednesday afternoon. So lets talk about the albums that managed to hold their own against heavy consumption of Maiden, Priest, and Helloween:

Immortal – War Against All: I didn’t really think that Demonaz would be able to top 2018’s first post-Abbath release Northern Chaos Gods. That was a top ten album for me that year, a really powerful statement from Demonaz and Horgh about what they could put together on their own. Now, a few years later in a post-Horgh Immortal, Demonaz is able to stand on his own via unleashing an album that I think is somehow even leaner and meaner than it’s predecessor. When I think on the quality and innate Immortal-ness of these two albums and consider Abbath’s recent output in his own band, I have to admit that I’m questioning just how integral he was to the band’s songwriting approach over the years. For certain his ability as a guitarist left it’s mark on those classic albums, but I’m starting to suspect now that the key architect to the band’s sound was Demonaz after all, and it’s maybe long past time for him to get credit for that.

Cloak – Black Flame Eternal: The classic yearly out of left field surprise that really shouldn’t be a surprise given that I do remember listening to this band on their prior two albums over the past few years pre-pandemic and thinking that they were solid, but solid apparently doesn’t do enough to work it’s way into my memory, so enter Black Flame Eternal, in the running for the most satisfying extreme metal album of the year thus far. The description of their sound on Metallum is a bit odd (gothic/black metal) because while there are certainly gothic overtones ala Tribulation layered over the top of these songs, at their core this is some of the strongest black n’ roll I’ve heard in awhile. And I really mean the roll part too, these songs often built around rockin’ riffs that have an accessible headbanging bent to them. There’s little in the way of any kind of wall of sound/tremolo wave traditional black metal soundscaping here, and maybe that’s why this sounds so fresh and exuberant even in the dead of summer where my mind usually craves more of a hard rock/trad metal sound. No duds whatsoever, I could easily envision “With Fury and Allegiance” winding up on the best songs list down the line, and yeah, just a blackened record that really rocks, hits hard, and doesn’t ever bore me, I love it.

Gatekeeper – From Western Shores: I remember giving Gatekeeper’s debut album a few years ago a spin when their promo from Cruz del Sur landed in my inbox — I think I had just realized at the time how much that label was putting out stuff that was capturing my attention and I gave them the benefit of the doubt. The only thing I clearly remember about the listening experience (apart from the band’s very raw sound at the time) was that I felt the band had moments of potential but overall it wasn’t quite sticking with me. Clearly with how much I’ve been enjoying From Western Shores over the past few months, I’ll have to firstly go back and check out the debut to see if it wasn’t just a wrong headspace thing, and secondly, give the band serious props for possibly realizing said potential. I agree with the chorus of opinions I’ve heard from people I’ve discussed this album with saying that the new singer is a far better fit for the band, Tyler Anderson’s pipes sounding a bit like a more stoic, less outlandish Eric Adams. Despite the much improved production, fatter guitar sound, and tight mixing, there are still rough edges to Gatekeepers attack, but I’ve come to realize that’s more of a defining facet of their sound at it’s core. I find it charming, and it does work in a weird way to lend mystique to these songs in a Manilla Road kinda way. This whole album is a epic, rocking, somewhat weed smoke tinged vibe and it’s worth checking out.

Foretoken – Triumphs: A pretty solid, widely overlooked sophomore album from a Virginia based duo dishing out some finely crafted symphonic/folky melodeath fusion with a touch of blackened vocals just to further blur the lines dividing genres. There’s a trad metal sound to their guitar attack that I appreciate, a Priest-ian edge that chugs at the right time and a steely, flinty edge to the rhythm guitar tone that is sweet to hear. The interesting tidbit behind the production here is that Jacob Hansen is at the controls for the mixing and mastering, a guy who’s best known in the metal scene at the moment for his role in prog-power metallers Pyramaze and in being the producer du jour for numerous melodic vocal adorned bands of various subgenre types (I mean, he’s Amaranthe’s producer for starters). And of course Hansen has done work with extreme metal vocal bands in the past, but not that many in comparison, so this is an interesting record to listen to with that in mind if you’re a nerd about these things, which… if you’re reading this you likely are (it’s okay).

Enforcer – Nostalgia: I’ve been uncertain of how I felt about Enforcer for the longest time, initially being really impressed because my first exposure was seeing them live in a support slot for a tour I can’t even remember the headliner for. They were such an electrifying band on stage, but dang it if they couldn’t quite manage to capture that same feeling on record for me. I just wrote them off as being one of those great live bands that you really only took in live (Midnight falls into this category for me) and didn’t spend a lot of time with their studio output. Their last album, 2019’s Zenith was intended to be a change of pace from their proto-typical speed metal inspired sound, and some argued that it leapt far too deep into the pool of 80s commercial hard rock. I didn’t mind the attempt, but the execution felt off. So four years later, they’re sort of going back to their roots, but a little of that experimental mindset from Zenith still lingers, and I’d argue to far better effect. The title track here is the kind of thing the Scorpions would’ve knocked out around the Savage Amusement era, a perfectly articulated 80s hard rock power ballad that is honestly just gorgeous. But beyond that, they’ve somehow worked out the kinks to infuse their traditional sound with the arena hooks they were trying to achieve on the last album, and that makes Nostalgia easily the most compelling release they’ve delivered thus far.

Grave Pleasures – Plagueboys: So not a metal record at all, but if you’re a fan of bands such as Idle Hands/Unto Others, psychedlic trippy old school era The Cult, and maybe even Depeche Mode vocal aesthetic, this might be something to look into. I guess I do have to admit that at times I wish Grave Pleasures would turn it to eleven and really crank out some riffs, but in fairness, there’s nothing here that suggests they had any ambitions to be a heavy band in the sonic sense. It’s just that everything else about this album screams weirdo goth metal and I can’t help but love that. Some unexpectedly delightful guitarwork on this record, beautiful solos that often have unexpected melodic twists and turns. A love it or leave it kinda affair I’ll admit, but I think it’s a beautiful album.

Cruachan – The Living and the Dead: The other Irish metal band of some renown (I kid, I know there are starting to be worthwhile metal bands coming out of Ireland lately), Celtic-folk metallers Cruachan released this way back in March, and while I had it on heavy rotation all those months ago, it’s slowly drifted it’s way back into my recent listening as I have sort of taken stock of the halfway point of the year (I briefly thought about writing a midyear report, but nixed it because I feel like that influences me too much when assembling the end of year lists later). This is a band that I used to love way back in the early 2000s heyday of the folk-metal explosion, and just kinda spaced out on for the rest of the years in the interim. I think this is the first album I’ve heard from them since The Morrigan’s Call in 06, and better production notwithstanding, they sound exactly how I remember them which is fantastic. You guys know my feelings on folk metal, I love the stuff that rings of grit and an authentic spirit, not canned corniness. This is one of those slightly uneven albums where I do favor some songs more than others, but overall it provides a rich listening experience, particularly in its more syrupy sweet acoustic moments.

Keep of Kalessin – Katharsis: I know I talked at length about this on the MSRcast a few episodes ago, so I won’t go into much beyond stating here that I genuinely found so much to love about this album. I’m not sure what the consensus opinion has been overall, because it met with some criticism in my metal circle when it came out, but I’m not that familiar with the band’s discography as a whole to judge if they dipped here (doesn’t sound like it to me). This is one of those records that had moments throughout where I found myself having that familiar feeling of “ahh this is why I love metal so much”. And records like that seem more rare the more stuff you listen to and the longer you’ve been a fan, fighting being jaded I guess. That means a whole heck of a lot to me, and songs like “Journey’s End” just hit that emotional core for me in a way that few bands have managed. I really took notice of this band with this one.

The Metal Pigeon’s Best of 2022 // Part Two: The Albums

The annual best of list here at The Metal Pigeon has been an ongoing tradition since I started the blog way back in late 2011. In all those years of writing up lists, I’ve never had as hard a time putting one together as I have for 2022 — not for a lack of fantastic albums, but because of a surplus of them. The ten albums below are culled from an initial pool of twenty-ish nominees, down to a more manageable sixteen, from which I agonizingly forced myself down to my traditional ten. The cuts were hard to make, but harder still was the ordering of this list, particularly the top five (those two at the top in particular I flip-flopped over a dozen times easy) for which I made myself a little crazy re-ordering this way and that. I think that speaks volumes about the sheer quality of the albums on this list however, because most years there are very apparent front runners for those top five spots at least and I’m usually very decisive about it.

It was a really great year for metal, and a much better year for me as a metal fan largely because all the healthier new habits I’ve adopted after 2021’s near burnout have made me a smarter music listener. It’s time to extend that to blogging as well, so expect less of a reviews focus here in 2023 (I already started scaling back in 2022 if you hadn’t noticed) and more of an actual commentary from my perspective as a metal fan (more in line with the actual tagline for the blog!). I want to be more beholden to my own internal musings about metal rather than having to adhere to the release calendar, which is just a treadmill that never seems to end and really risks burning you out. I’ll still have plenty to say about really important records for sure, and will have recommendations to throw your way, that won’t ever change. Speaking of which, let’s get on with just that — If you love metal of any stripe, you’ll find something to really enjoy on this list (likely some of you already know most of these), and be sure to take a glance at the first part of the Best of 2022 feature covering the best songs of the year.

1. Xaon – The Lethean:

This will only be the fourth time in the history of the blog that the same band has captured both the top spot on the best songs and albums list in a particular year. It will be however the third year in a row that a band has managed that feat: Therion did it in 2021, Seven Spires did it in 2020, and before that Avantasia was the first to do it in 2016, but it’s a rarity for a reason, because band’s rarely deliver both an iconic song and a flawless album in one go (and it’s worth crowing about when they do). I had no idea who Xaon were before The Lethean was introduced to me via my cohost Cary on a random late summer episode of the MSRcast, and the song we played on the show (the aforementioned best songs list topper “If I Had Wings”) lingered long in my mind after we finished recording. When I eventually checked out the rest of the album, I don’t think I expected it to reach the same heights as that beautifully epic masterpiece of a song, but somehow, Xaon managed to create a front to finish work of art that not only thrilled me with it’s intensity, but challenged my idea of what progressive metal could sound like and more importantly achieve in terms of it’s visceral emotional impact. That progressive tag by the way is my own inclusion, because although they’re labeled as symphonic death metal on Metallum, to my ears they have more in common with an artist such as… Subterranean Masquerade than they do solely with Fleshgod Apocalypse or Septicflesh. This comes through straightaway in the songwriting, via an unorthodox approach to the way these guys approach arrangements and song structures in general, sometimes even forgoing traditional verse/chorus/bridge sequences altogether. They seemed to arrange their songs into something akin to movements at times, such as on “The Hunt”, with its ever mutating riff sequences and unrelentingly punishing percussive rhythmic attack, all while gorgeous orchestral melodies spiral off on their own accord. The effect was jarring but utterly hypnotic and compelling, the end result being that I just had to hear it again, and again, and again.

A remarkable thing about The Lethean is that it sees the introduction of two new guitarists in the band’s lineup, those most crucial of positions (and also this being the band’s first album without former guitarist / songwriter Vincent Zermatten), with new guys Eerik Maurage and Klin HC making their debut on this album. Pretty astonishing considering their work here just goes for the throat in terms of riff intensity and complexity. But clearly the focal point of the band is vocalist and longest tenured member Rob Carson, who not only seems to be the creative focal point here but also handled the mixing and mastering of the album (no small feat, the sound design here is perfect). Carson might be my favorite vocalist discovery of the year, a singer whose range veers from a suitably gravely textured throat for screaming vox, and a clean voice that is capable of gentle, emotive melodies ala Steven Wilson or Mikael Akerfeldt as on the closing lament “Telos”. He’s at his most impressive however when he blends those two styles into something very much his own, as heard on “If I Had Wings”, “Wayward Son”, or “In Pyrrhic Seas”, a full throated, unhinged sounding clean metal vocal that sounds like Primordial’s Alan Averill meshed with Paradise Lost’s Nick Holmes. The last few minutes of “And Yet I Smile” demonstrates his versatility in another unpredictable way, with a guttural meets clean vocal melody that would sound at home on both a Carach Angren and Orphaned Land record (his voice is damn versatile). There was not a single weak moment or minute wasted on this album, a rarity for a track list that exceeded the fifty minute mark (just barely by a minute-ish). It’s also an album that is very challenging to describe into words, because I don’t think I’ve ever quite heard anything like it. Yes it has the orchestrations and grandeur inherent in symphonic metal, and certainly it has the progressive death metal that would hook in fans of older Opeth or Amorphis or Edge of Sanity even — but this is an album that is so much more than the sum of it’s parts. Carson and company have molded these influences into something that is actually original, that seethes with primal energy and is also dazzlingly beautiful, and in the process have created the most thrilling and convincing metal album of the year.

(Also appears on: The Metal Pigeon’s Best Songs of 2022)

2.  Brymir – Voices in the Sky:

In a perfect world, there would be a way for Brymir’s incredible, nigh flawless Voices in the Sky to sit atop the album of the year list on this blog, perhaps by being released a year earlier or later, but alas it had the misfortune of running up alongside that Xaon album and well, it will have to settle here. I’ll be honest though, in my stressing over the assembly of this list, it sat at the very top for about half of the various revisions and there were a few times were I toyed around with flipping a coin to see who would get the top spot. What I ultimately worked out however was giving the edge to The Lethean because it presented a band that was new to me who had a sound that I genuinely felt I hadn’t heard before, whereas Voices in the Sky is the perfection of a sound that I’ve heard Brymir making progress on throughout their career. Head to head, I went with rewarding the band that was entirely novel to me, but that shouldn’t lessen Brymir’s accomplishment here in any way. Their previous album Wings of Fire (2019) was an incredibly promising and sometimes frustrating listen — you could tell they were still trying to work out how to balance the disparate elements in their sound, that furious neoclassical infused Finnish black metal blitz with that sparkly, sugary power metal melodicism. They figured it out in full on Voices in the Sky, crafting a fully realized vision of what their sound should be, with instant classics such as “Fly With Me” and “Far From Home”, shining examples of that multifaceted, dynamic songwriting approach honed to a razor sharp edge. The “Herald of Aegir” was my personal highlight on the album, an ascending to the heavens skyrocketing banger that was framed by absolutely explosive epic vocal harmonies courtesy of bassist Jarkko Niemi and guitarist Joona Björkroth (these guys deserve the MVP award for their stellar work throughout the album as complements to lead vocalist Viktor Gullichsen). The songwriting throughout the album displayed admirable creativity and craftsmanship, with songs centered around precision hooks yet unafraid to be adventurous and zigzag in unexpected ways elsewhere. This album rocked with conviction and a genuinely fiery spirit, something rare and worth cherishing.

3.  Månegarm – Ynglingaättens öde:

This album was at one point the leading contender for topping the album of the year list, having a brief head start on the two above it. Despite being bumped down a few spots, it is far and away my favorite traditional folk metal album of the past decade, and that’s saying a lot considering we’ve enjoyed a folk metal renaissance over the past few years. Although Månegarm had been putting out fairly solid records throughout the years with a few stumbles and missteps, they seem to have stuck upon a rich vein of inspiration here. These songs interweave gorgeous Scandinavian folk instrumentation with metallic elements so effortlessly that it gives the entire album a rustic, earthen, and organic feel that has proven so difficult for bands to achieve (so many who try often fall into traps of gimmickry and silliness). The glue that makes it all work is the absolute earnestness that comes through in these individual performances, both musically and vocally, with singer Erik Grawsiö’s work here at the top of the list. He seems to effortlessly glide from charcoal black metal grimness to a gruff melodic singing voice, with forays into beautifully deep, layered folky harmonies. There is a stellar cast of guest vocalists here as well, all bringing strikingly different tones to these songs, of particular note being Lea Grawsiö Lindström (Erik’s daughter) and past collaborator Ellinor Videfors, who both turn in star turns on their respective songs (Lea’s appearance on “En snara av guld” being one of my songs of the year). Martin Björklund’s violin work throughout the album is key to it’s sheer beauty in many moments, a honeyed counterpoint to the often ferocious metallic attack that sounds way louder than a three piece metal band should. So crucial is the interweaving of the violin parts that I’m considering Björklund as important as guitarist Markus Andé, who is also having a career moment here himself. I can’t fully express just how gratifying of a listen this album was, and how damn difficult it made sorting out this year’s best albums list along with the two troublemakers above. Sometimes albums end up on this list that I just don’t get back to very often as the years roll by, but I feel in my gut that this won’t be one of those.

(Also appears on: The Metal Pigeon’s Best Songs of 2022)

4.  Saor – Origins:

One of my most listened to albums of 2022, Saor’s Origins was the go to soundtrack for most of my summer when I wasn’t listening to you know, Judas Priest, Dokken, and Scorpions (ie summertime jams). Unlike the earthen warmth that permeated 2019’s Forgotten Paths and it’s more rootsy folk metal infusions, Saor’s singular member Andy Marshall expands his palette on Origins, incorporating not only specific Celtic instrumentation with bagpipes, but lush keyboard orchestrations that are cinematic in their arrangement. It’s fitting for an album that dreams of cloud streaked skies, winds rippling through mountains, and a sense of wide open spaces. What really surprised me was how spiritual this music felt, and how personal that feeling could still be when it was the near inverse of Forgotten Path’s inward looking feelings. Part of Marshall’s success in crafting his sound is his ability to create atmospheric folk metal that sounds naturally blended together — at no point do the folk elements seem forced or clumsily thrust in out of place. On “Aurora”, Marshall delivers an aching lead melody, these bent melodic lines that all of a sudden give way to a lonely bagpipe sounding solo that eventually reintroduces the lead guitar back with a melancholic counterpoint, the combination of which is one of the most epic things I’ve heard. I suspect the other big musical aspect of Origins’ success is the decision to scale back the purely atmospheric black metal in favor of a more mixed upfront, straight ahead metal guitar attack. The lack of waves of tremolo riff layering actually lends more space within the framework of these songs, allowing the folk elements to breathe more and incorporate into things a little easier. Atmospheric folk metal rarely sounds this cinematic and powerful at the same time, its a difficult balance to get right, but on Origins Marshall created an album that sets itself apart from the rest of the subgenre, and was easily one of the most beautiful albums of the year.

5.  Gladenfold – Nemesis:

One of just a few artists on this list that were completely new to me, Gladenfold came out of nowhere this year courtesy a random Spotify playlist placement and knocked me sideways. Their blend of keyboard heavy Finnish melodic death metal with generous swirls of Kamelot or classic era Sonata power metal has proven to be a revelation, and on Nemesis they’ve channeled this versatile, dynamic sound through incredibly assured songwriting. Alongside Xaor’s Rob Carson, Gladenfold vocalist Esko Itälä made the biggest impression on me this year for turning in a vocal performance that was not only surprising in it’s scope, but in just how well he was able to deliver all the varying facets of his vocal approach. Be it the gorgeous Roy Khan-ian rich smoothness of his singing on “Saraste” or “Where Mountains Mourn” where his deep, sonorous timbre created emotional swells that moved like gentle waves; or the sharpness of his melodeath growl on “Chiara’s Blessing” and “Revelations” that is a damn convincing blend of early Bodom era Alexi and Suidakra’s Arkadius Antonik and all shades in between. It’s rare to have a vocalist doing double duty on harshes and cleans where you’re satisfied at any particular moment — most of the time you find yourself wanting more of one style than the other. Itälä may have the most intriguing power metal voice to emerge in the last decade, because though I can sit here spitting out comparisons all day, the truth is that he really has a distinct tone all his own and I’m excited to see how he can develop it further. Not to ignore the band’s accomplishments as a whole however, because the performances here are incredible and the songwriting is masterfully crafted, full of depth and with intricate designs that build towards satisfying payoffs in hooks and musical refrains. This lushly layered album unfolded over a multitude of listens, as I was unable to escape it’s pull and kept returning to it again and again.

6.  Therion – Leviathan II:

The latest in the continuing trilogy of albums that are the closest thing to fan service you could possibly expect from a band that has made a career of doing things their own way (stubbornly at that), Leviathan II avoided being a let down in the wake of its stunningly awesome predecessor (and last year’s best albums list topper), instead living up to its promise of being a nod towards the band’s enchantingly softer, melancholic side. The rush of warm nostalgia that I get when listening through Leviathan II is something I have a hard time putting into words. If you loved albums such as Vovin and Deggial in the past and obsessed over them as hard as I did, you might be able to understand what I’m referring to. But its also the splash of gothic metal vibes that I get from tunes such as “Alchemy of the Soul” and “Lunar Colored Fields” that really hits me in the feels. It brings to mind forgotten bands from that mid to late 90s era when gothic and symphonic metal were budding seeds — and black shirt adorned Euro kids would huddle in tiny clubs with bad lighting and rickety stages and listen to music that made them feel like they were on a hillside full of flowers. The shining gem here is the best songs listee “Cavern Cold As Ice”, one of the most bright and beautiful uptempo Therion songs to date, recalling such disparate touchstones such as their old ABBA cover “Summernight City” and the title track of the Gothic Kabbalah album. That this album isn’t higher on the list, perhaps even at the top isn’t a slight against it’s quality, but more of a commentary on just how incredible the rest of the albums above it on the list were. I loved Leviathan II a great deal, perhaps just slightly under its predecessor where the band caught a little accidental inspiration by focusing more heavily on vocal melodies than ever before and created something truly fresh. This album by contrast revels in old school mid-late 90s nostalgia, and its for that reason that I love it to death.

(Also appears on: The Metal Pigeon’s Best Songs of 2022)

7.  Dawn of Destiny – Of Silence:

Dawn of Destiny just doesn’t know how to disappoint really, with all of their albums since 2014’s best albums listee F.E.A.R. landing somewhere in between very good and damn great. Their mix of gothic metal and hard rock with tinges of power metal hits a sweet spot for me that is put over the top by the pipes of vocalist Jeanette Scherff. But despite the band delivering strong records in all these years since F.E.A.R., this is the first time we’re seeing them return to the Best of list in nearly a decade, which means that Of Silence is truly a special record, not merely a great one. Truth be told it’s hard to tell what happened here to elevate things, because Scherff is as impressive as she’s ever been, but the secret might be in bassist/songwriter Jens Faber just feeling himself creatively these days. He put out another awesome record in his side project with Henning Basse in Legions of the Night, their second in the past year, and those along with Of Silence just prove that he should be considered one of the premier songwriters in the greater melodic metal world right now (he’s not of course, just like Scherff being an underrated and overlooked singer, Faber is rarely given the credit he’s due). This album has some of the band’s best ever tunes, the gorgeous best songs listee power ballad “Little Flower”, the thunderously heavy “Judas in Me” with it’s Accept-ian riffs and rhythmic swagger, and the breathlessly rushing epic “Say My Name”. Not a weak song on this tracklist and front to finish just incredibly strong songwriting — one of the most rewarding albums I had the pleasure of listening to all year.

(Also appears on: The Metal Pigeon’s Best Songs of 2022)

8.  Einvigi – Yö kulje kanssani:

It’s rare that atmo-black makes appearances on my year end lists, Alcest being the exception really, because most of the time I appreciate atmo-black for it’s pretty ear candy qualities alone, and rarely get into it on a more personal, emotional level. Finland’s Einvigi released an album this past April that was the exception to that, a record that was more concerned with expressing emotions on an intimate, personal scale rather than the grand sonic gestures of some of their contemporaries. What I loved the most about these songs was the emphasis on building them not around blasts of dissonant tremolo passages and heavily distorted fuzzy wash (there was plenty of it however), instead structuring them around looser, jangly guitar patterns reminiscent of alternative rock bands such as The Cranberries or Smashing Pumpkins. No kidding, there are times when I felt like this was what Siamese Dream might have sounded like if put through a black metal filter, with little splashes of Steven Street style production on it’s more clean guitar leaning moments. This was an album meant to be experienced together in one fell swoop, a thirty-eight minute emotional experience that struck chords of nostalgia, exuberance, sadness, and gratitude at varying moments. I’ll always associate this album with the first time I listened to it, taking an extended detour on a drive to the grocery store just to digest it all without interruption as a soundtrack to a bright sunny day. Points also need to be given to Einvigi here for crafting an atmo-black record that sounds nothing like their subgenre contemporaries from France or the USA, nor even the strains of Finnish black metal we’ve come to associate with certain influential bands from that country. They have a remarkably unique sound unto themselves, and here they wielded it not as a cudgel or battle axe, but like a paintbrush.

9.  Oceans of Slumber – Starlight and Ash:

This might be the biggest shock on this list, because I’ve been rather critical of Oceans of Slumber’s past few records, feeling like they were at times overwrought, overcooked, or even too heavy for their own good. The latter point is something the band themselves began to address on their previous album, scaling back their death/doom mode by several degrees and allowing vocalist Cammie Gilbert to take the reigns on a handful of songs, her vocal melodies leading the way. The band must’ve come to the same conclusion as me, because they’ve taken the musical seeds of those tracks and allowed them to bloom here in unexpected and satisfying ways. I wrote in my original review that this was the album I had always hoped Oceans of Slumber would make, but that it exceeded my expectations was something I’ll admit to not foreseeing. And the tag of “southern gothic” to describe the sound on Starlight and Ash is not only the most fitting descriptor for any record released this year, but really hits the nail on the head regarding what exactly is happening musically and texturally here. The album opener “The Waters Rising” is arranged with delicate piano and acoustic guitar lines, but a throbbing electronic pulse runs underneath, like the humming buzz of Houston’s streets and freeways. The sultry, jazzy R&B feel of the musical arrangements here are a complement to Gilbert’s vocal approach, which reminds me at times of Natalie Merchant and Tracey Thorn blended together — whereas in the past it’d seem like the music was fighting against her tonally. With the change in musical direction, Oceans tossed the progressive song lengths, trimming things down to more of a pop/rock format, a shrewd move that proved to keep things focused, concise and with the resulting aim to get to the emotional center of things quicker. It worked for me, this was one of those albums that really made me stop and pay attention and wonder in surprise.

(Also appears on: The Metal Pigeon’s Best Songs of 2022)

10.  Avatarium – Death, Where Is Your Sting:

I didn’t get a chance to review the newest Avatarium album at any point these past few months, but it ended up being one of my most revisited albums in the last quarter of the year for good reason. The band had started off on their debut with more of a doom metal sound back when Leif Edling was still in the band and ostensibly influencing their artistic direction, but since he left, the band has pursued a direction that owes more to 70s hard rock than say the utter darkness of Candlemass. That means brighter melodies, at times even major key anchored hooks and melodies — almost as if they’ve owned up to a hidden Fleetwood Mac obsession at times. The pair of albums that followed Edling’s departure were the band finding their way towards a sound that is fully realized on Death, Where Is Your Sting. This is their front to back first bonafide masterpiece, a smoky, crushed velvet draped hard rock record that smacks of vintage Whitesnake and Thunder with the unmistakable darkness of Black Sabbath and yes, hints of Candlemass. Vocalist Jennie-Ann Smith has been consistently great throughout her tenure with the band, but here she sounds liberated, her vocal melodies providing the melodic thrust throughout, as on the smoldering slow build of “Stockholm”, or the strangely uplifting title track. Her titanic belting performance on “God Is Silent” is Dio-esque in its raw power and yet precision control, she’s really just one of the strongest vocalists out there right now and hopefully will start getting the credit she richly deserves. More than anything, this album reminded me of what I loved and missed so much about hard rock all these years (a genre for which it was a lowkey strong year), particularly that when done right, it’s a direct connection to the gut in a way that metal sometimes can overcomplicate and miss that mark.

The Metal Pigeon’s Best of 2022 // Part One: The Songs

That time of the year again, and you know how this works, the Best of 2022 starts with the annual list of the ten best songs of the year, the ones that resonated with me throughout the year the most — either because they rocked the hardest, or they hit me in the feels the most. The initial nominee pool this year was running close to twenty songs, and to be honest, whittling down this list was pretty hard (though not nearly as hard as the albums list is proving, good grief). If there’s a theme running through the picks below, I think it’s largely that of the unexpected, those little elements of surprise that characterized each entry for either how they impacted me, or what the band was doing differently in relation to their own sound, or simply being unique gems all their own. Stay tuned for the albums list coming soon, and the big guest laden roundtable MSRcast year end episode where we’ll hash out 2022 at length and make sure you didn’t miss anything worthwhile!

1.   Xaon – “If I Had Wings” (from the album The Lethean)

On my first listen through Xaon’s The Lethean, I was already impressed by the time “If I Had Wings” appeared midway through the tracklist, but this was the singular moment that truly stunned me. A dramatic and articulate masterpiece of songwriting, one of those rare moments where a band’s grandiose artistic ambition is perfectly matched to their talent and ability to execute as musicians. I find this song so harmoniously perfect in it’s balance of shifting progressive metal elements, sweeping orchestral arrangements, and elegantly sculpted vocal melodies that it’s difficult to pinpoint a singular thing that I love about it more than any other. I will however point out vocalist Rob Carson’s sheer versatility, here encapsulated within this track’s five minutes and change run time, switching from an intensely manic melodeath scream, to a truly impressive clean voice reminiscent of a stronger, weightier Lars Nedland with a splash of Sebastian Levermann. And as you would expect from a track sitting atop this list, I loved the lyrical picture this track painted, particularly in that heartrending chorus, the song’s title acting as a poetic totem for yearning, anguish, and regret.

(Also appears on: The Metal Pigeon’s Best Albums of 2022)

2.   Dawn of Destiny – “Little Flower” (from the album Of Silence)

From the ever reliable Dawn of Destiny came this gorgeous gem, a power ballad built on an 80’s Heart-esque moody piano melody and lush synth fill that cascaded into a glorious refrain. There are two stars here, first the impassioned vocals of Jeanette Scherff, who is still outrageously underrated even after debuting with the band over a decade ago. Second is the inspired songwriting of bassist Jens Faber who has such a unique and identifiable style unto his own (so much so that I recognized his trademark way with melodies on the recent Legions of the Night release before even realizing it was one of his side projects). The lyrics he’s penned for the chorus here are anguished yet poignant, that shade of bittersweet that recalls hints of Sentenced or Charon. This song stayed with me throughout the year, one of those pieces of music that I’d get a yearning to listen to at random times and couldn’t shake until I did.

(Also appears on: The Metal Pigeon’s Best Albums of 2022)

3.   Avantasia – “Paper Plane” (from the album A Paranormal Evening with the Moonflower Society)

There are more obvious standouts on the recent Avantasia album, the two really excellent Floor Jansen cuts for example, or the epic Bob Catley duet on “The Moonflower Society” — and I’ve seen a lot of reviews dismiss “Paper Plane” outright for various reasons (reminding folks of “Lost In Space” might be at the top of that list). I’ll even admit that it took me quite a few listens to unlock the poignancy of this tucked away gem, but once I did, it became the muted, reserved highlight of an otherwise wildly outlandish and opulent album. Ronnie Atkins of Pretty Maids is the guest vocalist on this song, and I’m sure most of you know that Ronnie’s been facing stage four cancer (it returned after being treated a few years back). He’s been on tour with the band recently, and has been open about his diagnosis in the press, so he’s clearly living life to the fullest right now. But I suspect Tobias had all this in mind when penning these lyrics, because to give them to Ronnie just lends them this incredible emotional weight. The beautifully light on it’s feet melody that underscores his vocals just adds to the bittersweet resonance of a song that makes you feel grateful to be alive and sad all at once.

4.   Månegarm – “En snara av guld” (from the album Ynglingaättens öde)

This beautiful violin led lament was that moment on this April release by Sweden’s folk metal disciples Månegarm where I stopped dead in my tracks and just listened. I still remember that moment, and since then both this album and in particular this song have been part of my metallic soundtrack to 2022. As a piece of songwriting, this song is beautifully constructed: the Scandinavian folk musicality that flows through it and creates imaginatively rich drama; and the powerful dynamics created with the careful placement of gritty, thick riffing and vocalist Erik Grawsiö’s charcoal coated vocals. Erik’s daughter Lea Grawsiö Lindström handles lead vocals in the verses, her plaintive tone a perfect foil for his blackened grim tones. The dynamic transition that hits at the 1:56 mark is simply one of the greatest musical moments from this year, just pure ear candy. For a song about the grizzly topic of forced marriage and murderous revenge, this was one of the prettiest tunes I’d hear all year, and an example of everything I love about folk metal at it’s best.

(Also appears on: The Metal Pigeon’s Best Albums of 2022)

5.   Therion – “Cavern Cold As Ice” (from the album Leviathan II)

One of the fundamental aspects of Therion’s current Leviathan trilogy-in-progress project is that it’s a purposeful look back at different phases of the sounds regarded as “classic”. This second installment in the trilogy was focused on the band’s more softer, melancholic side that was a major component of their late 90s work, and though “Cavern Cold As Ice” is decidedly one of the more upbeat tunes on Leviathan II, it hit me the hardest and stayed with me the longest I suspect due to a heady dose of fervent nostalgia. There’s something truly charming and utterly endearing about the combination of jaunty orchestral rhythms and lithe but substantial vocals courtesy of Rosalía Sairem that really sent me back to that late 90s era. I can’t quite explain why, but I get such a retro gothic metal vibe from this song, reminding me of obscure stuff like Dreams of Sanity and Flowing Tears (anyone remember these bands?). This will likely be a pick that will leave some scratching their heads, and I can only justify it as my essential comfort listening, but this song makes me happy.

(Also appears on: The Metal Pigeon’s Best Albums of 2022)

6.   Oceans of Slumber – “The Waters Rising” (from the album Starlight And Ash)

The smokey, streetlight reflecting opener to Oceans of Slumber’s truly inspired Starlight And Ash, “The Waters Rising” is perhaps one of the band’s most fully realized compositions to date. It’s built on the simplest of piano figures, a hypnotic synth based rhythmic motif, and pulled together by vocalist Cammie Gilbert with a jaw droppingly confident and engaging performance. Her voice is at times equal parts Natalie Merchant, Tracey Thorn, and Shirley Manson, run through a blues filter that speaks to the band’s southern geographical roots here in Houston. This is one of the more wildly aggressive cuts on an otherwise far more smoldering album, the heavy guitars towards the latter half of the song being one of the few moments where the band really let rip. It’s easily the band’s most memorable (and by that virtue, marketable) song, and they were wise to video it up.

(Also appears on: The Metal Pigeon’s Best Albums of 2022)

7.   Planeswalker: Sozos Michael & Jason Ashcraft – “The Forever Serpent” (from the album Tales of Magic)

Plucked from the middle of one of the strongest power metal albums of the year, “The Forever Serpent” was one of the most enduring songs of the year, sticking with me all the way from it’s release way back in January. Guitarist Jason Ashcraft (he of Helion Prime notoriety) welds this thing together with some aggressive riffing, but he largely cedes the melodic territory to the tremendous vocals of Sozos Michael, who was easily the draw here for me. Grand, adventurous, rousing — all fitting adjectives for this slice of cliched power metal goodness packed with all the genre’s best tropes: the Johansson-esque keyboard solo dueling alongside Ashcraft’s leads, the dramatic mid-song bridge sequence with Sozos leading the way out of the darkness. Could anyone imagine a song about Magic: The Gathering being this exciting? I guess once Visigoth tackled D&D anything’s possible. Sozos is making waves now as the replacement for Thomas Winkler in Gloryhammer, and he’ll be far more well known for that than his brief stint with Helion Prime. But this brief detour of a project should receive more attention, because this was not the only awesome song to be heard on it.

8.   Sabaton – “Christmas Truce” (from the album The War to End All Wars)

The remarkable thing about “Christmas Truce” off Sabaton’s WWI continuation album The War to End All Wars was that I caught sight of even their most cynical critics (shoutout to the r/PowerMetal gang) giving it props. It was, as they said, Sabaton’s (and thus by extension, songwriter Joakim Broden’s) most matured and accomplished songwriting to date, not only for the incorporation of elegant keys and a choir vocal, but for Broden’s blunt yet effective lyrical portrait of one of the more surreal stories to have emerged from wartime. For those of us familiar with Savatage’s Dead Winter Dead and Trans-Siberian Orchestra, you can’t help but hear a massive influence pulled from that collective musical wellspring. But that’s alright, because in an unexpected twist, the internet and YouTube reactor community has deemed this a modern day Christmas classic. And that’s a weird thing to say about a song based on WWI, but when you hear Tommy Johansson’s downright festive guitar solo, it starts to make sense. Some will scoff at this inclusion, but no song in metal from an album released this year made people tear up as much as this one did, and it takes a skilled songwriter to accomplish that.

9.   Jani Liimatainen (ft. Tony Kakko) – “All Dreams Are Born To Die” (from the album My Father’s Son)

This collaboration between former bandmates hit like a bolt of lightning out of a clear blue sky, no warning, no prior indication that Jani and Tony were even on speaking terms these days (certainly there were no public signs of bad blood either, but the silence after Liimatainen left Sonata Arctica was deafening in it’s own way). It’s a slice of that classic early Sonata sound from those first three unimpeachable albums, a song from that era that was seemingly lost and found and injected with a little of that newfound Insomnium-esque Finnish melodeath riffage that is Liimatainen’s day job these days. The combination is pure magic, and it’s not just myself who felt this way — just check the comments on that YouTube video for proof, with one commenter stating it’s “The best Sonata Arctica song in two decades.”. I couldn’t agree more, and it’s regrettable that we only got this one song out of this reunion collab, but it could be just the nudge both guys needed to perhaps collaborate together on a full length project again. Tony needs a writer like Jani, and Jani deserves a vocalist of Tony’s caliber (perhaps on a future Cain’s Offering, or hell, let’s just say it outright, Jani rejoining Sonata at some point?). For now, “All Dreams Are Born To Die” was one of the most joyful and incredible songs of 2022, and that’s enough.

10.   Sumerlands – “Edge of the Knife” (from the album Dreamkiller)

This electric slice of classic 80s metal reimagined is one of the sharpest shivs off Dreamkiller, an album that can be described as somewhat of a rebirth for Sumerlands. I had gotten to see them live back in April at the Hells Heroes fest here in Houston and they delivered one of the most intense and engaging performances of the entire weekend. It was a great showcase for new vocalist Brendan Radigan, whose channeling of Randy Rhoads-era Ozzy with splashes of Klaus Meine and Don Dokken gave new attitude to the older songs from the debut album, and of course, have shaped the sound here on the new one. Across the rest of the album, there’s subtle complexity to the songwriting that is a direct conduit from the debut, but on “Edge of the Knife”, its all about no frills, straight to the heart rockin’. John Powers and Arthur Rizk spit out Priest-ian riffs and hit that gear shift into Schenker-Jabs Scorpions territory when the chorus kicks in. Probably the song I pulled up the most in my car when I needed to just rock the hell out these past few months.

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